From the middle ages to the 19th century how did Christian scholars rationalize the extreme gayness of the Greeks?
From the middle ages to the 19th century how did Christian scholars rationalize the extreme gayness of the Greeks?
>i-i-t's platonic.
just don't acknowledge it and it's not a problem.
They did not cherry pick the same 3 quotes and 2 vases over and over
They could also tell the different between gay pedophiles and historians, something which the most educated liberal has a lot of trouble doing.
So can anyone explain to me why so many western artists draw such disgusting noses?
Hellas wasn't the only ancient culture to practice pederasty.
stop posting disgusting tumblrshit
Because chinks draw tiny chink noses and don't care about ethnic appearance.
literally Tumblr
>yet another "ancient people were gay" thread
Was the word "platonic" created by enlightenment scholars who couldn't come to terms with the fact that their raging philosophers were raging homosexuals?
>dodging the question
Homosexual relations were rather common during the Renaissance, though. In fact in 1432, the city of Florence had to establish a judiciary panel known as the "Office of the Night" which, over a period of 70 years, charged 17,000 men (out of 40,000 people) with accusations of sodomy.
Like the ancient Europeans, there was no true homosexual identity, rather the masculine "giver" and the feminine "taker". Whilst sodomising young boys around 14-22 was considered fairly regular amongst some men, to continue with this practice, or even receiving sodomy as an older man, was highly taboo.
Part of this comes from the fact that women were highly sheltered in Renaissance Italian culture and hidden from view, within the home.
Of course, it's very difficult to place these ideas of the modern homosexual sub culture onto this period as the homosexual identity that we know today really only began to appear in the 1830's.
>denying Alexander The Great
found the fag
>India - whose civilization goes back thousands of years prior to Year 1 AD - know of homosexuality
>even referenced in their Kama Sutra text
>"hurr gayness is against nature"
have heard people claiming homos appeared only in very recent history because of communism, baka
enlightenment era academics liked to paint everything pre-Enlightenment-era as barbaric, kinda like how feminists claim that women were raped 24/7 in groups, all over the planet systematically (patriarchy), or denied physical labor, prior to the suffragettes "enlightening" society via violence
because thisbut let me ellaborate: These people are part of a counter culture that rejects anything too close to "perfection" in art because they see it as a self-hating practice to perpetuate those idealized standards, as they are imposed on them by what they consider part of an amorphous blob of everything and everyone they're afraid would judge them poorly for being fruity, limp-wristed ninnies, while in reality it's their own deeply rooted values and ideas they can't cope, being projected on others. You know what they call that like.
instead they seek to glorify, legitimize and impose 'alternative beauty' by making a point of adding horrifically unpleasant things like massive reddened noses(more or less a direct lashing against anime no-noses), round, weak jaws, beady, slanted eyes, short height and legs and sunspots, warts, freckles and even diceases like vitiligio as mere cosmetic fashion items, to figures, characters and contexts that would warrant fantastic, idealized beauty.
>tfw probably Tumblr casted Idris Elba as heimdall in Thor
nothing against him as an actor but everything has its time and place (casting a dark skinned man as "the whitest of the gods" in Norse religion only to piss westerners of is douche behaviour. Why am I reminded of Ghostbusters2016?)
I don't think it was done to piss people off. Branagh often does it for like no reason other than casting actors he likes. He once cast Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington as brothers
>He doesn't want some deliciously pure Hellenic BP
What are you Thracian or something?
Greeks weren't really that gay
t. Oliver Stone
This essentially
They said it was about education and the appreciation of beauty rather than sex
Define "Greek"
I am Greek
tl;dr : butthurt only creates more butthurt.
the history of mankind is basically a butthurt cascade. Probably a literal one, even, in Freud's view.
i-i think vitiligo can be kinda cool looking tbqh family
ancient greeks were fags because they hated women so much.
they really despised women
They didn't know about it.
It took fucking Gemistus Pletho, the last Greek Pagan known by name, to bring Plato back to the West. Before Pletho gave Plato to the Medici's, Plato was just one of the many Great Lost Works of Rome.
When the Italians learned that Plato/Socrates were really fucking gay they immediately tried to cover it up via translations and saying there was a hidden deeper meaning to "Then the wind blew his chiton folds away and I saw his delicious abs and popped a chubby, but lo, I restrained myself, just as the lion must restrain itself from gobbling up the gazelle's delicious boipucci".
When Rome fell, a lot of it was literally lost. Monks writing over mathematical treatises, parchment burnt for fuel, so on and so forth.
>look I posted it again!
What do the reddened joints symbolize? Some antiquarian disease?
Ignored it I imagine.
>homos appeared only in very recent history because of communism
Da fuck?
Historical homophobia is overhyped
Just because laws exist doesn't mean they are actively enforced
Historians or people with an agenda just see paper laws and assume gays had it bad
It's also laziness, see also how historical change is always ascribed to military conquest instead of not being lazy and looking at the economic factors
so then... are you denying that pederasty was a huge widespread phenomenon in ancient Greece?
yeah men are pretty fucking gay even in modern times. all these 'no homo' faux touching of penises and butts is just an socially acceptable out of homosexual expression among youth males.
most laws aren't actively enforced. laws are only enforced if the community you participate in really really hates you.
they were unenlightened pagans
>Tumblr art
Gout probably.
Plato already stared hating on physical gay love user.
Actually, red joints are pretty common, stylistically. Monkey see monkey do. Japs even do it, just with a little more restraint.
Tumblr goes overboard sometimes because they're just shitty beginner artists.
Reddened body parts is supposed to represent blood vessels as a young, cute trait, like rosy cheeks except in the fucking shoulders for some reason
Is that a trap or no?
does it matter?
Of course not, but I genuinely can't tell on this one.
technically you can't tell with any anime character until you see their genitals
Good point.
>tfw you'll never have a qt eronemos to smash
That's a girl you fucking faggot
It's a 100% certified real grill. A very plain girl to be exact.
What show is she from?
>That picture
Artist related
Spartans didn't.
Spartan women were quite manly, that's why the fags loved them. That and they gave birth to more men.
>how did Christian scholars rationalize the extreme gayness of the Greeks?
they were pagans who didn't know better, duh.
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
what the fuck is wrong with freckles
Why do we have pederasty threads everyday, you all a bunch of fruits or somethin'?
N-No, we swear!