How did you decide on your denomination, Veeky Forums?
How did you decide on your denomination, Veeky Forums?
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>>your denomination
I don't have one, what with not being religious or a christian at all.
if you listen to the lord he won't be directing you to a denomination. there is only one church
Amen, Mr. Pentecostal
Like everyone else.
I was born into it.
Pope Francis helped me choose non-Catholic.
I didn't.
this. fellow jw
There is only one answer
The Holy Spirit
Which denom?
which denom?
why pentecostalism?
why orthodoxy?
denom is an anagram of demon. rmyt
Roman pagan is the church for me
Born into it, literally.
Right click, hide
I'm not a Pentecostal, I was making fun of him. It's bullshit. Imo all Christianity is.
>inb4 fedora
I am by no means an atheist, raised in a Christian household and I left Christianity in my late teens. Have a lot of respect for it
>It's bullshit. Imo all Christianity is.
>Have a lot of respect for it
I respect it but think it's bullshit. Oh, should I have used nicer words? Did I hurt your feefees? I think Christianity isn't the truth. Better? Faggot
I looked at the various main religions, agreed with Christianity the most. I looked at the various denominations, couldn't decide, so I'm just "Christian". I would say I am protestant because I disagree with some catholic interpretations, but I still prefer catholic churches and ceremonies, I find them incredibly peaceful.
I was born and raised Catholic. However, I wasn't terribly serious about it until I went to college. I got my BA in Great Books/Liberal Arts, and as a consequence of that I was exposed, for the first time, to the Church's amazing philosophical and literary tradition. We read Augustine, Anselm, Bonaventure, Aquinas, Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great, Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena--all Doctors of the Church. I read great Catholic writers like Dante Aligheri, Thomas More, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh. I also read John Henry Newman, who helped me realize the true nature of Faith and its relationship to Reason.
So I discovered that the Church held intellectual and artistic Truth as well as spiritual Truth, and this caused my faith to deepen. I started to really explore Catholicism, and experienced a spiritual flowering that has stayed with me ever since. I love the Church eternally, and believe it truly holds the truth of Christ.
Have you considered Anglicanism or Orthodoxy?
>So I discovered that the Church held intellectual and artistic Truth
funny I actually felt the same way though I wouldn't consider myself christian at all. I remember being shocked/startled whilst watching richard dawkins videos and went into one with a catholic priest expecting him to say stupid shit and make a fool of himself. He was actually very careful to explain exactly how christianity+science can fit together which I was not expecting and forced me to explore the catholic church more thoroughly then the fundamentalist image which the mainstream non-christian media presents to us.
Yeah, I don't agree with some of their interpretations or practices either. For example, I don't think Anglicanism is much more than a middle-class social club and I didn't like Orthodoxy's use of icons, confession, communion, etc, similar to my objections with the catholic church.
I'm happy just being a "Christian", every time I went to a church, I found that the other people in it were enough to make me lose my faith.
I read all religion mythos, compared all Gods and choose one that was strongest. No point to follow Jesus if Shiva could beat his ass in one second if not faster.
>namedropping will surely convert these heathens
>spiritual truth
Pick one