How the fuck is this fair?
How the fuck is this fair?
>trench warfare
>the states are the trenches
No it's a 1914 world map showing combatants in World War 1.
Colour the colonies, dependencies and dominions blue. See how it looks like then.
Don't start shit you'll inevitably whine about then.
Talk shit, get hit.
It isn't. Which is why Willy was fucking retarded for doing it.
>Colour the colonies, dependencies and dominions blue
Why? They were all in war with UK and France and they all fought on the side of the entente and they were all hostile to Germany and they all sent soldiers and contributed to the war effort. At the end of the day they were all, more or less, controlled by either the UK or France.
Bulgaria joined on the Austrian side in 1916 against Serbia mostly because they hated the fact that Serbs took Macedonia from them in 1913. They only participated on the Balkan front but they did fight until the end of the war since Balkan front was one of two successful fronts for the Central Powers where, by the end of the war, the Serbian army was fighting against Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian army in Greece with all of Serbia occupied and the government based on Corfu, a Greek island.
Right. Because it isn't as if the French expeditionary corps had to secure a bridge way through Thessaloniki to help the Serbians because Greece wouldn't let them through.
There's a German WW1 propaganda poster that points out the hypocrisy of the Entente powers claiming to be fighting against German aggression and imperialism when in fact they held most of the world in bondage.
So did Willy the mad waggler really start the war and was WW1 Germany's fault?
>hiding his hand beneath the other one
Was it Wilhelm's insecurity over his hand that led to him spazzing out against the French and Russians?
War isn't fair.
Both German leaders (Willy and Hitler) got increasingly erratic the longer the war progressed and the worse the situation got. Hitler at least had the excuse that he was on massive amount of hard drugs for second half of the war but Willy just sort of went nuts
Case in point
>England must...have the mask of Christian peaceableness torn publicly off her face...Our consuls in Turkey and India, agents, etc., must inflame the whole Mohammedan world to wild revolt against this hateful, lying, conscienceless people of hagglers; for if we are to be bled to death, at least England shall lose India.
>[I myself will] never acknowledge an Englishman again for the rest of [my] life, nor wear an English Order on [my] chest. The fellows must be brought to their knees
>Agreed, reject...This is the end of negotiations with America, once and for all! If Wilson wants war, let him provoke it and then have it.
>The battle is won, the English have been utterly defeated.
well that's oddly appropriate
Doesn't have to be fair. it was Germany and Austria's fault for starting a stupid war that killed and maimed millions, destroyed a whole generation of young people and had so many negative knock on effects I can't even be bothered listing them.
If this post was meant to be serious it is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on Veeky Forums and that's saying something. If it isn't, yes you triggered me hard.
all's fair in love and war
Rooster actually.
And it is appropriate in that the rooster is a proud animal, that lets out his sing at both and worst of times. Also, it's a humble choice that's been with the french for centuries. Or as we say in France, "le coq est le seul animal qui chante même quand il se trouve dans la merde." (the rooster is the only animal to still be singing even when in deep shit, which is emblematic of what France is: always arrogant :p).
I personally deem it a better choice than try-hard nations such as England bent on having a lion as emblem, or Germany with their eagles.
Roosters also surrender when a human shouts at them too loudly
World War 1 was a stupid war and it's all Wilhelm's fault.
It's a rooster/cock and it's France's national animal. It's even present on the football team's coat of arms.
Maybe, but he'd be back to singing the very following morning, which is what France tries to do too.
>inb4 Bush-era memes
Very well formed answer desu, good on you for not rage-responding
here have my duck
>What Germany demands: British WWI propaganda, tons of weird geographical claims.
>spazzing out at Russia
Thank you knowledgable poster.
I will cherish this duck till it fall on me to bestow it on some more worthy Veeky Forumstorian.
There was lots of that type of Entente propaganda about Germany's supposed demands. The thing is that they never actually formalized their demands so they didn't really know what they wanted. Hell, when given a chance they liberated Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine and saddled Russia with debt. Hardly taking over the world
Inb4 triggered Pakis Afghanis and persians
Shouldnt have adopted that Schlieffen plan
>perpetuating dumb american propaganda
France is, militarily speaking, the most successful country in Europe who has fought and won more wars than anyone else and who had maintained military dominance on the continent from the time og Merovignians to Napoleon.
Actually, according to:
Europe alone isn't THAT far from the truth. In fact on the East - Ober Ost covered quite large part of that territory.
no duck for you
>what they wanted.
Landmass-wise, the germans were never hungry for much. Most of the war for them intended on inflicting on Russia a defeat too resolute for Russia to ever be able to surpass them as an industrial power (which is why Von Moltke insisted on now making the war happen as soon as it did, for fear that Russia would only grow if left unscathed) and quietening french nationalism by humiliating them again.
So I don't think they were that greedy for land. Most of it was about shattering their enemies, which objectively is what all countries hoped for. Here are the supposed french plans for a peace treaty.
Germans were fucking retards I swear
pretty damn kawaii with the bison and the lions
>>England must...have the mask of Christian peaceableness torn publicly off her face...Our consuls in Turkey and India, agents, etc., must inflame the whole Mohammedan world to wild revolt against this hateful, lying, conscienceless people of hagglers; for if we are to be bled to death, at least England shall lose India.
only reason england was relevant was because it had india.
supposed germany propaganda dropped on us
Schlieffen plan itself was perfectly sound its the execution and the diplomacy leading up to the war (Germans shouldn't have allowed themselves to be surrounded by enemies or to commit the blunders thry did leading up to the war. Because the Schlieffen plan was a one front plan. They did initially try to execute it by pretending the Eastern front didn't exist and putting as few troops there as they could get away with but even that (about 20 divisions) was enough to screw up the rapid assault that was envisioned anx to be halted by the English and the French.
>The Septemberprogramm was a list of goals for Germany to achieve in the war.
>France should cede some northern territory, such as the iron-ore mines at Briey and a coastal strip running from Dunkirk to Boulogne-sur-Mer, to Belgium or Germany.
>France should pay a war indemnity of 10 billion German Marks, with further payments to cover veterans' funds and to pay off all of Germany's existing national debt. This would prevent French rearmament, make the French economy dependent on Germany, and end trade between France and the British Empire.
>France will partially disarm by demolishing its northern forts.
>Belgium should be annexed to Germany or, preferably, become a "vassal state", which should cede eastern parts and possibly Antwerp to Germany and give Germany military and naval bases.
>Luxembourg should become a member state of the German Empire.
Why do germans whine about the Versailles treaty when they would've inflicted a far harsher fate on the Entente had they been victorious?
the belgian demands are reasonable desu.
Its such a non country.
>those city names
Germans confirmed for memelords.
The only german parts in Belgium are the regions of Eupen-Malmedy, but Ross were only annexed in 1918. While Germany could through some technicalities name themselves the rightful propietors of the "german" Flemish part of Belgium, it still doesn't make any sense that they should annex all of it when the other half is culturally and linguistically french.
Mind you that 1914 ambitions and 1918 ambitions were completely different.
In 1914 all sides thought the war would last few month, maybe a year. They wouldn't spend much money on it, economy would be largely the same as pre-war etc. etc. By 1917 or 1918 it was completely different thing and as such the demands were different.
French for example initially thought of Alsace-Lorraine and maybe some colonies but as the time went by your pic related became a thing.
Poor fucking bohemia
what kind of fucking rock did the krout live under to possibly think the outcome would be anything other than it was?
they would probably make it a client state.
>halted by the English and the French.
Lets not forget the part played by the brave Belgians in all this. I've only listened to the Hardcore History series on WW1 (highly recommend it for entertainment purposes), but Belgium came off pretty well in it.
>fighting has yet to start
>germany suddenly moves a bazillion heavily armed troops and giant artillery pieces into tiny defenceless belgium, saying:
>"let us come through your country to outflank france and we'll be nice. but try to stop us and we'll burn it all down and kill everyone."
>belgians immediately destroy all of their own bridges, tunnels and roads and fortify the castles and bunkers
What would've happened if Belgium had sided with Germany? Would the Germans have gotten through to France in time to catch them with their pants down and steamrolled through their armies behind the French defenses?
Would France/England have invaded Belgium and given them a thrashing?
Germany also had colonies. They tried to take Morocco from the French which lead th UK to ally with them. Germans were just both incompetent and hypocrites.
>>belgians immediately destroy all of their own bridges, tunnels and roads and fortify the castles and bunkers
Not forgetting that they flooded their own countryside for it to be unmaneuverable for the advancing germans.
I'm French and I don't think that anyone here has forgotten, with King Albert being ritualistically remembered as a hero, not like his fuckwit son Leopold III.
what if usa swapped sides, did the central powers than stand a chance, would the world still be at war?
Goebbels was very good at propaganda
>Schlieffen plan itself was perfectly sound
It fucking wasn't. Schlieffen "cheated" because he at one point he magically places one additional army on the field, despite the fact that it was logistically impossible considering the strain on roads and railroads already caused by other armies. Even then, it assumed that all those roads and railroads fall into German hands undamaged and immediately ready for use.
Schlieffen's plan was either thought exercise which showed that the invasion of France through Belgium was actually unfeasible or it was just autistic game of moving chips through the map.
talk shit, get hit
"Germany declared war on the whole world and lost, this is obviously the Jewish people's fault"
the memes are real..
>Oulu is somehow the only Finnish city to be featured on this map
How is this fair?
Good to know Americans were still known in Europe as just silly cowboys in wide brimmed hats even a century ago.
damn I wish the international zone would've gone through. imagine all the cool concepts such a zone would produce
Why would that be bad?
>London on the Potomac
>King Edward City
>Anglo Mongolian Ocean
>Lake Winston Churchill
>Japanese Protectorate of Mexico
my sides
That doesnt look too bad, if these german states (including Silesia, Austria and Bohemia) would form some sort of german confederation.
I would change the stupid border of Greater Austria by giving up the german-speaking parts of Bohemia; and unify Holstein and Westphalia into one state; and of course France annexing the Palatinate and Saarland is questionable but then I guess in that scenario it has won the war on its own to impose their vision of a post-war germany
Shit like this makes it embarrassing to be American.
>implying those are Americans
The Eternal Anglo has hated France a lot longer than that, m8.
I'm actually Romanian
That's even worse, especially in a ww1 thread. You make general Berthelot sad, user.
>start shit
>get hit
The french were our enemies in ww2 ,as were the rest of the "allied" invaders
Why does he have manboobs?
Because only like 5 of these green countries actually did shit
Now if you want an unfair war, pic related
Why did Denmark help France?
The other European Kingdoms should have done more to defeat the Revolution.
You were part of the Little Entente up until 1939 too, you know. You were practically France's lapdog.
Well it was the King vs Venizelos
Denmark was neutral for most of the war but sided with France at the very end (1801) because of British aggression
>During the French Revolutionary Wars Denmark–Norway at first tried to stay neutral, so it could continue its trade with both France and the United Kingdom, but when it entered the League of Armed Neutrality, the British considered it a hostile action, and attacked Copenhagen in 1801 and again in 1807.
>The British attack on Danish neutrality effectively forced the Dano-Norwegians into an alliance with Napoleon, and Denmark–Norway allied itself with France.
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
...same thing?
Like only 5 of these blue countries actually did shit.
Fucking Frenchniggers on Veeky Forums take your nationalism back in .
Relevant allied countries that ctually did shit in WW1:
France, Britain, Russia, USA
Relevant allied countries that ctually did shit in French Revolutionary Wars:
Britain, Russia, HRE, Prussia, Sain, Ottoman Empire
Now keep in mind that Germany in WW1 was the most industrialized and militaristic country of the world, while Revolutionary France was a crippled nation in a state of civil war
If you suck at diplomacy and grand strategy you will get wars like this.
If you allow authoritarians with fevered egos to run your country in an industrial age you get wars like this
Wasn't WW1 basically a family feud?
>Remember that time you stole my bratwurst at the family reunion 30 years ago? Now I kill your heir.
The rhineland is a very important region for germany culturally wise, no way that would have been accepted for long.
>HRE (no france) G
>Nazi (half france) G
>EU (france) G
Yeah yeah, very interesting
But how is IT fair
fuck i forgot solutrean... clovis?
also celts = greek mix, gaul = rome mix, difference.
Where the hell is Austria in that Revolutionary Wars list (or do you count them as HRE?)- Or the Dutch Republic?
Furthermore, I would at least name Switzerland, Sardinia-Piedmont, Portugal and the KIngdom of Naples in that list because while the may not have been the most relevant countries out there, they did their fair bit of fighting-
>Star an unfair war
>Complain it is unfair
Fucking krauts.
>Germany also had colonies
Yeah, you know, that's why the propaganda called it "hypocrisy"
>ally invades one tiny shit country
>entire world declares war on Germany
>this is somehow Germany's fault
t. Perfidious albion.
To be fair, Americans a century ago WERE cowboys with silly hats.
Don't be retarded OP. Austria-Hungary vs Serbia wasn't fair. The Axis simply kick started a chain of alliances that they didn't predict would form together.
Only in the west.
>the Axis
Jesus Christ
>w-why are you actually honoring your mutual defence treaties?!
>this is all your fault!
t. Hun
if you take the colonies out of the pics it does not seems so unfair
>the axis
And if Serbs hadn't chimped out and killed Franz Ferdinand none of this shit would have happened. They could have had at least complied with Austria's inquiry after they had murdered Austrian heit.
you'll surender if a thing ten time your height shouted a you i also assume you never watched a rooster in an actual fight and also WHO give a fuck about what is your emblem
Weak ass England vs the strongest and the 2nd strongest european countries