Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
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So did the Inquisition really kill almost no one or are there just a lot of Catholic shills on this board?
Le ebil inquisition is a bigger misconception than the "dark ages" and "slaves built the pyramids"
they killed some people, but it was pretty small, especially for a prosecuting institution of it's size, and a lot of it was tied to some pretty nasty crimes in the modern sense of the word.
So, they ain't the dindu-nuffins some people try to present them as, but it wasn't the " Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of burning heretics" terror fest protestant, then enlightenment propaganda tried to present them as.
Not to mention they made attempts at fair trials.
Forced confessions were thrown out.
And despite what the propaganda says, went out of their way to educate superstitious peasants into realizing witches don't real and it's heresy to believe in them anyway like a pagan fuck
They were pretty much the only group in history that got Jews to actually and unironically convert to Christianity. I think it was something like 500,000 or 800,000 jews. That's a monumental achievement considering how fucking autistic jews historically are about not integrating into society
>Veeky Forums formatting
Wait, who built the pyramids? Just regular workers?
Historians know the Inquisition was never an all-powerful gestapo - but it was a deeply oppressive and intolerant organisation with lots of blood on its hands, and whilst the popes were often unenthusiastic about it, it lasted for over 300 years and the papacy was most reluctant to abolish it.
Sorry, but your attempt to defend the Inquisition fails
>Veeky Forums
>it was a deeply oppressive and intolerant organisation
Not particularly
>whilst the popes were often unenthusiastic about it, it lasted for over 300 years and the papacy was most reluctant to abolish it.
I see you've been watching your Family Guy
Christians are retarded
Hey altar boy go back to church where father McCarthy can molest you again and tell you the Catholics dindu nothin
Stop projecting your masturbatory fantasies onto others, m8.
People like a good show and they provided a good one. Inquisition went on tour actually.
Also thereĀ“s nothing a spaniard likes better than sticking his nose in his fellow man private life.
Pretty much, yeah. It was basically an alternative to paying taxes.
They recently found coins in workers houses near the pyramids, meaning they were probably paid.
The Spanish Inquisition was just a meme created by paranoid protestants.
>Not particularly
The history of the Inquisition is far longer and more widespread than that of the Spanish Inquisition.
The Templars in France were subjected to the rack; the strappado, which wrenched the arms from their sockets (sometimes weights were hung on the feet or, as in the case of Brother Gerard du Passage, on the genitals, to increase the shock); the application of fire. Peter Brocart said his torturers were "completely drunk". The feet of Father Bernard Vado, Templar priest, of Albi, were roasted so severely that some of the bones fell out: he held them up at his trial.
Interesting to see that Catholics are learning from their Muslim counterparts how to be apologists for acts of terror.
Inquisition didn't kill very many people because there weren't very many non-Catholics to kill. Spaniards were extremely extremely successful in purging Iberia from all its Muslims and Jews and leaving on Catholics and genuinely converted Muslims or Jews behind (they knew they were genuinely converted because they were carefully watched and they sent out patrols to see if they were praying or eating pork or if they had any Muslim/Jewish symbols in their homes).
>muh inquisition was committed in self-defense against Jews and Muslims living in Catholic lands
>muh atrocities committed by Catholics were either legally justified or committed by rogue Catholics who don't represent the true church. However the entirety of the Protestant movement bears responsibility for every atrocity committed by any single denomination at any single point in time
>>muh inquisition was committed in self-defense against Jews and Muslims living in Catholic lands
Yes? Muslims invaded, occupied, raped and pillaged Iberia since 711 AD that's well known and established.
Guess that justifies Catholic revenge against Muslim civilians still living in Spain in the 16th century
Of course. Integrate or die.
I'll take the latter for 200, Alex
>they knew they were genuinely converted because they were carefully watched and they sent out patrols to see if they were praying or eating pork or if they had any Muslim/Jewish symbols in their homes
Forced conversion under supervised watch is what you call "genuinely converted"?
>Forced conversion under supervised watch is what you call "genuinely converted"?
"Genuinely converted" doesn't say anything about whether it was forced or not only that they didn't return to their old ways afterwards.
That doesn't show that their beliefs changed, only that they weren't willing to be a martyr
The controlled and observed part does. Also the fact that there are no native Muslims or Jews in Spain prior to the mass immigration nonsense of last few decades also shows it was successful. Even if they continued secretly believing in that their children did not.
>the spanish inquisition was not that bad
>hurr durr look at what the french inqusition did
Oh look it's le
>lets judge historical a peoples with modern morals
Well first off the inquistors rarely tortured and granted quick deaths. These inquisitors were university trained and some rulers actually thought they were too lenient.
They also kept extensive records that you can look up yourselves and they were nothing like the propaganda depicted them to be.
They also had an extensive court procedure that was considered very sophisticated for the time. The accused could even get a lawyer and defend himself and tortured confessions was thrown out of these appeals because the inquisitors were extremely doubtful that torture was an effective method of getting the truth.
I think you need to stop looking a protestant propaganda because this shit is old news and has been debunked time and time again. You can literally just go to wikipedia to see how many were accused and how many were actually executed it they rarely executed anybody.
The Inquisition came about because Catholics were upset about the South Western corner of France where a sort of rival church was rising up (the Albigensian heresy)where the population werent tortured,they were just killed or bonfired.
Its always amusing to read the desperate re-writing of history with the intention of absolving the Church of its complicity in atrocious behaviour.