Can we blame him for everything that's wrong with the world today?
Can we blame him for everything that's wrong with the world today?
Other urls found in this thread:
>supported Lenin
>tried to get Mexico to annex chunks of the US
>allied with the Turks
>shat on everything Bismarck carefully built
That guy was the cunt to end all cunts.
I genuinely, unironically believe he was a high functioning autist.
So, Hillary Clinton?
Pretty awful too but nowhere close to Willy (yet).
>died in 1941
Do you think he liked Donald Duck?
That's the problem with monarchy, autists like Willy can get into power with nobody to stop them.
We can blame all of you.
"The European Union is neither European, nor a Union"
>Hungary or Bulgaria should suffer for Spanish and British colonialism
You mean the places refugees just pass through? Don't kid yourselves, Eastern Europe, you're the same third world crapholes.
God, the way Eastern Europeans victimize themselves over a largely Western European phenomenon is a fucking study on pretentiousness.
Hungary is part of Central Europe. Also countries such as Romania do have to take in "refugees". While fewer then countries like Hermany, it is still a burden on the countries of Europe which they do not deserve.
You do realize the EU had the refugee quotas that planned to redistribute the refugees to all countries? It doesn't fucking matter where the refugees themselves wanted to go, stop talking about things you have no clue about.
>third world
Compared to your shitholes, Abdul, they might as well be Switzerland.
Not him, but damn, you stormfags resort to the same fallacies every time.
>"he's using logic to dismiss my totally baseless western european victimhood and contradictory nationalism!"
>"better call him a muslim, that will definitely win the argument."
But you are a muslim.
>calling Hungary third world is "logic"
And good job not replying to these:
>They [Jews] belong to the Coloured Races and not the European White Race...which they intend to enervate, subjugate and destroy!
>Letter to George Sylvester Viereck (21 April 1926)
>Press, Jews & Mosquitoes...are a nuisance that humanity must get rid of in some way or another. I believe the best would be gas?
>Letter to Poultney Bigelow (15 August 1927)
he was a prophet
>calling Hungary third world is "logic"
I was not referring to that. I was referring to his previous argument, which was excellent. Western Europeans bitch and moan like the spoiled brats they are once the problems they deliberately and consciously ignored come to bite them in the ass.
You could have protested the bombings of Libya and Syria, the arming of Wahhabi militants, etc. but instead Western Europeans chose to stay in their state of ignorance bliss. Now refugees and terrorists are at your doors and you all whine like babies as if you aren't responsible for this. And when someone sheds light on this inconvenient truth, you all say "muh mudslimes! muh islam is a death pedo cult!". It just goes to show how lazy Western Europeans are, and how they expect others to clean up their messes.
Don't want to have to accept refugees? Don't join the EU.
As far as I know accepting refugees is not one of the Copenhagen criteria. Moreover the Schengen treaty puts a special emphasis on border protection yet when the Eastern countries ENFORCED THE EU LAWS by not letting in illegals they got called nazi and fascist by the EU brass, this is fucking retarded.
The EU was suppose to be made as an economic union and not a political one. No one at the time would've imagined that it would do stuff like forcing quotas to accept foreign people on member states.
But western Europeans are the ones who are cheering the rapefugee invasion, they're collectively headfucked. It's the eastern Europeans who oppose it.
After his resignation cutting and sawing wood was his favorite pastime. I doubt he cared about cartoons.
Man, I`m shedding some tears here. You said it better than I ever could. These fucking stormfags are just as hypocritical are those who they criticize
Blast off, Ahmed.
You do realize you're advocating punishing the son for the sins of the father right? I mean, I know you're used to Shariah law, what with your mother getting stoned for being the whore she is, but we in the West don't believe in such barbaric laws
When you join the EU, you imply that you're ready to obey the European Council's orders. If you don't want that, then don't join. It's simple, and one ought to consider what freedoms their state will lose before joining an entity like the EU.
>But western Europeans are the ones who are cheering the rapefugee invasion
Take a trip to /pol/, it's a different story.
Dumb fucking retard, you do know nearly all of them joined before they knew a horde of barbarians was coming their way?
And when countries want to leave the EU because of this, you cucks throw a fit and call for the end of democracy (see: Brexit)
You retarded. You can't refute anything that others say and just reply like a smug asshole. Also if you think that /pol/ represents the entirety of a nation you're extra retarded. As if a few a single board on Veeky Forums represents hundreds of millions of Western Europeans.
>You do realize you're advocating punishing the son for the sins of the father right?
I never mentioned "the father". I mentioned happenings that have been occurring since 2011 that Europeans knew about but chose to ignore. This refugee crisis is a direct result of these happenings and the lack of a response from Europeans.
>"muh muslims! ur a muslim if you disagree with me!"
Just stop. Wahhabism benefits the West, and the West has directly benefitted Wahhabism. Secularists were killed and acted against by Western powers and their clients, while Wahhabists were given arms and funding.
Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya were strongholds of secular thought until Western countries chimped out because they weren't getting their way.
>you do know nearly all of them joined before they knew a horde of barbarians was coming their way?
You do know countries agree to a loss of freedom when they join the EU?
Also, you're the retard if you think I'm against secession. If anything, my arguments have provided ample reasons as to why states should not join the EU.
Only yes you did, dumbass, 2011 was 5 years ago, people that were teens then are adults now and those that were kids then are teens now; not to mention all the problems refugee bring with them.
>Secularists were killed and acted against by Western powers and their clients, while Wahhabists were given arms and funding.
Oh please, don't act like Muslims are completely innocent. The Western government offered them the poisoned cup, sure, but they gladly drank from it
OK, let me rephrase it in ways your puny mind can conceptualize
>agree to marry someone
>agree to not work anymore and be a stay at home mom
>everything's fine
>a few years later he's a pill popping alcoholic
>he starts beating you and raping you
>have no financial safety net if you leave
And then you chime in with DURR YOU AGREED TO THIS
>high functioning
>Take a trip to /pol/
This is what happens when shutin permavirgins like you have no real contact with the outside world, they come to believe an obscure imageboard on a Vietnamese claymation bulletin board represents a country well. I swear there's even a proper name for this psychological phenomenon but I'm not arsed to look it up.
>When you join the EU, you imply that you're ready to obey the European Council's orders.
t. someone who hasn't read the Maastricht treaty
You only THINK you know how EU is supposed to operate despite never actually reading any of the laws and realizing the EU is currently violating their own legal code.
>people that were teens then are adults now
So? Can teens not create social media accounts, organize rallies, raise awareness, etc.? Can people not research the histories of Libya and Syria?
Again, you prove the laziness of Western Europeans.
>The Western government offered them the poisoned cup, sure, but they gladly drank from it
You know nothing. A plethora of states and groups opposed to the West have arose. Western intervention destroyed many of these states, and many groups were forced to adopt Machiavellian strategy.
Also, collectively judging a population of around a billion people is foolish. A sunni in Indonesia is entirely different from an Ibadi in Oman.
>A sunni in Indonesia is entirely different from an Ibadi in Oman.
Pretty sure both have brown eyes which is the only thing that matters.
>Also, collectively judging a population of around a billion people is foolish.
When they give you a book that they say is their archetype of the ideal man? No, no it isn't. The only thing that separates them is willingness to follow their book, and willingness to conveniently deny parts of it.
>contract stating that you give up freedoms and swear fealty to an arbitrary group that doesn't really give a shit about your wellbeing
>don't read anything in the contract and sign just because you want money
>years later whine like a bitch and complain that it wasn't your fault
This is a more accurate example. Responsibility seems to be a foreign concept to Europeans.
>an arbitrary group of politicians breaks their own rules when it favors them
Gee, it's like this has never happened in history.
What, you expect twelve year olds and younger to go out and protest? And what about the even younger kids? Are three year olds supposed to have a comprehensive knowledge of geopolitics ?
The truth; I think you're doing this because you're a Western European that was severely bullied, and now want to revenge yourself; no other reason someone would want innocents to pay for the sins of ignorance of their forefathers
>contract stating that you give up freedoms and swear fealty to an arbitrary group that doesn't really give a shit about your wellbeing
Literally where does the EU ever say that?
If they knew that they were supposed to do with smelly shits like yourself Ahmed, I'm sure they wouldn't have signed.
I fucking laughed when Hungary built that fence
If a holy book is shared by populaces, does that mean Nestorian Christians and Southern Baptists are basically the same people?
Also, this proves you know nothing of Islam. Ibadis carry very different beliefs from Sunnis. Furthermore, you have other denominations like the Shia and Sufis and even more subgroups within those. This proves my point, judging all muslims collectively is foolish.
>you're either an adult, a twelve year old, or a three year old
There is (was) a plentiful population of teenagers who have the mental capacity to run a protest campaign. Hell, the few protestors against NATO bombings in Europe were descendants of immigrants and they were in the exact aforementioned age group. And that's not even mentioning the adults who had full knowledge of what was happening and the perfect ability to start campaigns.
Europeans have no excuse.
>"yeah w-well you were just b-bullied!"
>Literally where does the EU ever say that?
Considering the EU has its own parliament which makes laws for the states within the EU, it's heavily implied.
>If a holy book is shared by populaces, does that mean Nestorian Christians and Southern Baptists are basically the same people?
I'll remind you the Baptists are Protestants, and the protestants have messed with the bible a fair bit.
And yes, Nestorian Christians and Baptists are close enough that I would wager you would see similar behaviours in the devout
Who gives a fuck about the Ibadis. The Sunni are the largest branch. They're the ones that have what we call the Quran and Hadiths in the forms I am referencing.
Fuck off with your fringe heresies. Now THIS would be like comparing Arian Christians with Chalcedonian ones.
And yes, Shia are the only ones you could argue for.
I was right, wasn't I?
Anyway, yes the adults are guilty of allowing the politicians to rope them in, but your advocacy of punishing their completely innocent children is where I know that this is personal for you
Financing the rise of Bolshevism in the former Russian Empire sure was a good idea.This is what happens when you allow a badly cured cripple with a Napoleon complex to take in the reigns of one of the most powerful countries in early 20th century history.
Actually, we're second world crap-holes that have rebuilt their countries all by themselves, without relying on the immense wealth and financial investment of a rising super power.
Don't kid yourself, the only reason why you're in that state development is thanks to the European Recovery Program, mainly the Marshall's Plan.
Where are you from ?
No, but you believe that sucking American cock for nearly a century for her to keep pumping ridiculous amounts of money into your countries can somehow give you the right to look down on the part of Europe that had to resort to it's own means to repair the damage done,(even though we've lost 84% of our material property in the wake of the German invasion).
>And yes, Nestorian Christians and Baptists are close enough that I would wager you would see similar behaviours in the devout
So people who believe Adam and Eve hung out with dinosaurs are almost the same as people who believe in the divine duality of Jesus?
You're grasping at straws on this one.
>The Sunni are the largest branch.
And even then, they have multiple subgroups. Plus, different areas permit different cultural aspects to sync with Islam. For example, Central Asians believe wife kidnappings are permitted by Islam, even when numerous fatwas have been issued against it. Muslims in India have more mystical beliefs, as elements of Hinduism have synced with Islam.
Again, it's foolish to collectively judge Islam (along with any other religion).
>if you expect us to take responsibility for anything you are advocating for child punishment
Wow, are Europeans the new Americans?
>xD If I take his argument and completely 100% corrupt it I win
50 posts later and this a thread about the refugee crisis thanks /pol/
Lol okay dude, it's not like you equated people raising awareness about NATO bombings to forcing kids to stand in the streets.
>So people who believe Adam and Eve hung out with dinosaurs are almost the same as people who believe in the divine duality of Jesus?
You do have a point there, but then again, that has been a point of disunity.
There are things that Islam doesn't have such fractures in.
No, what I said was that while the adults (and older teenagers) did indeed screw the pooch, their children shouldn't pay for it
It was either this or another German hate thread.
Most the people bitching, however, are the ones who had the ability to protest. And the younger generation which is now grown up can still protest, as NATO is still conducting airstrikes against """ISIS targets""" and funding """moderate rebels""" while also giving Saudi Arabia billions in revenue per year. Yet instead of protesting against these things, they go on a Taiwanese aborigine reparations forum and complain about "muh fookin moslem rapefugees is takin over europe! le duce vult maymay :D:D".
>bruh they aren't fighting ISIS they're shelling muh innocent muslims
>also you can't protest two things at once, you must concentrate on the bombings and not the rapists at home
Time to lay off the crack pipe
who cares about shitskins though
The bombing is what creates the refugees. After all, refugees from Iraq and Syria were almost unheard of until the West got involved. Also, it was the NATO intervention in Libya that destroyed the government, allowing Sub-Saharan refugees to use Libya as a means to get to Europe.
But fuck logic and analyzation right? Let's just complain about muh mudslimes instead of getting down to the core root of the problem and then solving it. After all, we can't be expected to do anything ourselves.