Anymore like this?
Historical music? Not much for heavy metal but my god this song works. Delete the thread if you want if it's not allowed, not reposting to /mu/.
Anymore like this?
Historical music? Not much for heavy metal but my god this song works. Delete the thread if you want if it's not allowed, not reposting to /mu/.
Vox Vulgaris is based
That's actually really cool, thanks. Anymore Violin stuff? I want to keep it aligned with history though, thanks.
>Violin stuff?
>aligned with history
dam how did Avatar do so well overseas?
though honestly it was better than New Star Wars.
Chinese market.
It's the reason Cameron is making like 3 sequels to it.
>It's the reason Cameron is making like 3 sequels to it.
taking him fucking long enough
>it was better than New Star Wars
Stop before I vomit.
Anyway the reason films like avatar do so well overseas is because a lot of these markets, predominantly china, have such shitty native film industries that the visual spectacle that Hollywood can provide is unmatched. They know that, and that's why they buy into foreign films so much.
Hence why the dreadful warcraft movie is doing so well in China currently while it's bombing here in the states.
3D gimmick.
>Stop before I vomit.
Says the pleb who legitimately liked a glib facsimile of the original
>taking him fucking long enough
You know he wanted to make Avatar about 20 years a go? The tech simply wasn't available to do what he wanted.
Avatar is objectively better than a carbon copy remake.
Fuck off cartoon autists.
The new star wars was trash. Please go kill yourself
Star Wars is literally 1:1 the original, it is in no way unique, at all.
It's the safest reboot imaginable the only way you can argue is if you have no idea about cinema and are a simple
>arguing pop movies
eh. Let's just agree to disagree.
Any Samisen?
it was significantly better than New Star Wars
>redditors STILL shilling this "le Avatar wuz bad" meme
Avatar is fucking awful and its fans bleed reddit when they cut themselves because they can't be blue furries. Gouge out your eyes and never watch a movie again.
You know the only people to hold this viewpoint are the ones who were born before they could see Avatar in cinema, i.e. probably underage.
Yeah Avatar is a terrible 'movie'. Holy fucking shit I would be lying If I said I didn't see it three times in the first day I saw it.
It's a CGI marvel, it revolutionized the CGI scene. It did 3D 'correct'.
Literally the only way you cannot see it is if you didn't see it happen, which wasn't THAT long a go.
Why did you respond to my post by continuing to talk about Star Wars? I'm the one posting on topic itt (about MUSIC) you fucking idiot.
it wasn't terrible, its worst crime was a simple plot but that's hardly an awful thing, especially for a brand new IP. it was a solid story, an interesting world, and all well put together.
its no worse than New Hope was.
now instead we have a billion rehashes and sequels, the king shit of them all being Star Wars into Darkness 2: A New Hope
That sounds like utter shite.