What is the Kaba?
Who built it and when?
Is the Black Stone really a meteor "from Heaven"?
What is the Kaba?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What is the Kaba?
A hollow granite cube
>Who built it and when?
Arab pagans, fucking ages ago
>Is the Black Stone really a meteor "from Heaven"?
Are those pigeons enemies of Islam for desecrating their holy rock?
If we destroy that cube, would it kill Islam?
>bunch of insane tribal retards worshipping a mysterious object from space
Islam is literally Lovecraftian. Fuck that demonic shit.
Wahhabites actually want to destroy that cube for a long time. There's a theory that the Saudi Dynasty wants to blow that shit up but at the same time they don't because they want to keep their income from pilgrimages.
Its just an old pagan holy site that got absorbed into the new dominant monotheism. Exactly like what catholicism did all over europe
That makes it actually sound cool as fuck.
Wahhabists think it count as an idol dont they?
Most muds aren't wahhabists
Haha this pic is hilarous after reading this
Truly the most retarded religion...
If you're a 17 year old numale reading cracked.com maybe.
>What is the Kaba?
The holiest site in Islam, it's technically a Mosque.
>Who built it and when?
It's older than Islam, legend says Abraham, realistically probably some time after Christ but before Muhammad, say 300AD? It was used to house all the Gods of the Arabs, there was 360
>Is the Black Stone really a meteor "from Heaven"?
Kind off. It is from a meteor impact, but it's not actually meteor. The impact turns the surrounding sand into glass, solid black hard glass, which is what the stone is.
They'll be smote to the 14th layer of jahannah, alhamdulillah
It would be extremely painful.
you're a big terrorist
It was once a shrine where pagan arabs gathered to bark at the moon once a year. Muhammed created haj from this. Thats why the crescent moon is so integral in islam, Allah is literally the metamorphosis of Semetic religions and arab paganism
Nah, it's been destroyed a few times. Some terrorists even nicked the stone a few decades ago.
Ah so we have a true alpha internet crusader here
So let's sum it up:
>Israelite faith + Babylonian bullshit = Judaism
>Judaism + Greco-Roman bullshit = Christianity
>Christianity + Judaism + Arab bullshit = Islam
>you're a crusader LARPer if you don't think Lovecraftian monsters are "cool"
Blast it out your ass nerd
>crescent moon
those arent a thing before turkic invasion, the muslim symbol back then was a pure black/green flag
But all the Abrahamic religions are like that. You've got angels that are burning wheels within wheels covered in eyes, and a God who is his own father and sacrificed himself to himself to save us from his own wrath.
It's where Abraham imprisoned Ishtar so that the Jews could live in the Holy Land without suffering her constant persecutions, but she possessed Mohammed and created Islam to bring darkness back into the world once more.
For you
Lmao. Absolutely retarded.
They're. They're worse than YE Creationists.
The Byzantines had a flag which depicted a crescent moon
That explains why they are turning the place into a hideous religious disnepland, basically defacing it by making it as kitsch as possible
most importantly when do we nuke it
>someone criticizes islam
>some neckbeard magically appeaers: "b-b-but chirstianitys didt dshis one thing tahst was really badf once!! xd"
>Supposedly the most holy site of this religion
>A place that all muslims who are able must one day make the pilgrimage to
>The saudis are building a horrible ugly CASINO right next to it
>With their name written in huge letters on the top
>Right next to their holiest site
>I mean right there
>You can see it being built in OP's image
How the fuck is this NOT sacrilegious? How are muslims just ok with this?
>I Don't Understand Theology: The Post
Saudis own Islam.
gambling isn't illegal in the quran
how big should the "holy radius" be where there can be nothing?
fuck off idiot
>gambling isn't illegal in the quran
Gambling IS forbbiden in Islam. Also, building a huge building with your name can be considered pride and vanity, which by the way is a sin.
>how big should the "holy radius" be where there can be nothing?
Maybe eye view from inside that plaza the kaaba is? And it is not meant to have nothing, just nothing so sinful as a huge casino with your huge name written right on top of it?
>fuck off idiot
Quality posting.
OP aside, every poster in the thread pointed out that there was nothing miraculous going on, you know.
Also Islam does have its equivalent of YE creationists (beside creationists themselves) like those who believe there is a big fissure in the moon from the time Muhammad allegedly split in two or something.
Honestly the worst thing for me about the casino isn't that it's a great description of Islam (corporate greed with a cheap facade of spirituality over it), it's that it's fucking ugly.
can you provide a pic?
>Israelite faith + Babylonian bullshit = Judaism
So Judaism + Babylonian bs = Judaism?
There's the Abraj-al-Bait, which is a hotel, not a casino, but it's still fucking ugly and built right over the Kaaba.
It was also built by destroying several historical sites.
mang that´s some ugly as fuck architecture
the only retarded person was the OP. dont get why this makes islam retarded
Israelite religion and Judaism are two different things. All Jews were Israelites but not all Israelites were Jews, you might think of them as a breakaway tribal group that created their separate sect in Babylonian captivity thanks to Babylonian and Persian influences.
Damn, this place is next to an absolute slum on Google maps. That must be infuriating for the poor.
>someone makes a comparison between two major sandcoon based monotheistic religions
It's a half of moon that fell down when Mohammed cut it in half.
Holy shit, this thing is a fucking Vegas-tier monstrosity
The Saudi family will pay for this crime when revolution comes
>It was also built by destroying several historical sites.
Fuck arabs.
>How are muslims just ok with this?
They're not.
However they couldnt be assed since Islam isnt a unified force.
An Ottoman period fort.
Saudis hate them anyway.
>be a Saudi
>fucking pilgrims not bringing in enough money to the country
>decide to build a big ass hotel to squeeze more money out of the fucking peasants
>now where should we put this thing?
>how about we have it towering over the holiest site in our religion?
>now let's just demolish this Islamic heritage site that's in the way
>hmm, that's still not shitty enough
>I know, let's erect four smaller towers around the hotel, two on both sides so it looks like a giant middle finger facing the Kaaba
so it looks like a giant middle finger facing the Kaaba
Fuck, I don't have enough keks for it
I bet allah loves the fact that his shrine is now permanently cast in the shadow of some megahotel
>An Ottoman period fort.
Nothing of value was lost.
Yeah, but they gave it a coffee table, so back the fuck off, Bin Baz
That's nothing compared to whatever ballsy bastard did this
>In 1674, according to Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, someone smeared the Black Stone with excrement so that "every one who kissed it retired with a sullied beard". The Shi'ite Persians were suspected of being responsible and were the target of curses from other Muslims for centuries afterwards, though explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton doubted that they were the culprits; he attributed the act to "some Jew or Greek, who risked his life to gratify a furious bigotry."
As I recall its total destruction is technically a sign of the end times in Islam, however it's been damaged multiple times throughout history - including having to ransom the black stone back, so long as the stones still around they'd just rebuild.
Islam is a chill religion filled with retards. Christianity is a retarded religion (which used to be) filled with sane people.
It was a shrine built in the old Arab-Semite cube style by some Hedjazi rebel in the late 7th century who began to equate it with the unknown holy place in the Quran in order to subvert the growing political influence of Damascus, and which the Umayyads and their successors co-opted ever since.
>Sir Richard Francis Burton doubted that they were the culprits; he attributed the act to "some Jew or Greek, who risked his life to gratify a furious bigotry."
He actually did it, the absolute madman!
This!! Word of wisdom coming from user
>chill religion
You don't get to take the acts of the faithful and then say they aren't being faithful.
Pretty sure that the pic is fake.
>>now let's just demolish this Islamic heritage site that's in the way
Ottoman heritage site.
>chill religion
Not a christian but by their fruits you shall judge them seemed always like a wise take on it.
Most Muslims probably cringe at the state of Mecca. But Arab culture is a about pride. Mix that in with oil money and you get shit like this.
Theres a Hadith that says Arabs racing to build towers will be a sign of the end times. Ironic really.