This guy shits on both atheist and christians.
This guy shits on both atheist and christians
>pagan larpers
Varg go to bed
Thanks for your great argument!
Why doesn't he treat the Christian God as he treats his own Pagan gods?
If he was born Jewish would he be a Christian or a Jew?
"Atheists are wrong"
Which of the atheistic claims are wrong?
(hint: no)
And Veeky Forums shits on atheists and pagans
Vargs is such an interesting character
>Grew up in a small mountain village
>went to school with like one other student
>Holds Neo-pagan white nationalist views
>Became part of the black metal movement in Norway which btw he thinks is just nigger music
>Burned down churches
>Stabbed his communist counterpart, dindu nuffin
>Does blogs about how to survive the apocalypse
>Into role playing
He's like mix of /pol/, Veeky Forums, /k/ and maybe something else.
there are religions that were not invented by Middle-eastern Jews 2000 years ago.
Some of them may have merit.
>>went to school with like one other student
no he didn't, he's said in an interview that he and his classmates would bully other kids because they weren't Norwegian.
Atheists claim the ownership of knowledge
>unironically basing your spirituality off the opinions of a murderer
>dats right goys and girls
>We wuz Nordics n shiet
Claiming that someone else doesn't 'own' knowledge isn't the same as claiming to 'own' knowledge.
I don't think ownership is even an applicable concept to knowledge.
Varg is a loon who shits in a bucket
He should try topping his early works, new ones are mediocre at best.
Yeah, fucking pagan LARPing neckbeards, amirite? Deus vult, brother!
>atheists falsify scientific evidence
Does this faggot even have one shred of evidence to back that up? No.
Opinion discarded.
Vag is a faggot
I don't know the origin of Runic script, but if it developed after the Romans/Catholics spread it then it's very much possible that it's another extension of the Phoenician script. But definitely not Hebrew.
Also weak b8 tbqh, the Pei is flipped and the nun is either in its suffix form or either it's a different letter all together (vav).
t. Hebrew speaker
It is an extension of Phoenecian (going through old Italo-Roman runes) and for that matter, so is Hebrew (going through Aramaic if I recall correctly). The reason they look similar is they both come from the same source, not because Futhark comes from Hebrew.
You do know that Germanic tribes were sacrificing people in that fashion long before they had any contact with Christians, right?
It's not like Yeshua was the first person to have ever been crucified.
>mfw this guy actually believes that Christianity invented agricultural livestyle
>mfw this guy actually wants humanity to go back to be collectors and hunters
I hate young me for liking this retard.
so a complete and utter nut case in other words
>the jew god is fake
Why? Where are the arguments?
>pagan gods aren't fake
Why? Where are the arguments?
>using "scientific" as an insult
Oh, Varg, you third grade metalhead you. Why haven't you stabbed yourself in the back 50 times in self defense yet?