Let just be honest, why are so many black people stupid? I mean we have a black president, yeah. But Obama literally is the 0.001%. The other 99.999% just make a meme out of the race.
Black people
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is Veeky Forums so fixated on race?
As I have heard from intelligent black people, the average black shuns intelligence because it is "too white".
If this ain't bait, I'd love to know the mental gymnastics that go into justifying posting this on Veeky Forums.
>two races
>one is black, the other is white
>the whites are the good guys, smart, successful, creative, constructive
>the blacks are the bad guys, dumb, unsuccessful, uncreative, destructive
why do people believe this dumb fantasy bullshit? it reads like a shitty star trek spec script
>implying all of them are
B-Blacks existed historically?
[spoiler]This thread should probably be deleted.[/spoiler]
Well it's "history and humanities" don't you know how to read? Fucking kek. Go to Reddit.
Insecure teenagers with nothing going on in their lives.
>we wuz da kings n kangerours of the world
As well as the fact that societies moved on and they can't say this in publicly.
its all people not just secondary segmentations
Not Veeky Forums related
Not Veeky Forums
Take it to /int/ or /pol/
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates
>Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated
>high level of discourse is expected.
Nice meme, kiddo. I guess anything with a human in it is considered humanities now, I'm so glad we're officially /pol/ 2: electric historloo.
I can't wait for summerfags to leave holy shit.
>le /int/ is /pol/ meme
Fuck off with that shit.
this thread is rather inspiring. Veeky Forums may be the only board left to consistently resist pol's plight for recognition of it's theories. kudos historians.
You guys are /pol/-lite
And even /pol/ doesn't have 24/7 "NOBODY IS WHITE" threads
This isnt history or humanities, friend.
Not even
I'm a neo-nazi but these shitposting and offtopic threads need to go
Of course butthurt faggots replying to every bit of bait doesn't help
>Viking hate
>Greek boy
>Fucking niggers
>Glorified cheerleader
>Sky wizard vs Fedoras
300+ posts
>18th century banking
>Roman agricultural techniques
>Song dynasty poetry
>Political implications of the Crimean War
1 self bump
>I'm a Neo Nazi
What the fuck are you doing on Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums is pretty tame for having absolutely zero moderation. Good community I guess.
I've heard this as well and it boggles my mind.
Those are just meme threads man. Nobody actually cares about that. We laugh at /pol/