How is Catholicism not just Paganism 2.0?

How is Catholicism not just Paganism 2.0?

>pontifex Maximus (pope)
>minor gods (Mary, Saints)
>offerings to statues (incense, candles, etc)
>gods on Olympus interacting with each other (muh intercession)
>whole slew of rituals and priest hierarchy


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>How is Christianity not just Paganism 2.0?

What is the issue?


It is, Catholics are just in denial. It's basically Roman Paganism with a cross painted over it

I dont think it says in the bible that true christians believe the world is 6000 years old, thay they dance with snakes, that they roll around the floor of a megachurch frothing at the mouth while REO speedwagon plays on the PA system, and that they send some televangelist $39.95 a month so that Jesus will come back quicker.

>believe in Christ

Sounds about right.


That deflection though

This reminds me of pro wrestling

How are Judaism and Christianity not just Zoroastrianism 2.0?

You're pretty spot on.

It reminds me of pagan dancing rituals.

Which is funny, because the majority of American protestants are of German origin. I guess you can take the German out of Germany, but you can't take Germany out of the German

>pray towards a saint's statue
>touch a saint's statue for healing
>it's just veneration bro!

Not that American evangelicals are much better, using force powers to heal cripples, speaking in """tongues""", supporting Israel to bring about the second coming, etc.

Better with sound

I'd have no problem with it if Catholics admitted that it is just harmless mythology and stories to give meaning to their lives, but the Abrahamic part of their religion insists that their beliefs are also 100% reasonable, which isn't what religion was originally for

>I'd have no problem with it if Catholics admitted that it is just harmless mythology and stories to give meaning to their lives
That's the tightrope the Holy See tries to walk, they recognise miraculous healings and whatnot from statues as acceptable parts of worship but stop short of saying the miracles themselves are theologically sound and definitely happen.

It is Paganism 2.0.

>pontifex Maximus (pope)

A title also held by Roman emperors.

The papists say they model their church after the early church, but they're identical to the Roman empire instead.

You don't think it says in the bible that true believers believe the bible?

Yes, wouldn't want to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit; let's just let them languish, and people suffer.

Early Christian pagan

How dare they pay high homage to a mere fucking word

>the holy spirit only intercedes if you venerate a statue

Despite some adoptions of Greek thought and cultural trappings Christian morality is still largely Jewish in origin, bearing little resemblance to the old Hellenic.

How dare these men treat dead remains as holy and treasure!

How dare this Pagan Irenaeus!

So you're saying the heresy goes back pretty far then.

So far to the Jews of the time of the NT in fact

How DARE those Apostles and Jesus not condemn these at all

How dare those Early Christian morons be pagan cannibals!

How dare the Bible not teach Sola Scriptura

Pope isn't any kind of god you idiot. He's just the leader of the hierarchy and even the dogma of him having contact with God and makes no mistakes was successfully contested in the past by several theologians most notably Hans Kung without them getting excommunicated or expelled from the Church.
The reason why proddies ever split off was that Luther was no theologian and knew he would get wrecked by one plus he was afraid of getting the Hus treatment which was legitimate concern as it happened circa century earlier.

>and makes no mistakes
and making no mistakes

Hus ironically is opposite from Protestant

Luther's autism increased ten fold when the Catholic Church acted autistic towards him

Make no mistake, Ignatius is a cannibal

My favorite is that dude prancing around the podium.

Protestants, not even once.

The idol worshiper was mocking Christians for using the gift of healing.

Do try to keep up.

Malaysian shitposter is Malaysian shitposter.

You'll never know the joy of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

What a shame.

Vicar of Christ
Vicar, from vicarious
In place of, in stead of

In place of Christ
In stead of Christ

In the Greek, Antichrist.

I've had plenty of it, just none of this protestant memery that borders on demonic possession levels of silliness

No, you have not, or you would not mock Christians who are.

You papists do nothing but lie to yourselves, little knowing how noxious and obvious are your lies.

Let's see some more Early Christian pagan

Irenaeus decimating sola Scriptura

How dare he

Look at Justin Martyr the cannibal

>cannot answer to historical and academic sources

>make a rational arguement on how catholics are not christian

>le protestants are heretics XDDD let me take a cherrypicked imageXDD im a crusader :DDD

>lying to myself
>unlike the man who is acting like a child with autism, pretending to be an airplane

What argument, green texting your view on Catholic traits, and not how they see their own positions on faith?

Well in that case, bravo my protestant friend, I will be sending a check to my nearest TV evangelist tomorrow.

>Catholics provide sources for Early Church Fathers being completely in support of Catholic views and not Protestant ones
>Protestants: TL;DL

Protties should leave Veeky Forums if they're going to be fact denying retards.

Malaysian shitposters are reprobates.

Yes, people full of the Holy Spirit can act like joyful little children at play.

Proto-catholics support catholics.

That's not a surprise.

That they veer away from the bible and into their own pagan rites and rituals, adopted from Babylon, is.

It is

Please don't confuse Catholics and Christians

Go away papist heretic


There is literally nothing wrong with being pagan.

If the Pope said too, would you drink the coolaid?

There is something wrong with being pagan and pretending you're christian though. People want to know about Jesus, and the bible, and all the catholic pagans know about is their own church and its own literature (tradition).

I have more respect for an honest pagan than for any catholic except an ex-catholic.

The pope holds a position of authority granted by Christ and wields this authority until the second coming.

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what happened at Pentecost.

they are literally the beast.

Being as 1st century Christian communities in Italy and Greece were doing all the things op listed (except for the pontiff title which they took from he roman government, they did have bishops filling the same basic role.)
Its pretty hard to argue otherwise, unless your perhaps referring to Jewish Christians at the time who didn't do all those things

Vicar is the roman word for representative or ambassador,


What about the one where the guys turns into a plane?

Even Islamism is Paganism, because pseudo-names of allah, are hidden aspects, minor gods/illahs, like Catholicism Trinity, Islamism Hundredty, Heathen Pantheon.

The pope has no authority over christians because the catholic church does not follow the christian gospel.

What bothers me most is these protestants come out of the woodwork anytime the word catholic is mentioned to call them heretics and pagans. None of them actually realize they aren't the first people to say this. Actual theologians and Cardinals, and church officials have made this argument.

Seriously at least look at the literature out there. Thomas Aquinas comes to mind. Don't just make incredibly shallow critique without even understanding what you're critiquing.

That's what I like about it. Far better way to practice paganism without having to deal with neopagan hippies.

>Seriously at least look at the literature out there.
The teachings of God are the Bible. Read it and take it as the supreme authority until Jesus returns.

People said they were drunk and carrying on like madmen at 9 am.

It's a pity you'll never know what it's like to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Malaysian shitposter is Malaysian shitposter.

No, he does not.

He's an evil man, soon to be possessed by satan.

That's not the papist lie; that's your own lie.

Vicar of Christor Vicar of Jesus Christ
Word Origin
noun, Roman Catholic Church.
the pope, with reference to his claim to stand in the place of Jesus Christ and possess His authority in the church.

Hard to keep lies straight, huh.

How deep you think we're going to get on a Tibetian spice trading board?

No, we'll just tell you the conclusions from hundreds of years of studying the beast: the Vatican is the most evil institution on earth.

ITT: people who believe* that all it takes to be a Christian is to truely believe that Jesus Christ is their savior, completely unironically claim that some people who truly believe that Jesus Christ is their savior ARENT Christians, because they believe a bunch of other stuff too.

*assuming they're not edgelords roleplaying as ultra edgy firebrand zealots

It's not that the catholics believe and act in a sufficient way to become christians and then go on to believe and act differently.

It's that they have no clue what salvation is, or how to obtain it, having never obtained it themselves.

They're the pharisees Jesus chided for circling the world to find a convert, and when found, the convert is twice the son of satan as he was before.

Vicar was being used as I described it in the Roman empire long before the papacy was established friend.

which you would know if you knew anything about the period we are talking about, which you dont

and where are all the authentic Christians during this period, because they appeartly left no proof of their existence behind unlike those "proto-Catholics" and messianic Jews

The Bible is a book written by men and inspired by God. If you want gods word then follow Islam.

We have the same gospel as you do, dude. Go find some humility.

The reason people are being chased away from religion in droves is because of this "only my interpretation is valid" attitude. Your narrowmindedness is literally killing your culture, and turning people away from Christ.

This is the part I really don't get, do Protestants actually think that Christianity did not technically exist until Martin Luther?

That sounds pretty Islamic.

They were doing none of those things retard

It is blasphemy that every catholic priest is called "alter Christus" - another Christ

He holds a position of authority granted by the serpent

No, we don't have the same gospel. Paul and the judaizers had a very similar gospel, yet Paul said "let them be anathema".

>tfw I tell non-Catholics I'm just asking for Mary's intercession, but I'm actually praying to our Mother

>the Catholic Church has distorted and manipulated Jesus's teaching for 1400 years
>the book they had influence on is LITERALLY the word of God, exactly as he said it, and not interpreted/passed by word from man to man before being written down

This cognitive dissonance is the epitome of the Protestant; it is why they hate the Catholic Church who has theologians sit down and debate and interpret a passage to draw a coherent conclusion from it. They want a literal word-for-word understanding, with no room for metaphor or allegory, and this "muh Bible" memery is exactly why the West associates anti-intellectualism with religion as a whole and Christianity specifically.

The eternal Protestant will kill Christianity, and with it, the West.

saint veneration, priests/bishops, iconography, complex rituals were all done by early Christians

Every serious historian acknowledges this

I pulled the definition straight out of a catholic dictionary, and that is the common use. The pope standing in the place of Jesus on earth, while Jesus is in heaven.

Because the concept of the Holy Spirit is lost on catholics.

(in the Roman Catholic Church) a representative or deputy of a bishop.
(in the Episcopal Church) a member of the clergy in charge of a chapel.
(in the Church of England) an incumbent of a parish where tithes formerly passed to a chapter or religious house or layman.

You have a problem with facts.

They're in heaven.

Don't worry about it. You'll never meet them.

What is the gospel?

They were all done by pagans, proto-catholic pagans, and modern pagans. Since Babylon.

Hardly something to brag about.

Or, you know, actual christians.

Originally, in ancient Rome, this office was equivalent to the later English "vice-" (as in "deputy"), used as part of the title of various officials. Each vicarius was assigned to a specific superior official, after whom his full title was generally completed by a genitive (e.g. vicarius praetoris). At a low level of society, the slave of a slave, possibly hired out to raise money to buy manumission, was a servus vicarius.[1]

Already posted that definition, which has nothing to do with the pope whatsoever. Love how proud you are the the Roman church is run like the Roman empire. Real discernment.

That's not the Christian position at all.

Catholics are doing their own thing, by their own rules, in their own way, having nothing to do with Jesus whatsoever.

Jesus hates the ways and beliefs of the Nicolaitans, and there is no bigger Nicolaitan organization in history than the Roman "church".

Those people, messianic Jews, and gnostics WERE the only Christians in 1st and 2nd century Europe. The real Christians you refer to simply did not exist. They left no graves, no references separate from the other groups I named. They are a fiction you have created to justify your religion which really didn't begin until the protestant reformation

My response.