Why church was against reading the Bible, makes no sense for me

Why church was against reading the Bible, makes no sense for me.

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Leads to confusion and riots and eventually loss of life
It's for their own protection

Is the papacy legitimised in the bible?

Look what happened when the peasants started reading it, 10000 protestant denominations popped up

It was beneficial to the church for the clergy to monopolize the message. Ensuring that the message is only distributed by clergymen also ensures that people don't start creating rival interpretations that challenge the authority of the church - which obviously eventually happened.

I do think that it helped cohesion. Protestantism splintered fast with rival interpretations.

>And I tell you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld will not prevail against it. I shall give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.

Protestant may, ironically, stand quite united as long as it has a state to persecute rival Churches with.
That's what happened in Sweden.

because literacy is not required for salvation, and salvation is basically what the Church is for. Reading the Bible is a secondary Christian pursuit.


The catholic church is against the idea of salvation through the individual. Salvation can only be found through the one true church.

With that in mind, trying to interpret the bible yourself, without training in how to properly do so, leads only to hell.

And, as we can see in the thirty years war, which majorly harmed the power of the Holy Roman Emperor, which is what allowed Napoleon to waltz through Europe and his soldiers to spread the message of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, which led to the current mess, they're only right.

God blessed protestant Sweden during the 30 years of war. There's no other explanation. The military achievements during this time were phenomenal. It shouldn't have triumphed, but it did.

"Upon THIS rock I will build my church" referenced Christ himself.

Catholicism is heretical to the core. It's outright satanic and needs to be purged from the planet.

Because they wanted to control the religion, lots of the shit they did went against what was written in the bible so the catholic church only released some parts of the bible to the peasants. Our Boy Martin Luther said fuck that though and started handing bibles out to everyone once the printing press became a thing

The only one that blessed Sweden was Satan, as the lords of the HRE rebelled against the Emperor that God set above them, just as he had rebelled against the Lord himself.

Protestants are all heretics and need to meet the fate of heretics to prepare this world for the second coming.
Pic very strongly related.

>"Upon THIS rock I will build my church" referenced Christ himself.

That's not true at all. It's clearly talking about Peter, who gets that very name in that very verse. And Peter literally means "rock."

It's also rather significant that there's a name-change at all, since God typically only changes someone's name if they're integral to his long-term plans, as he did with Abraham and Jacob/Israel.

Interpretations are dangerous

Because the more you read the Bible, the more you go against the Church doctrine, and against Christianity in general.

ESPECIALLY the Old Testament.

For the same reason books on nuclear physics and h-bomb engineering are restricted to professionals.

Just imagine the educational level of the average user 500 years ago and then some faggots telling them to read the Bible and feel entitled to interpret it as they want.

And that's how you end up with mormons and shit.

Gods church is a spiritual church, and his bible is a spiritual book.

The papacy has blasphemed in calling the Pope the Vicar of Christ,the Vatican in the middle ages killed anyone who didn't agree with them.

Its hate to kill the truth.

Peter's sucessor(s) as having a certain respect is.

The idea of papal supremacy (vs. simply primus inter pares status) is not.

The main reason is that when you give someone a book that they believe to be the word of God, and then let them read it with absolutely no knowledge of its origins and significance, they make a lot of stupid assumptions that lead to them making stupid decisions. The idea was to protect them from themselves, and it really isn't a bad one.

>against Christianity in general.
>ESPECIALLY the Old Testament.

That's the Jewish part. The old testament is pretty much entirely the Jewish origins story combined with instructions on how to live a good Jewy life, and advice on things like good Jewish governance. It is included in the Christian bible as a sort of historical record of where the religion came from.

>The military achievements during this time were phenomenal.
It was just a brilliant commander adopting Dutch ideas and improving them further, and French funding him.
It was no miracle, and most of Swedish troops weren't even Swedes, but Germans, Scots and so on.

The Jewish part, where you supposedly had prophets in direct contact with God preaching doctrines that are diametrically opposed to later doctrine, such as the possibility of living by the Mosiatic Covenant, or how the whole sin and redemption thing works.

> It is included in the Christian bible as a sort of historical record of where the religion came from.

And that's one of the biggest problems. Unless you're willing to believe that (remember, omnibenevolent) God lied to literally millions of people about how to save your soul, then you can't just shrug off the "Jew" portions of the Bible as irrelevant trivia.

Catholicism was a way of preserving Roman paganism, while the bible is very anti-paganism. Actually reading the holy text lead to Protestantism, which takes the religion seriously and thus completely misses the point.

only american fundamental proddies care about the OT
even most modern jews don't take it too literally

Ah yes, just like he blessed the Mohammedan invasions.

>Unless you're willing to believe that (remember, omnibenevolent) God lied to literally millions of people about how to save your soul, then you can't just shrug off the "Jew" portions of the Bible as irrelevant trivia.

What, you think God wrote the bible?
That it descended from the heavens fully formed?
Look at this man, everyone, and laugh at him.

This, pretty obvious actually. Also it's not like there were many people that could have read it outside of monasteries even if they could have afforded an illuminated manuscripted copy.

to curb degeneracy

to stop literal retards forming their own heresies

like the 150000 protestant denominations

>using military success as proof of divine intervention when it benefits you
Neger snälla

The book you literally worship was compiled by the same Catholic Church you defame.

how do orthodox christians have bibles then

are they really reading the catholic bible

The bible was compiled well before the schism.


See the difference is they don't call us whores and literally Satan and still remember that there existed Christians before Martin Luther came along.

so they ARE reading the catholic bible

The bible compiled by the original Catholic church is the default Christian bible, and it is the same one that just about every doctrine of Christian faith uses.

so the priests in constantinople were actually catholic priests?

you're kind of thick, aren't you?

Here, read.

your both fucking retarded for claiming the entire church was 'a Catholic church' when the bible was compiled, because that's exactly what your claiming

Please enlighten us then, great teacher.

We're talking about a religious Christian perspective user. I might not and you might not and the scholarly consensus might not be so, but Christian doctrine asserts that the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy WERE handed down by God, and most of the rest of the Old Testament was at least divinely inspired.

>claiming the entire church was 'a Catholic church' when the bible was compiled

No, it was literally the Catholic Church. In any and all singular tenses.

>Christian doctrine asserts that the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy WERE handed down by God
Whose? The Baptists?
The men who believe the Earth is 10,000 years old despite demonstrable evidence to the contrary?
Why concern yourself with the thoughts the willfully ignorant? Any decisions they make using that information will necessarily be the wrong ones, and God's universe will punish them just as it does everyone else who acts on incorrect data.
The Catholics and the Orthodox would consider calling the bible the literal word of God heresy, and rightfully so, as they know first hand bible was written by men and complied by men in their church. They consider those men inspired by God, but they know they suffer from all the same problems that other men have.

Protestantism is the facebook news feed of Christianity. Gather all those stupid retards you've heard spout the most stupid of shit and give them the authority to lecture you. That right there is analogous to why proddies are cancer.

They just get pissed about the Papacy and any post-Schismatic doctrines of the church.

In, say, the Transformers fandom, Orthodox are Geewunners screaming TRUKK NOT MUNKY, Catholics are those who thoroughly enjoyed everything BW onward because it was still TF and still good, and Protestants are the ones who jumped ship on the official merch and media, started only buying 3P figures and would praise Carnage in C Minor regardless how Orthobots and Cathlocons would call that episode trash.

7 Mysteries? Aren't there 20? Or is that not related to the Rosary?

Protestantism is Cletus inawoods ranting about the Papacy and lecturing people on what the Bible and Christianity is about.





No, anything American shouldn't count. Protestantism is fundamentally European in its nature and origin.

Why not just send the book down himself? If god sent bibles independently to China, England and Mexico in 5000 BC I would have no problem becoming Christian right this second. Not the guy you're responding to btw

Stop putting other versions of your religion down, goy. Everybody knows that the eternal Jew will always be supreme anyway.

>implying christianity didn't come from an obscure desert cult followed by a once tiny tribe that pissed almost everyone off
Don't get too cocky.

Look at the state of modern protestantism. clearly heretical sects such jw's and pentecostals or neutered european state churches whose positions change with their societys

I can't believe no one mentioned this yet

The Bible disproves Sola Scriptura

It wasn`t. It just wanted people to read it in the academic lingua franca of the time. Which they would literally teach to anyone. It was just a meme started by peasant faggots who refused these conditions.

make that 35,000 and growing

Because Veeky Forums is overrun with reactionary anti-democratic authoritarians who value class hierarchy, strong central power in both politics, society, and religion, rigidly homogenous tradition, and ethno-nationalist sovereignty. Because of these beliefs you cannot rationally argue with them because they're extremely subjective in their traditional Catholic worldview, whether ironic or not, and unwilling to share Veeky Forums's servers with heretics and protestants. So abandon this thread and never engage with them, because you're guaranteed to be baited.

Literally this.

Look at the Anabaptists in Munster, the Bible Belt in the US.

Yo you damn peasent
Why you read Bible
That shit's all in Latin
And you can't even readin

Paper wasn't widespread, and monks aren't printing machines, thus only the educated people owned a bible.

And the peasents, soldiers, and merchants were already educated by their priest about christianity thus they didn't need a bible.

And you need to remember that, the bible didn't play a great role until the "Reformation" where it become the rule of faith.

They weren't.

They were against the literal mistranslation of what already is a translated to hell & back text.

>Doctor Doctor! I think I have cancer, AIDS and leukemia!
>Why do you believe that?
>I read up on my symptoms on the internet
>doctor's face when

nah, you were just talking to 1 or 2 trolls

Unigenitus condemned the notion that the reading of Scripture was allowable for the general public. The Church used to take this very seriously. Even in my grandparents' generation, it was viewed as spiritually unhealthy to be interested in reading Scripture. It struck as being too Protestant. Catholic study bibles are a very, VERY recent invention.

protties were a mistake

>Catholics literally rationalizing why they shouldn't be allowed to read the bible

Why are Protestant so obssesed about shitty religious shits?

God might have rushed a bit creating this one

theres no such thing as a holy book, only a bunch of crooks which pretend to be peddling god's word

ps when idie so should this fucking disgusting piece of pigshit world

>Why not just send the book down himself?
I don't pretend to know the ways of an omniscient deity, but he seems to choose to act much more subtly than that.
Besides, if he made his existence readily apparent to everyone, you wouldn't really have a choice in worshiping him, would you?
Well. I suppose you would, it would just be objectively incorrect.

I seem to have failed to type the end of my sentence.
>objectively incorrect to choose not to.

Need some more straw for that man?