Can we get a good recommended reading thread? I'm looking for good books about World War 1, especially fronts other than the Western Front.
If anyone is interested in a good Vietnam War book, pic related is quite interesting.
Can we get a good recommended reading thread? I'm looking for good books about World War 1, especially fronts other than the Western Front.
If anyone is interested in a good Vietnam War book, pic related is quite interesting.
Other urls found in this thread:
OP, have you already read Guns of August?
Yeah, I thought it was a good read. Got any others?
The Sleepwalkers by Chris Clark is also good.
Thanks, I'll put that in the list. Any others?
Sean McMeekin's The Berlin-Baghdad Express is a good read for German politicking in the Middle East/Ottoman Empire before the outbreak of WW1. It also covers why the German attempts at getting a Jihad started failed.
James Barr's Setting the Desert On Fire is a good account of T. E. Lawrence's war in Arabia, and covers the origins of the Arab Revolt in some detail.
>It also covers why the German attempts at getting a Jihad started failed.
I thought the Sultan declared jihad when the Ottomans entered the war.
>James Barr's Setting the Desert On Fire is a good account of T. E. Lawrence's war in Arabia, and covers the origins of the Arab Revolt in some detail.
Thanks user!
Isnt there a Veeky Forums recommended books list?
I didn't see one in the sticky. Is there a pastebin?
The history of what led to WW1 is as if not more, interesting than the war itself. Dreadnought by Robert Massie is very detailed and thorough. I have not read The Sleepwalkers by Chris Clark but it covers much of the same time period.
>The history of what led to WW1 is as if not more, interesting than the war itself
Agreed. All of the politicking, imperialism, and colonialism is just surreal. Dreadnought is going in the reading list too. Thanks user.
Thank you guys, that is really detailed stuff!
Is peace to end all peace a good book ?
If you're looking for details on Sykes-Picot and why the ME is so fucked, then absolutely. It's very thorough.
Yes it is what I wanted .thank m8
NP m80. Try The Fall of the Ottomans, it portrays the other side as well.
Any good books on the Yugoslav Wars?
Susan Woodward - Balkan Tragedy is the best I can think of. I can look up more if you want.
Thanks again recently gained interest in the middle east situation
Ditto. It's pretty fascinating how a few leaders managed to reshape an entire region with echoes still being felt a century later.
Got a bunch of stuff on my mega, mostly mil history though
Thanks, I know next to nothing about the topic so it will be enough to get me started. Im very cautious when reading such recent history and dont want to waste my time just reading propaganda.
Good, Woodward is about as nonpartial as you can get.
Although it is the Western Front, I recommend The Price of Glory: Verdun by Alistair Horne
I'll take it. Thanks
Fuck your alt-left bullshit reading list.
Bump for Franco- Prussian war material
Base author, based books and based York the Fork Wartenburg.
Destroying most of the Caligula memes and it also teaches us how to work with senatorial historiography. It also has very fluent writing. Read it, it's cheap.
Not exactly about the wars but Todorova is based as fuck:
Although a fictional account, I recommend La Débâcle by Émile Zola as it has a historical basis, and is a classic.
>the Debacle
Sounds optimistic
I love how slow this thread is. Probably because it's about books and not about whether the mongols could have been the Zulu-nation or some shit.
Everyone's either off reading, or telling people what to read next. That makes for a very mellow thread.
People are too busy on the Hitler threads
I am fine with both desu
I'm fine with it too since the thread will probably last a couple of days now.
>Veeky Forums
Any good books on the general history of China?
Oh it is.
Books on Royal Navy during first half of XX century?
Looking rather for something like Kaigun. Book with emphasis on tactics, weaponry and technology.
Anyone read Battle for Spain, about the Spanish Civil War?
I'm trying to find a very good book on the war, not something too brief and cursory.
Any suggestions?
Er is een eland losse aboot het huis te doden voordat het van de baby eet .
I love and hate Veeky Forums book threads, my reading list grows by another 10 books at least every time and I despair
Any good books on Papal/Catholic History?
Any good books on pre-19th century Russia/the Tsars?
That just looks really depressing.
Just read Adam Hochschild's Spain in Our Hearts about the american volunteers in the spanish civil war. got really invested in all the soldiers, was almost in tears by the end. Hochschild is a huge lefty tho, so be forewarned
Anyone got any books on the Republic of Rome? Or on Ancient to Modern Japan?
Luttwak's Coup d'Etat is a solid read on how to coup and where and why they happen.
The Legends and Myths of Hawai'i is pretty based. It's written by Hawai'ian King Kalakaua, which is pretty fucking cool. How many books do you have that are written by kings?
Anyone have anything good on Rhodesia or post-genocide Rwanda? I feel like reading about an African state with a hyper competent military.
A History of Zimbabwe
Anyone know any books about traditional, folk, or world music? Basically what I'm looking for is something about any music that is older than 150~ years and isn't formal classical music.
Not my subject but I'd rather post how I would search than posting nothing:
Same for you:
This seems good:
Medieval Russia, 980-1584
Martin, Janet. - Cambridge (2007)
What is folk to you and where?
I don't really know. Basically I want to read about the music people were writing and playing in any and all parts of the world before the industrial revolution to as far back as it goes (excluding classical since it's well documented and I already have reading and listening material for that). If I've misused the term "folk" or any other term then that will be my ignorance showing, which is why I want to read up. Thanks for that further reading list, I'll be looking through it now.
Collision of Empires: The War on the Eastern Front in 1914
For anyone that wants to read relatively recent speculation on Hoplige warfare, try A Storm of Spears by Christopher Matthew.
Even if you find his conclusions retarded (I don't) his book is titled after a Sophacles quote, which is bad ass.
Spanish Cockpit: An Eyewitness Account of the Spanish Civil War
Wilson by Berg.
Polybius - The Histories - Book Six
Can anyone recommend so stuff on Charlemenge/the Frankish Empire?
The Great Game by peter Hopkirk.
1800s era cold war between Great Britain and Imperial Russia over a race to discover and counter each other in previously unknown central Asia.
The way its written is really gripping stuff
Check out my war gone by I miss it so, less of a historical piece though, more about a photojournalist's experiences in Sarajevo and Bosnia.
Look up dreadnought
I've read it. Best book I've read on the topic. Particularly how it explains all the parties on both sides of the war.
If anyone wants to read about Russia during WW1 in English, you'll be hard pressed to do much better than this.
Thanks. Anyone have any on the other fronts? I'm really looking in particular for the action in the Pacific, e.g. the seizure of the German islands, New Guinea, von Spee, and Tsingtao.
I live in New Zealand and I've yet to see a book on the Pacific in WW1. Though Samoa is often mentioned.
Sorry I can't help more.
Thanks anyway NZbro. I've always been interested in the unknown fronts of WW1.
No problem m8, tt's a shame much of the war outside Europe is poorly explored by writers.
This desu
How many pages can you read a day Veeky Forums?
How often does it take you to read the average History book?
Any tips on how to read faster?
I cannot recommend this book enough. Started out as required reading for my Vietnam War history course, but once I started I couldn't wait to read more.
Even managed to somehow track down and interview one of the soldiers whom the book mentioned was from my hometown for my final paper.
I have been enjoying this book just got it anyone else read it? What is your opinion.
I am huge tard with phone
>How many pages can you read a day Veeky Forums?
Depending on the book, probably up into the rage of 200 pages, but that's an extreme case and only when I have loads of time on my hands (e.g. At the beach)
>How often does it take you to read the average History book?
I stop and start new ones all the time, picked it up from my dad I guess, so I personally don't have any answer for that.
>Any tips on how to read faster?
Well your primary focus should be on comprehension, but if you want to read faster, putting a marker underneath the words you're reading (e.g. A pen, or your finger) has been shown to help. Other than that however, reading fast isn't essentially something you *need*, though I understand why it would be preferable.
My pick for must read is The Civil War: A Narrative, by the GOAT of all Civil War historians, Shelby Foote.
Any recs on celtic mythology/celts in general?
Also, have anybody here read pic related?
Just curious if the translation is any good.
What was the focus of the book, or was it just Nam in general?
Give me details user. What is it about?
I feel you :(
Btw and are great for pirated epubs and pdfs for historical texts is great for cheap books
One half of the narrative follows the various men within the 28th Infantry regiment, spending some time talking about their past and their lives back home, along with their time initially fighting and then the infamous ambush that saw 61 of them killed.
The second narrative follows the lives of students, faculty, and residents of Madison, Wisconsin before, during, and after the Dow Chemical protests.
That's an incredibly simple synopsis of it all. The book is huge and it follows the lives of many more different people and events than I mention. Hell, the guy I interviewed was literally only mention in the book once or twice, but I digress, Madison and the 28th are the two main pillars of the story.
Obviously the Sea People fucking up the Ancient World
A Thousand Hills.
Covers the whole Huti/Tutsi deal, the genocide, the Congo Wars and how Rwanda recovered to what it is today. For my liking it sucked the dick of Kagame a bit too much and is whitewashing tutsi crimes in Congo, but its still a great book-
Thanks. I'll add that to my book list.
I understand.
Looking for a book on Imperial Germany.
Anything specific or just Imperial Germany in general?
Anything is good. General or specific, I just want to learn more.
Will give (You)s for book recs.