>Hinduism, as well as most Indo-European religions were based on hallucinogenics
>Christianity was based in alcohol
>Islam on opium
>atheism on memes
What is going the next religion to be based on?
Hinduism, as well as most Indo-European religions were based on hallucinogenics
Other urls found in this thread:
probably adrenochrome and jenkem 2bh pham
Virtual reality
Veeky Forums
Virtual reality. I'm not even kidding, but the concept of VR, especially if it evolves into really advanced forms of VR could lead to some amazing reflections on the one-sided view of dimensions we tend to have. Or in the worst case it would lead to some Matrix-infused stoner mentality alla 'dude there are multiple planes and we live in the matrix and so forth'
>Islam on opium
I don't see the connection
Ever been to Afghanistan?
>atheism on memes
So true. I kek'd
That's like saying Christianity is based on fish and chips
actually all religion was based on Cannabis, anything else is disinfo shill
that aside,
its the earths number one plant
if the universe of consciousness has produced 2 things of note (and take a guess if and which one is debatable) it would be humans & cannabis
civilisations rose and fall up to present day off this crop
lol what you thought they were smoking insense & lavender? hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhah
scythia was an equestrian civilisation of indo-europeans that lived on the steppe above the caspian - central eurasia from 900-100bc, the entire steppe region is one giant cannabis field.
these lolwut marijuana dudes say nah man we want pot illegal becuase it causes disruptions (and it does, ur retardation is the effect though not the specific thing you tried to utilise) but then how the FUCK do you explain steppe mongols ETC raping everything in its path. 8% of the worlds dna or someshit is from ghengis kahns rape path alone. and thats not victory? cannabis is power. not its prohibition. but its use.
from rome to england
if ur alive today and u disagree with the widespread use of cannabis its because ur weak and better off dead
just so you know im listening to the inbuilt mic on your laptop even though you have it "off"
look both ways before you cross the street, we're watching
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
b..but.. religion IS opium senpai
>atheism on memes
No wonder it's the worst religion in all of mankind's history right after all the mesoamerican trash.
Holy shit boi
The accepted (higher) estimate of 0.5 is still fucking loads
Helo mister Marl Karx
both of those figures are fucking memes
Innit though?
Potheads should be fucking shot
t. pill popper
Poppers should be popped
t. needleman
chill out dudes
cheeky one that lol ;)
Christianity reminds me more of shrooms.
Islam did not conquer Afghanistan until the 800s, that's two hundred years after the religion was created. Opium was more widespread in India than it was in the Arabian peninsula, Afghanistan was populated by Buddhists and Zunists at the time.
Also, what psychedelic drug was Hinduism based off of besides dude shiva's weed plant lmao? SOMA?
The free market is the new modern religion and it's based on autism.
Though a lot of sultans and nobles liked to smoke Hashish in their Hookah.
For good reason.
Gonna be based on Swag.
There is good reason to suppose that the Soma mentioned in the Vedas was some sort of psychedelic mushroom or DMT-containing brew.
>Christianity was based on alcohol
What makes you say that?
shit I came here to read some serious stuff and I find this and all those threads like pol
what happened to this board?
2d Waifus
it's been done
10/10 would sacrifice to
You're not even trying anymore.
>implying it isn't
>implying literally every single vocal atheist also doesn't worship the cult of pop-sci, with its figures of authority being Carl Sagan, Bill Nye and Neil "Dick Grease" Tyson
>implying these worshippers, you including, have any understanding of scientific methods, how their conclusions come about, or are capable of applying them in any way
>implying you aren't just putting faith into the idea
meanwhile you're putting faith into a religion which is on its face illogical and wrong based on scientific facts that have been tested
>implying I am
>trying to justify your shitty religion with "w-well ur dum too!"
my religion is not a religion, it's a series of statement of facts about reality. One of those statements is "everything anyone has ever believed about a god is demonstrably false".
Also I know a shitload about probability theory and measure theory so don't accuse me of being a retard like you.
>my religion is not a religion
Except it is.
>it's a series of statement of facts about reality
That you take at faith
>One of those statements is "everything anyone has ever believed about a god is demonstrably false"
Such as this for example.
>Also I know a shitload about probability theory and measure theory so don't accuse me of being a retard
Shit's basic math, you retard. Congratulations. You know math. Therefore you clearly also understand every discipline of physics and engineering, and god dun real. But everything every scientist ever said is totes legit despite you not understanding why, and despite the fact that major scientific theories get proven wrong over and over again.
Your religion is based on faith just as much as any other Abrahamic shit and you're a slightly educated idiot who thinks he understands the world because someone told him things.
I don't take any "scientific ""claim""" at faith. If I believe anything, it's because I actually have tested it in a laboratory or can prove it with algebra. I know the speed of light is constant. Therefore, I know the universe is 14 billion years old, give or take about a billion years. I know the oldest rock on earth is about 4.5 billion years old, give or take about a few hundred million years. I know that things like genetic drift exist, and therefore evolution also exists.
These things are not up for debate.
I am a highly educated idiot who understands the world because I have actually seen it. You're just a contrarian faggot who's probably also an atheist pretending to be agnostic because you're not smart enough to form a logical opinion about anything at all.
Also, fuck you.
Oh shit, we have a professional arhaeologist, biologist and engineer here, with his own laboratory full of equipment which he understands the functionality of down to its very construction. You know to the very core how radiometric dating works. In fact, you could, with minimal effort, reverse engineer a thermal ionization mass spectrometer, and you've managed to collect every piece of meteorite on earth, tested them all, and have those pieces laying around siomewhere in a drawer. You've also obviously measured the speed of light yourself, and have come to the conclusion that your method, which you understand fully, is infallible.
Hey dude, mind sending me some space rocks?
If you weren't an idiot you would know that you don't have to collect every rock on earth and test them all individually, you twit. That's why an entire branch of mathematics called statistics exists. But you didn't even finish Calculus yet, did you, you cunt? Yes, I have measured the speed of light. You will too when you take your first physics class. And maybe, eventually, you'll learn what a half-life is and why we can use the concept of an isotope's half-life as a good statistical measurement of the age of a material.