My son turns 18 in a few months and he loves History, but I have no idea what to get him. He wants to become a Modern History teacher when he leaves school.
What Do ?
My son turns 18 in a few months and he loves History, but I have no idea what to get him. He wants to become a Modern History teacher when he leaves school.
What Do ?
Get him a sword or something, he could hang it in his office
>looking for parental advice on Veeky Forums
You must be 18+ to be on this website, my wife's son.
Ah I see what you're hinting at.
So here are my fares:
If you want to make it look like an accident, it'll be 20,000 $.
And if you don't care much about it, and I can dispose of him in whichever way I want, it'll be just 10,000 $.
>a father taking advice from Veeky Forums
This is rich
Depends OP, are there any other avenues your son likes? Any particular interest in a country's history or periods which affected the world? "Modern History" is too big of a subject.
He's most interested in WW1 I thought about getting him a replica WW1 Gun but it is really hard in Australia
Give him the gift of redpill
Tonight, go to his room when he's about to go to sleep, sit on the edge of his bed, look him tenderly in the eyes and say "Son, it's time you learned of the Holohoax and the 6 gorillion"
Sounds like a good gift tbqh, I don't think anyone here could think of something better except maybe a WW1 Philippine escort replica for an aussie
>that pic
gethim a chess board and play with him every day
(chess not his penis or anything you sick fuck)
You can get him a 1/1 scale guillotine model
>(chess not his penis or anything you sick fuck)
This, you fucking sick piece of shit
>This is rich
Yeah, why would he ask a bunch of 15 year olds what he should buy his 18 year old?
There literally can't be anyone under 18 here
You need to be an adult to post on Veeky Forums
Ask /k/ about it, they may help you more but from what I know it is entirely possible to get SMLE MK III in australia or, perhaps Ishapore 2A1(which is good quality 'modern' copy of MK III* but chambered in standard NATO round so it's cheaper to shoot).
Give him a copy of Historian's Fallacies.
I've got a WW1 helmet from my great grandpa I keep on a shelf, I believe they're called doughboy helmets but my WWI knowledge is nearly nonexistent. Helmets are a nice bit of war memorabilia because of how easy they are to maintain, show off, and transport. I'd assume getting a replica would be very easy.
It's called Brody helmet(or Helmet MK II).
You can get WW2 originals for $50-70. WW1 versions are identical but they "may" contain asbestos so... yeah, get WW2 one.
You can also try M1 helmets which should be cheaper but aren't WW1 anymore.
>my son loves history
My condolences. I hope you are ready to float his inevitable neet lifestyle.
do him a favor and buy him a STEM related literature
Don't you mean your wife's son?