Let's talk about death. Vast Vacuous Void or Blissful Birth into the Beyond?
Let's talk about death. Vast Vacuous Void or Blissful Birth into the Beyond?
Neither. If you think about death as what happens when you're in the dark or shut your eyes you're wrong. It's not-even-black, just pure nothing; no experience from then on.
How people think it works:
>you have an image, image.jpg, and every pixel is set to black when you die
How it actually works:
>image.jpg gets deleted when you die
when you die, credits and best scores roll out, and in some versions replay of best and worst moves wre shown
so git good and live well
How the hell do you know, have you ever been dead?
>How the hell do you know, have you ever been dead?
Inference. It seemed like OP was asking for opinions on the matter so I gave him the best guess I can muster, by analogy of course.
this is funny because even if you delete image.jpg remnant bit strings remain. nothing really disappears, and the same applies to real life
That is interesting because the Tibetan Book of the Dead says your subtle self is what goes on to experience the bardos while your gross self dissolves
>That is interesting because the Tibetan Book of the Dead says your subtle self is what goes on to experience the bardos while your gross self dissolves
You could have just used the western terms soul and body rather than using clumsy literalish translations.
>have you ever been dead?
i was unborn at one point, seems pretty similar to me.
you watch foreign films dubbed.
you read translated poetry.
you are american.
how many did I got?
If life is image.jpg and its deletion is death, what is the computer? Is it God? And what about the universe the computer is in?
The most likely thing to happen to use after death is nothing. Our consciousness ceases and our ability to experience ends.
you couldn't be more wrong
before you were conceived, you did not exist, there was no you
before dying you accumulate an amount of experiences, you developed a personality, you met people and people met you. as you die you leave a mark in the world
it's definitely not the same
What if you wake up in a sort of hospital, in a future so far from now the number doesn't even matter, because humanity or something similar has found a way to bring back all life in a perfect world.
Basically 'Interstellar'
this is Veeky Forums bro
you just spoiled the movie
this is my exact thought on the matter
everything that is me: my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions, my hopes, my dreams, everything, is all in my brain. when my brain stops working, everything I am just stops.
>you watch foreign films dubbed.
Only this one.
I hate that image so fucking much.
>you read translated poetry
Yeah, I'm sure you learned ancient greek before even touching the Illiad.
Post the version of that image that ends with "Veeky Forums taught me not to be a faggot" or something like that.
Is there any compilation of accounts of supposed visitations by souls in the next life? I know there are a few examples throughout history, most famously the legend about the two monks.
Honestly? Nobody knows, because it isn't possible to come back from death after a certain point.
I think death is a lot like that feeling of being unconscious. That is, there is no conscious experience of death.
We are dead already, the interaction between the constituents of the body is so strong and the exchange of information is so fast that this annoyance illusion is kept long enough to even have the impression of memories.
But it doesn't matter, we were dead before birth - we'll go into death from where there's again no memories no anything of this experience.
It just happened for no reason, we're death experiencing life for no reason to go back in death.
It's like it never even happened.
It's interesting that manual of how to be a good clown says.... about spiritual matters.
*tips fedora*
Kek. This if you're religious and believe in judgement day.
That would be possible only if humanity survives long enough and somehow the idea of bringing all dead people back to existence also survives.
But people could reach that technological point and never ever give a shit about dead people although it would be possible to give everyone that died the sensation that he just phased back to life.
I like this. But I disagree. I don't really have a counter argument either but it doesn't quite make sense that death would create life or that there is no purpose for it. It almost seems to me like we're trying to break out of the void but are failing as we all return to it. Like life is some sort of suppressed, lonely voice trying to get resonance. The day all life ceases to exist is the day we failed to be free. Or some shit. I dunno
Well the constituents which exchanged information which in turn got illusion of life going simply exist - they're not dead or alive, just the information they hold together is alive.
Why the matter and quantum mechanics and all the goodies exist? Well why not if you think about it, why there would rather be nothing rather than something, even if that something is some random shit... be thankful that since the big bang that random shit allowed us.
Even if we're death living a life, we leave a mark in the constituents of life, in the environment - so at least you can make this life meaningful.
I think about it like this: live, enjoy it - because why not and in turn leave a better world behind me so that the next one to be born in the environment I left, has it easier and more enjoyable.
> It almost seems to me like we're trying to break out of the void but are failing as we all return to it.
Yea that's life pretty much, it's entropy which used the existing matter energy to reach a very very very complex of configurations, fractal patterns emerged on all scales - leading up to this system - life. While obviously tries to retain it's order, fights the void.
But be thankful the void is still in the state where life is "allowed" and it will be like this for a looong time, long enough for life to develop technologies to spread across stars or live much longer, potentially for trillions of years.
>Like life is some sort of suppressed, lonely voice trying to get resonance
You're saying this right, look in how many ways is the earth trying to kill us... then space, then the nothingness from which it came how improbable was for this configuration to be yet - it got to be.
In an ocean of apparently infinite probabilities - we're on the distant side, in the corner of improbable realities... it's amazing. Life is a wonder but we can't see it.
Here's how I figure it and I think we are on the same note.
How old are you? You might answer 22 or something else. How you know that is because you have memories of you're life, you are aware of previously having existed. There is a conscious in the present moment to note that you have existed and are existing.
So when we die that observation ends and that timeline of consciousness collapses in on itself because nothing can recognise it being there or having happened and we cease to exist totally. We are our own private universes and the world dies with us because the world can only be known by us. If we where a connected conscious and just a part died then maybe it would be different. In a way I believe we are already dead but I don't how to back that up.
Look I'm tired of bumping into interesting discussion partners then having them vanish, we should discuss it in a chat or somewhere and keep each-other as contacts for different times, check my email out.
I have some things to share with you and surely you have some things to share, the discussion will remain coherent that way in time and it'll result in something fruitful.
OrangeColaJuice it's gmail.
You can also make a new random mail to use only for this, it's ideas that are worth sharing not personal identities.
You were close I'm not 22 but 20 since 2 days ago.
I'm just gonna vanish. The social anxiety is a bit overwhelming.
What's to be anxious about when you exchange ideas? Especially via text in online environment where you never have to deal with the other person in any other way.
Death is the most powerful motivator we have. It's liberating to accept the fact that your going to die. Literally nothing matters in the face of death.
All of these rich people and scientists are trying to obtain immortality and treating death as a disease when it's a gift and those who don't realise that never live to begin with.
Death is a disease, something to despise and hate.
We have literature, movies, art everything that makes death look as something horrible - gives it a face that we can hate, and I believe it's all beneficial - because it forces people from all fields of life to actually fight against death in their way and cherish life and the wonder that is here and now.
The philanthropists and scientists are the true saints of this generation. Saints, prophets, magicians w/e you want..
>as you die you leave a mark in the world
>it's definitely not the same
How naive.
Remember the time before you were conceived?
Death is a bit like that, so nothing new really.
There's obviously something beyond. Many people have "died" and have come back to life and many of them have a story to tell.
everything you do has a consequence even when you jump you move the earth
tip tip tip hello /r/atheism/ thank you for another fallacious argument
>when my brain stops working, everything I am just stops.
>when the piano stop playing, everything Chopin made just stops.
>when you're done playing op. 27 no. 1 it ceases to exist forever
No wait, uuuh:
>it ceased to exist forever right after Chopin finished composing it because like it exist before so...huh
This is what material rationalists actually believe. The perfect embodiment of past-oriented thinking.
Is it weird that I get excited rather than scared about being dead? Everyone seeks meaning in their lives through these 'transcendent' truths that we only have to intuit or get at through obscure physics or some privileged prophet or something. But dying is the one objectively transcendent "experience" (although this is hardly the correct word) that a person might undergo. Seems beautiful in a way. Even the people like with clever metaphors aren't encapsulating the whole picture. image.jpg gets deleted? By who? When you actually die there's no background ontology left over like in the computer analogy. It's not an emptiness that you fade away into, but rather an emptiness at the very core of 'being' that opens up from inside.
It's the one mystery of existene every one of us is going to solve.
A relief.
And they have been proven to have suffered some phenomena in brain which caused illusions.
There's lots of evidence against life after death, none for it yet.
But we keep an open mind about it, maybe you'll prove it one day. but I doubt you'll succeed where so many bright minds have failed before.
Legitimately hate that image with pride.
the ephemeral unknown
Pretentious git.
>evidence against life after death
You mean lack of evidence supporting life after death.
False analogy. Chopin's work ceases to exist while it is contained in something - a sheet, a performance (WHILE playing), a mind (while it is memorized). And if you would use the ways of preserving Chopin's work as an analogy for humans, those would be clones (as the same personality/Chopin's work is contained inside of them), They would not be comparable to a single consciousness, as it is possible to extinguish one without affecting the rest (i burned a sheet, but Mark can still play the music, because it is memorized, contained in his brain), Meaning that every interpretation of Chopin's work is a single consciousness/entity/human being, and capable of perising into nothingness. (i burned this sheet, so this interpretation of Chopin's work/this being is dead)
tldr; false analogy