Why don't you speak in tongues, Veeky Forums?
Why don't you speak in tongues, Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Speaking in any tongue
my aramaic is pretty good desu
>actually believing a Christian God
There's a God, but it certainly isn't Christian.
because I'm not retarded
*tips fedora*
Cuz talking like like a severely retarded infant doesn't bring anyone closer to God. It's romanticized fake nostalgia, pretending you have access to the ways of the ancient holiness.
Show me an entirely illiterate modern mongol nomad speaking perfect ancient greek after a sermon, then we will talk.
1 Corinthians 14:2 - For he that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth [him]; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
Mark 16:17 - And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Acts 2:4 - And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Literal Demonic posession
Babbling absolute nonsense =/= speaking a real foreign tongue. There's been linguistic studies that proved this shit is literal blathering.
As a serious Catholic I have to wonder if all the Pentecostals aren't just channeling some demon or black spirit. They stray so, so far from orthodox Christian thought, and then they do all this other crazy shit. I can definitely believe that supernatural things happen at their meetings, but... what fuels them?
>new language
It's all hyperactive expression of whatever sermon got your adrenaline flowing.
It's not an actual language, not to mention I would fucking love anyone to actually attempt to translate the babble consistently.
your charismatics are not much different
They're just babbling because they're caught up in a religious fever. It's a well known psychological event documented as far back as the Greek oracles.
Catholics can seem super rational until they start talking about how sleep paralysis is demonic possession or magic being real and then you're wondering what the fuck happened. Warlock magic isn't real guys calm the hell down. These people are stupid not possessed.
Our charismatics get rapped pretty hard on the knuckles if they stray too far from doctrine, though. That's the difference. That has always been, and will always be, the difference. For an organization that keeps track of a billion and a quarter, Rome runs a fairly tight ship.
>implying it isn't the language of angels
this. at least there's some semblance of containment of this shit. proddies have free reign
Oh, user, if you had any idea what terror--and what beauty--lurked just beyond your mundane daily routine.
u suk bitch fuq u
Because god isn't real and religion is a scam, you fucking moron
>oh no he posted the picture of the fat guy in the hat again
It's not a language at all, since all spoken languages have patterns a linguist can identify even if he knows no vocabulary. Your babbling doesn't have those, it's pure horseshit and mockery of God which makes me think it really is demonic.
yeah I prefer fedoraposters over religion apologists and actual Christians on a site like Veeky Forums
Daily reminder
Mark 16:17 - And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues
cast out devils
If you seriously think that passage has any relevance you're an idiot
Yeah someone ought to cast the devil out of you
because this is (or was) a place for outcasts, usually geeks and people you don't walk past every day. I can easily find millions of sites with Christian people with common beliefs. But Veeky Forums is supposed to be different. It was unique. It's supposed to be a place for people with different and unpopular opinions, not just white supremacists and Christians. Call me a neckbeard fedora tipper all you want, but right now where can I find a forum for people who share my ideas? Nowhere.
Well obviously one bible verse refutes the conclusion of vigorous scientific investigation.
muh secret club
>Catholics can seem super rational until they start talking about how sleep paralysis is demonic possession or magic being real and then you're wondering what the fuck happened.
I am not a Catholic anymore, but I remember priest talking about magic as being nonsense and that the Church is against that shit simply because it's just another wordily distraction like money, power or sex. I don't know what's the official stance though.
Blast off cuck, I live in a country with an atheist majority.
not a secret club asshat, just a place where I'm not reading the same retarded opinions from the same kinds of people
i only became religious after reading about christianity on Veeky Forums
i had never met a practising christian irl
>speaking in tongues means to babble incoherently
>actually means that anyone of any language can understand you
these cunts are beyond stupid
This is bait.
Why do you think so? Because I don't believe in a sexist wizard or because I explained what this site was all about?
> that anyone of any language can understand you
Please tell us more of how you've consistently translated tongues.
I'm not demon possessed
>Paul Dano slaying a Jew
Is that a talking heads concert?
I'm sure you'll find something in that cesspool reddit.