The wheel was probably developped by indo europeans.
Even of you're the author of this shotty copypasta, using copypastas is proof of lack of arguments.
>exactly what african did
To a certain extent. When people say "it was arabs" on the case of Mali, it's because it literally was arabs who migrated there.
I'll give you the nsibidi, frankly I've never heard of it.
Whether wheels are impractical is besides the point. The wheel is impractical in the arabian desert but arabs had knowledge of it.
>ur lyin reeee
As far as I know there is no proof that africans independtly developed iron smelting, just we don't know how they developed it thus for some unknonmwn reason (probably political correctness) we know assume that they developed it.
Your emphasis on "independently developed" shows how poor your arguments are. Sure Europeans didn't independently develop agriculture or writing, but they adapted it and made something even greater.
Africans are incapable of adapting, as is clear from watching the behavior of africans in western countries.
Now I've answered most of your bullshit arguments, your turn:
Why has every single IQ study ever conducted shown a black white IQ gap?
Why had no study ever found a high IQ black population?
Why do black populations of various different ethnic and cultural backgrounds who live in different continents, whether that be America, Europe or Australia, all exhibit the same social pathologies: very poor educational attainment, high crime rate, undesirable social behaviors (illigitemacy, degradation of property, etc.)
To put it succinctly: if blacks are really just as good as white and asians and their lagging behind historically is due to external factor, why the hell are they unable to adapt to modern civilization when introduced to it?
This will be my last post as I have to go, but I'd like you to think critically about these questions
>inb4 muh raycism