>Norman Conquest
>Magna Carta
>Glorious Revolution
>Pax Britannica
>Industrial Revolution
There's only one thing bongs are really good at, and that's rewriting history with shitty memes to satisfy their delusions.
>Norman Conquest
>Magna Carta
>Glorious Revolution
>Pax Britannica
>Industrial Revolution
There's only one thing bongs are really good at, and that's rewriting history with shitty memes to satisfy their delusions.
Go to /int/
stop shitting up this board
Fun fact the first bongs was used by kings who was irish. Tarquinius superbus the last irish king of bongs was overthrown by the iberians who used bongs for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great irish general overthrew the iberians and exterminated them in the bong war. Now irish was using bongs again and a iberian wasnt seen using a bong again until it was smoked by alaric and the iberians eventually killed or sent the black irish to ireland. Julius caesar used a bong
If you want to troll you should go to /int/
>Veeky Forums isn't for deconstructing historiographic misrepresentations, only for parroting memes
>only thread on the front page that is actually about history and not about Nazis
>hurr go to /int/
Spotted the salty britbong.
go to /int/
I'm sorry your entire history is a lie.
It's okay
You can add "Britain's finest hour".
Fug yes I'd forgotten about that, that's probably the worst one.
It's a prevalent enough lie that we voted out of the EU on the back of it though.
For every person who voted leave for perfectly good, rational reasons, there are 3 old men who did so because of weird and irrelevant historical misrepresentations.
"We didn't beat the Germans twice just to be ruled by them now!"
"We had an empire before, we'll have one again!"
or, my personal favourite, overheard at the pub
"The trouble is we don't build things now because the EU doesn't let us! We can start building ships again when we leave, and reopen the mines! We can be the greatest country on earth again!"
It's genuinely scary desu.
>It's genuinely scary desu.
Because some drunks at a pub want to build ships?
Fucking hell mate grow some balls
2/10, I'll bite.
It's not that one particular attitude that's scary, but the general backdrop. A massive revival in the idea of British superiority following a massive economic downturn. Recipe for scary.
It's not bait you independent reading wally
>A massive revival in the idea of British superiority following a massive economic downturn
>old men
>some guy down the pub
Stop being so dramatic. You're an imbecile if you think we're going to see the rise of Anglolf Hitler.
There's no powerful nationalist uprising. There's no interest aggressive nationalism in mainstream politics.
Unless you're just scared of a few more people voting for UKIP or whatever, in which case you are a massive pussy, rather than a regular pussy.
>Recipe for scary.
I bet you like the oreo adverts.
So are you against democracy? Or only when the outcome doesn't suit your particular preference? Because no democratic vote has ever been based on "perfectly good, rational reasons" (btw, you decide what are good and rational reasons right?).
>So are you against democracy?
Yes actually, in all cases, but I'm not suggesting the result's invalid or anything.
> Because no democratic vote has ever been based on "perfectly good, rational reasons"
No, but plenty have been based on better, more rational reasons. There was rampant irrationality on both sides of the debate.
I think you mean recipe for glorious and much-needed REMOVAL
Deus 100% does not vult.
I don't care if he vults or not m80 it's time for it to happen
>writes comment in English on an English speaking board.
It's written in American on an American board, Nigel.
This mudslinging lowers the debate for everyone involved in it.
t. Beady McCrumpetham
>leaving out my titles
Fucking rrrrrascal foreigners
Apologies effendi *ahem* Sheikh Beady McCrumpetham Shah of Londonstani
>Norman Conquest
>Magna Carta
>Glorious Revolution
>Pax Britannica
>Industrial Revolution
Sorry, were these not real things or something?
>be anglo
>invade Britain and turn it into a shithole
>centuries later, complain that refugees escaping wars incited by anglos will turn Britain into a shithole
For a nation so proud of its history, anglos find it convenient to forget a lot of it (ex: their state and language comes from the French).
>ex: their state and language comes from the French
But that's wrong
>their state and language comes from the French
You're ignoring the existence of the unified Kingdom of England that existed from the 9th century that was extant at the same time as the French "king" had pretty much no control over his own vassals for the next few centuries.
Also while French has had a fair bit of influence on the English language, most of it is directly descended from the old Germanic tongue.
>invade Britain and turn it into a shithole
It became a shithole almost as soon as the Romans left (and arguably over the previous 50 years before 410) and many decades before any Anglo-Saxons turned up en-masse. It was the withdrawal of the legions and the cash money that had flowed from them into the market towns of Corinium and Verulamium etc. that killed civilisation in lowland Britain for 300 years.
>unified Kingdom of England
The one ruled by the Danish king Cnut and his successors?
>most of it is directly descended from the old Germanic tongue
Lol okay Nigel (pic related)
mohammed plsgo
>Norman Conquest
Was referred to as the French conquest for most of history, until Brits figured out they could rename it in order to pretend they didn't get conquered by frogs but by Vikings or some shit. British historians went as far as renaming the French language into "Anglo-Norman".
There's also the myth about how it was the last time England was ever conquered, even though that happened another four times since.
>Magna Carta
Complete meme. In reality the Magna Carta didn't guarantee universal rights in any way at all, just gave some rights to the aristocracy over the king, but even that was never respected and the war the Magna Carta was supposed to prevent happened anyway (resulting in a French invasion). The Magna Carta was entirely irrelevant and forgotten until it was rediscovered in the 17th century around the time of the "Glorious Revolution", by parliamentarians who pretended it was some kind of Anglo-Saxon popular uprising against the French (I mean "Norman") king.
>Glorious Revolution
Getting conquered by the Dutch and having your king murdered and replaced with the Dutch king thanks to the support of an aristocratic coup is pretty fucking humiliating and far from "glorious".
>Pax Britannica
Plenty of wars happened during that time.
>Industrial Revolution
Another complete meme designed to turn attention away from what actually changed the world, the Scientific Revolution, towards a bunch of British businessmen who profited from mostly French scientific advancements and inventions.
so much fucking this
anglotards are just mad they have no fucking history
>French scientific advancements and inventions
Sure thing Pierre.
>blah blah blah I'm a beady anglo
That's all I'm fucking hearing. Nobody cares about muh science.
>he posted on the internet, invented by anglos, on a computer invented by anglos, in a language invented by anglos
fuck off Ahmed
I see a big black blob in paris on that pic.
>British businessmen who profited from mostly French scientific advancements and inventions.
>profited from mostly French scientific advancements and inventions
>profited from mostly French
How does that even contradict it in any way?
lmao, Internet was invented by Americans, computer by French and Germans, and the English language by the French and popularised by the Americans.
Nice try riding on America's coattails though.
>the English language was invented
We know you're just doing some ebin /int/ trolololololing, but being a retard isn't the way to go about it.
All the staple sciences and technologies that drove the "industrial revolution" were French: thermodynamics, electrodynamics, chemistry, the steam engine, the automobile, the steamboat, the internal combustion engine, etc.
The English language was created in the 14th century as a creole of court French and peasant Aenglisc.
>The history of thermodynamics as a scientific discipline generally begins with Otto von Guericke (German) who, in 1650, built and designed the world's first vacuum pump and demonstrated a vacuum using his Magdeburg hemispheres. Guericke was driven to make a vacuum in order to disprove Aristotle's long-held supposition that 'nature abhors a vacuum'. Shortly after Guericke, the English physicist and chemist Robert Boyle had learned of Guericke's designs and, in 1656, in coordination with English scientist Robert Hooke, built an air pump.[17] Using this pump, Boyle and Hooke noticed a correlation between pressure, temperature, and volume. In time, Boyle's Law was formulated, which states that pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Then, in 1679, based on these concepts, an associate of Boyle's named Denis Papin built a steam digester, which was a closed vessel with a tightly fitting lid that confined steam until a high pressure was generated.
>The physical phenomena that electromagnetism describes have been studied as separate fields since antiquity. For example, there were many advances in the field of optics centuries before light was understood to be an electromagnetic wave. However, the theory of electromagnetism, as it is currently understood, grew out of Michael Faraday's (English) experiments suggesting an electromagnetic field and James Clerk Maxwell's (English) use of differential equations to describe it in his A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873). For a detailed historical account, consult Pauli,[4] Whittaker,[5] Pais,[6] and Hunt.[7]
part 1
Yeah, and England's covered in it
>A basic chemical hypothesis first emerged in Classical Greece with the theory of four elements as propounded definitively by Aristotle stating that that fire, air, earth and water were the fundamental elements from which everything is formed as a combination. Greek atomism dates back to 440 BC, arising in works by philosophers such as Democritus and Epicurus. In 50 BC, the Roman philosopher Lucretius expanded upon the theory in his book De rerum natura (On The Nature of Things).[19][20] Unlike modern concepts of science, Greek atomism was purely philosophical in nature, with little concern for empirical observations and no concern for chemical experiments.[21]
>Under the influence of the new empirical methods propounded by Sir Francis Bacon and others, a group of chemists at Oxford, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke and John Mayow began to reshape the old alchemical traditions into a scientific discipline. Boyle in particular is regarded as the founding father of chemistry due to his most important work, the classic chemistry text The Sceptical Chymist where the differentiation is made between the claims of alchemy and the empirical scientific discoveries of the new chemistry.[25] He formulated Boyle's law, rejected the classical "four elements" and proposed a mechanistic alternative of atoms and chemical reactions that could be subject to rigorous experiment.[26]
part 2
>steam engine
>The first crude steam powered machine was built by Thomas Savery, of England, in 1698. Savery built his machine to help pump water out of coal mines. This machine was so simple that it had no moving parts. It also used up lots and lots of coal just to pump a small quantity of water.
To say it was a steam engine would be to stretch the world "engine" far beyond its current meaning. However, it would be fair to say tha Savery was the first person to find a practical way of using steam to perform useful work.
The next stage in the history of the steam engine was a result of the work of Thomas Newcomen, also of England. Newcomen knew that there must be a way of improvingon Savery's inefficient steam powered pump. Newcomen built a machine where the steam actually pushed a movable piston in one direction. This true "steam engine" was also used to pump water out of coal mines. Neither Savery nor Newcomen had any grander purpose in mind for their machines.
This all changed in 1763, when James Watt, a Scottish engineer, set out to improve upon Newcomen's design. Watt figured out a way to push a piston back and forth in its cyclinder. And more importantly, he found out a way to make this back-and-forth motion turn a wheel. By using a "crankshaft," the steam engine could produce circular motion. Watt may not have realized it at the time, but he had just invented the first railroad locomotive.
Unfortunately, Watt didn't have the money to develop his improved steam engine. However, he was able to convince and English manufacturer that building steam engines could become a profitable business. Together with his business partner, James Watt started a company to build steam engines. Of course he must have hoped this his improved steam engine would find many uses in factories. But little did he realize at the time that his machine would forever alter the course of history.
part 3
Haven't you Frogs got more pressing issues dodging lorries?
>Industrial Revolution
This is pretty significant tbqhwyfam. It would have happened in the Netherlands, but Louis XIV's shenanigans and the glorious revolution moved the embryonic industrial revolution to L O N D O N where useful institutions like the freemasons and royal society had arisen.
No one is saying anglos are inherently superior, but it is a fact that Britain was the incubator of the industrial revolution.
I seem to see a lot of Großlandium
Yep, first made by a frenchman. One example is correct out of the five so far
>Early attempts at powering a boat by steam were made by the French inventor Denis Papin and the English inventor Thomas Newcomen. Papin invented the steam digester (a type of pressure cooker) and experimented with closed cylinders and pistons pushed in by atmospheric pressure, analogous to the pump built by Thomas Savery in England during the same period. Papin proposed applying this steam pump to the operation of a paddlewheel boat and tried to market his idea in Britain. He was unable to successfully convert the piston motion into rotary motion and the steam could not produce enough pressure. Newcomen's design did solve the first problem, but remained shackled to the inherent limitations of the engines of the time.
You were half-correct then.
>internal combustion engine
>The first person to experiment with an internal-combustion engine was the Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, about 1680. But no effective gasoline-powered engine was developed until 1859, when the French engineer J. J. Étienne Lenoir built a double-acting, spark-ignition engine that could be operated continuously
I'll give you a point for that
So overall you were 2.5/7 correct.
French inventions:
Newton's Laws
The Programmable Computer
The Cure for Smallpox
The Electric Motor
The World Wide Web
The Telephone
The Jet Engine
Fish and Chips
>Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (French: [kaʁno]; 1 June 1796 – 24 August 1832) was a French military engineer and physicist, often described as the "father of thermodynamics". In his only publication, the 1824 monograph Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, Carnot gave the first successful theory of the maximum efficiency of heat engines.
>André-Marie Ampère (/ˈæmpJər/;[1] French: [ɑ̃pɛʁ]; 20 January 1775 – 10 June 1836)[2] was a French physicist and mathematician who was one of the founders of the science of classical electromagnetism, which he referred to as "electrodynamics".
>Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (also Antoine Lavoisier after the French Revolution; French pronunciation: [ɑ̃twan lɔʁɑ̃ də lavwazje]; 26 August 1743 – 8 May 1794;[1]) was a French nobleman and chemist central to the 18th-century chemical revolution and had a large influence on both the history of chemistry and the history of biology.[2] He is widely considered in popular literature as the "father of modern chemistry".[3] [4]
>Denis Papin (22 August 1647 – c. 1712) was a French physicist, mathematician and inventor, best known for his pioneering invention of the steam digester, the forerunner of the pressure cooker, and of the steam engine.
That doesn't contradict anything I posted.
It shows that the statement
>All the staple sciences and technologies that drove the "industrial revolution" were French: thermodynamics, electrodynamics, chemistry, the steam engine, the automobile, the steamboat, the internal combustion engine, etc.
is entirely correct. All of those science and inventions were founded and created by Frenchmen. That English people made some contributions to them later has nothing to do with it.
I suppose that's why you frogs ruled the waves for- oh wait, nevermind sorry.
No it doesn't. I can't be bothered to carry on arguing with someone who wants to win an epic debate rather than discuss history, so this shall be my last reply to you.
>All of those science and inventions were founded and created by Frenchmen:
>A basic chemical hypothesis first emerged in Classical Greece with the theory of four elements as propounded definitively by Aristotle stating that that fire, air, earth and water were the fundamental elements from which everything is formed as a combination. Greek atomism dates back to 440 BC, arising in works by philosophers such as Democritus and Epicurus. In 50 BC, the Roman philosopher Lucretius expanded upon the theory in his book De rerum natura (On The Nature of Things).[19][20] Unlike modern concepts of science, Greek atomism was purely philosophical in nature, with little concern for empirical observations and no concern for chemical experiments.[21]
>Under the influence of the new empirical methods propounded by Sir Francis Bacon and others, a group of chemists at Oxford, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke and John Mayow began to reshape the old alchemical traditions into a scientific discipline. Boyle in particular is regarded as the founding father of chemistry due to his most important work, the classic chemistry text The Sceptical Chymist where the differentiation is made between the claims of alchemy and the empirical scientific discoveries of the new chemistry.[25] He formulated Boyle's law, rejected the classical "four elements" and proposed a mechanistic alternative of atoms and chemical reactions that could be subject to rigorous experiment.[26]
There you go. You were wrong there. But sure, reply to me with some mental gymnastics to prove that the French were responsible for everything. I'm sure it'll puff up your ego.
What do we do about the French and French sympathisers here on Veeky Forums?
Times bongburqas almost conquered Europe: 0
>Seven Years War
>Fall of France
>15% Muslim population
gg frogs
It's not French people that are the problem
It's not English people that are the problem
It's not German "people" that are the problem
It's the /int/pol/ mentality.
It's the autistic act of roleplaying as a country.
It's the shitposting.
>we almost achieved something
that's almost impressive Pierre
What a faggot
Try saying that when Kommissar Gaz of the People's Army has you blindfolded against the wall for owning books.
France ruled Europe for a combined 700 years. Britain was kind of relevant for like 100.
Lavoisier is considered the father of chemistry. There's a reason for that. His work founded modern chemistry, most of all by defining the chemical element, which is the foundation of everything else. Bacon and the other Brits were still operating on ancient Greek alchemy like your own quote shows.
>What do we do about the French and French sympathisers here on Veeky Forums?
get HGV licenses.
The father of modern chemistry.
And that does not mean the French created chemistry or founded chemistry.
Nor does it mean Chemistry was French thing said.
I'm not trying to deny French achievements by the way. I just disagreed that the sciences are french.
as X said*
Yes we're obviously talking about modern chemistry here, not alchemy...
He said Chemistry. Not Modern Chemistry, even if that was the case Lavoisier did not "create" modern chemistry.
Also, the distinction between Alchemist and Chemist was made before Lavoisiers birth.
Boyle was a Chemist.
Here's some snippets of information on him if you do not know of him.
Robert William Boyle FRS[3] (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish[4] natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor born in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle's law,[5] which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.[6][7] Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry.
Anglo-Irish chemist Robert Boyle (1627–1691) is considered to have refined the modern scientific method for alchemy and to have separated chemistry further from alchemy.[37] Although his research clearly has its roots in the alchemical tradition, Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. Although Boyle was not the original discover, he is best known for Boyle's law, which he presented in 1662:[38] the law describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.[39][40]
Boyle is also credited for his landmark publication The Sceptical Chymist in 1661, which is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. In the work, Boyle presents his hypothesis that every phenomenon was the result of collisions of particles in motion. Boyle appealed to chemists to experiment and asserted that experiments denied the limiting of chemical elements to only the classic four: earth, fire, air, and water. He also pleaded that chemistry should cease to be subservient to medicine or to alchemy, and rise to the status of a science. Importantly, he advocated a rigorous approach to scientific experiment: he believed all theories must be proved experimentally before being regarded as true.
The work contains some of the earliest modern ideas of atoms, molecules, and chemical reaction, and marks the beginning of the history of modern chemistry.
Boyle also tried to purify chemicals to obtain reproducible reactions. He was a vocal proponent of the mechanical philosophy proposed by René Descartes to explain and quantify the physical properties and interactions of material substances. Boyle was an atomist, but favoured the word corpuscle over atoms. He commented that the finest division of matter where the properties are retained is at the level of corpuscles. He also performed numerous investigations with an air pump, and noted that the mercury fell as air was pumped out. He also observed that pumping the air out of a container would extinguish a flame and kill small animals placed inside. Boyle helped to lay the foundations for the Chemical Revolution with his mechanical corpuscular philosophy.[41] Boyle repeated the tree experiment of van Helmont, and was the first to use indicators which changed colors with acidity.
Bonus Round
Scientific progress was a shared endeavor by different nations. Stop shitflinging. This isn't /int/
That's what I'm arguing you dipshit.
I'm arguing against the idea that the sciences were purely french inventions as suggested.
I'm not trying to say Chemistry was invented by Boyle.
Don't jump into the middle of a discussion and condescend the interlocutors.
Cheeky cunt.
Boyle did not found chemistry. He tried to apply the scientific method to the field of alchemy, but almost everything he did was philosophical opinion. He thought the four elements system was wrong, but couldn't disprove it and didn't offer anything to replace it.
That's what Lavoisier did. He defined the chemical element, discovered and isolated several of them, and created a new system, that of modern chemistry, grounded in experimental proof. Attributing this to an alchemist because he thought Aristotle might be wrong (after he had already been proven wrong in physics) is completely delusional.
>I'm not trying to say Chemistry was invented by Boyle.
But anyway:
Chemistry was in existence before Lavoisier, evidenced by the distinction between Alchemy and Chemistry made in the 1720s.
That raises the question, who really invented Chemistry? Because as we know, scientific fields do not evolve over time, they simply pop into existence from the minds of great men.
I'm gonna have to leave the discussion now though; my leaving point is what the fella said to me when he misunderstood my position: Scientific progress was a shared endeavour by different nations.
What the fuck are you trying to achieve here? You're not exactly setting yourself up for some decent historical discussion, you're just talking shit and encouraging others to talk shit. If you want a genuine discussion about any of the events you mentioned then I'm all ears, but you've presented yourself as an arrogant, bigoted little buttfuck who doesn't have the intellectual capacity for a proper debate without resorting to 'hurr durr britbong'. Seriously. Fuck off.
lmao where do you think we are?
A serious thread about any one of those subjects would get like 5 replies from posters who have no idea what they're talking about. This board is for funposting.
>It's another Frog/Yank/Kraut tries to shit on the Greatest nation the world has ever seen thread.
>Celtic/French/Frisian mongrels
>greatest nation the world has ever seen
>my pseudoscience elitism completely nullifies 250 years of kicking ass
>only fighting nations far weaker than them one on one
>hiding behind the sea and depending on allies to fight nations their own size
>'kicking ass'
Whatever you say beady.
>what was the seven year war
>what was 1812
>what was the crimean war
>you relied on the sea
This is just us making use of our environment. Doesn't change our status as most successful nation ever.
>kicking ass now means getting cucked by muslims and pakis
Then how come the industrial revolution didn't happen in France?
Really makes you think.
Less Pakis than France. More white than the USA.
Stay mad, rosbif
We defeated Napoleon and sent him to die in the middle of the Atlantic after he surrendered (French tradition)
>one war you had almost nothing to do with
>one war you lost
>one colonial """"war""""
Yep, pretty much sums up British military history.
The "Industrial Revolution" is a meme. England just industrialised more quickly because it's populated by mindless cattle that doesn't mind getting the shit exploited out of them by a handful of industrialist Jews.
>bongs actually believe they played any part in defeating Napoleon
We captured him, occupied Paris and sent him to die in St Helena :)
Yeah the thing that made England the world power at the time sure was a stupid thing to.
I'm not even a patriotic Englishman modern England (and all Europe for that matter) is an embarrassing shadow of it's former self but the delusion in this thread is mind blowing.
>We captured him, occupied Paris
No, that was Russia, Prussia, and Austria, along with everyone else in Europe.
>Yeah the thing that made England the world power at the time sure was a stupid thing to.
The thing that made England the world power for a few decades was Russia, Prussia, and Austria taking down France for you.
>jacob gyllenhall
Yes that was it, not conquering the massive Indian market as being able to produce more quality quicker than anyone else. You definitely have no Anglophobic bias at all.
>the Indian market
Britain became world power by selling things to Indians? lmao