Why does everyone hate him?
Why does everyone hate him?
Charlie Chaplin is a beloved American icon
I kek'd
he was a heroe
Is it because he's black?
What an obtuse faggot
Also, that stupid hipster mustache
Ewige Deutsche ruining things as usual.
Because he failed
There just ignoran :/
He ruined nationalism for us and wanted to kill the cultures of cute little peoples such as sorbs and tcechs.
He was responsible for a lot of suffering
he made swastikas uncool forever
That was the shit in the 30s though.
Wew, he used to be fucking fat lol
Goebbels used to be slim too. It was a weird time.
Way to rip off my Lenin thread
I'm with you you stinking bolshevik
you forgot that
He found out one old weird trick to capture France in just 6 weeks - the french HATE him!
He lost