Ask a question here that doesn't need a whole thread made for it.
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
So, I'm sure most people are aware of the disputed between Rundstedt and Rommel over how to defend against an Allied invasion, with Rommel advocating keeping everything on the beaches and Rundstedt wanting a more conventional counterattack, with mobile elements further back.
I've done a bit of reading on their back and forth, and as far as I'm aware, Rundstedt never uses the rather compelling argument that Rommel's plan had already been tried against Avalanche at Salerno, and failed miserably.
Does anyone know why he didn't use it? It seems s pretty good point to make.
Why do people think Catholics are Christian?
The same reason people think other Paulians like Orthodox, Nestorians, and Protestants are Christian.
Are you that judaizing heretic?
No, I'm an Afro-Kettelian.
I bet G-d is making Yeshua watch from the Olam Ha-Ba his cult shrinking into one Ethiopian church while the homosexual hellenic heresies of Paul spread the world over.
Over what amount of distance can a swallow carry a coconut?
Why is Macedonia allowed to be called Macedonia while Iran can no longer be called Persia?
Iran choose to be call Iran, if i remember well, Iran mean perse in Iran language.
It was Greeks that called it Persia. They've always called their land Iran. In fact they specifically had to request the united nations to stop calling them Persia.
Macedonia is a real place in Greece but FYROM is fucking wewuz bullshit. Most international bodies do not refer to FYROM as the Republic of Macedonia like they would prefer.
European or African swallow?
I don't know
Is Gibbon's Decline and Fall still relevant? Is there a more complete or better take on the same topic?
Was Prussia one of the worst things to ever happen to Germany?
Consider that after hundreds of years of Hasburg hegemony German culture had only continued to flourish and expand eastwards, hell, it did well even under Bohemian emperors, but after only 70 years of Prussian hegemony Germany saw itself as a puppet state split in half with almost all Germans east of the Oder gone.
what was life like in a holocaust camp?
I realized somewhat recently that in pictures of prisoners from there, nobody ever had long hair, so I came to the conclusion that there must be barbers and things like that in the camps, right?
so what other kinds of "services" did the camps have? I realize that the prisoners weren't getting haircuts by choice or anything like that.
also, what was "a day in the life" like for someone working there? I assume men were put to work pretty much until they couldn't work anymore, but what about for women and children?
pic unrelated
They had swimming pools and cleaned your clothes of louses and fed you and shit and gave you lamps and soap.
>Is Gibbon's Decline and Fall still relevant?
>Is there a more complete or better take on the same topic?
I doubt there's a single work with the same scope, but there's plenty of better treatises on the fall of the WRE and byzantine history.
Do you have any recomendations?
Why did alcohol production not become a proto industry.
Is chinese civilization the furthest a society can go without formulating basic scientific idea?
What did the Roman Empire look right before its collapse?
I'm just mind blown that it's only a couple hundred years from medieval times. Unless Vercingetorix and friends already looked medieval.
A society plagued by instability. Rome had shrunk. Though new regional centers were finally popping up in Trier and Dalmatia.
This thread doesn't deserve its own thread.
What was the Roman view on men sodomizing their FEMALE slaves?
Where do I start with Greek philosophy?
The odyssey?
I'm no expert, but I have this picture.
pic unrelated but god fucking damn
As a non-Prussian German: Yes, Prussia was the worst thing in our entire history.
you have to keep in mind slaves are not humans they are objects, so they would treat their female slaves like a fleshlight that cleans and cooks
What are some good books on pre-Columbus America? The three big empires, mainly. And early colonization of them.
You're a fucking retard.
How the translation of languages started?
>I'm just mind blown that it's only a couple hundred years from medieval times. Unless Vercingetorix and friends already looked medieval.
it was pretty much medieval.
the rich and noble had retreated to villas in order to avoid taxes, and the poor followed them to work in better conditions, installing what amounts to feudalism.
cities were in decay, many lost their running water and other commodities, political and social life was dead, people fled from them after several plagues where living closely together was a hazard, many towns were deserted entirely and completely devoured by vegetation.
Germanic people ran around either as raiders or sanctioned mercenary armies, several times stronger than the roman forces themselves. They were in many places the only sign of authority around.
it was basically a post apocalyptic Rome.
Is it fair to call Pythia the most powerful woman in the classical world?
this is overall greek literature
What is love?
It was not long ago called Persia, but Persians are ethnically a minority within Iran and the name is associated with pre-Islam so it's understandable that the "Islamic Republic" would want to focus away from its imperial heritage
Im interested in this too.
As far as I know, is no longer used from an academic pov but still is the starter point to get into Rome.
Why can't we all just get along?
The history of man is basically wanting something that someone else has. Usually that someone else doesn't want to give it away, so the person that wants the thing ends up trying to kill them.
This results in bad relations between the people and its kind of hard to get over for some.
What does Musssolini mean and translate into Italian?
What is the hat in pic related called and why do I see it only on renaissance paintings of Italians?
war is tie with evolution
every war came with new empires and new technologys/ideas
>What does Musssolini mean and translate into Italian?
>What is the hat in pic related called and why do I see it only on renaissance paintings of Italians?
It's just some sort of berretto (just a bag hat) over a white coif. It wasn't really an italian thing, it was used all over Europe. Petrach is wearing a chaperon.
Oh I forgot about Mussolini: it's uncertain. The most viable ideas are that it might come from light muslin (mussolina in italian), which would imply some of his ancestors were tailors, or from Mucciolini (a village) which would make his surname toponymic.
Recommend me books:
- something on the Celts (culture, religion, industry, warfare
- something about Alexander the Great, mostly about his campaign ofc
If you know any nice books on these subjects, it would be great if you let me know.
So it's totally fine to stick it up your female slave's pooper?
My grandfather wasn't a Jew, he was a forced laborer from Poland, but he WAS in a subcamp of Dachau for most of the war. He would play cards and whatnot. Never really talked about it outside of that. He used to put on a French armband and leave the camp with the french prisoners for the a&r (the Polish prisoners weren't aloud to leave). He met my grandmother (a German) because her mother owned a restaurant. My impression was that there were some basic services, but that degraded as the war went on.
Why is greek armor so fucking short???
Can explain to me what the hell the Crimean War was about?
Hail Satan, you may stick it up wheresoever you like
Big shield. Hoplon protects upper body and thigh while you had greaves for lower legs. Your pic is basically a leather breastplate with a decorative skirt
But why not just make it a bit longer to protect you're upper thigh if the spear gets behind your shield? I mean just in case sounds like a good idea. You could even make then down to your knees so it completely covers your weak spots there. Also it wasnt decorative, it was usually flush with the thorax.
Fucking wrong.
Persia refers to the state created by the Achaemenids who came out of Pars. The name stuck to the Greco-Romans. Though they did set the standard of what is an Iranic Empire.
By the Sassanid Period, the Sassanid Kings pretty much thought they got everyone who was Iranic under their rule, and promptly started calling their land "Eranshahr" (Kingdom of Iranians).
Britain and France trying to curb the growing Russian empire
I was always told it was more about Ottoman decay
The Brits and French were afraid the Russians would take over the dying Ottoman Empire. If the Russians got the Bosporus, they could get into the Mediterranean.
Official reasons were some babble about Jerusalem but the real reason could be summed as:
>Russian Navy(very strong back in 1850's) has to operate with 3 separate fleets - Black Sea fleet, Baltic Fleet and Far Eastern Fleet. These days there's also Arctic Sea Fleet but overall this setup hasn't changed to this day.
>Black Sea Fleet is confined to Black Sea because Bosphorus is very, very narrow and even outdated naval artillery can defend it. Oh, and Turks hate Russian Empire.
>Baltic Fleet can get out of Baltic via Danish straits, with Danes being relatively pro-Russian so it's not that bad
Russians were interested in projecting power over Mediterranean which required them to reach it in some way. They knew about the British pragmatic "balance of powers" position in diplomacy so they also knew that they may turn of them when they'll try to assert hegemony, therefore reaching it via Baltic fleet via Gibraltar strait was possible, but not reliable. As such, a nearby Black Sea fleet was the best way to reach it.
Both Crimean war and 1879 Russo-Ottoman war had roughly the same goal - get control over Turkish straights. Taking Istanbul/Constantinople would also be a wonderful propaganda tool.
French and British were concerned about rising power of Russian Empire so they've opted for intervention as they knew that OE is too weak to defend itself. So the point of Crimean war for them was to cockblock Russians from taking over control of Bosphorus
Who or what was behind the sinking of the USS Maine?
Wait. That was the USS Liberty.
Why is Guns, Germs, and Steel such a meme?
race mixing kid who had his parents teach him 2 languages
Other than the vigiles in Rome, were there armed police in other Roman cities. Even with 95% of the legions along the frontier, the cities, some of which grew to contain 100,000 people, must have had some kind of town guard.
What was the deal with the Borgias? Were they really incestuous or is that just a meme?
>were there armed police in other Roman cities
Yes. Both vigiles and urban cohorts existed in other big cities. Lugdunum, Mediolanum and Carthago to name three.
why didn't Russians use plate armor?
Would it be reasonable to say they also existed in smaller cities and towns?