anyone else seriously pissed that even thou this guy had tons of people inspired by his school of thought write a ton of other shit only to be burned by the fucking Qin legalists
Anyone else seriously pissed that even thou this guy had tons of people inspired by his school of thought write a ton...
He's shit teir tbqh.
Having said that the Qin were fucked up which is why they didn't last. But mozi's school of thought made a lot less sence than Mencius' ideas built upon that of confucius.
whats wrong with mozi
He bought into the impartiality meme.
gotta have that universal love
Warring States period was the best time of Chinese philosophy.
Faggot Qin and Han ruined everything
dank you
the fuck was his problem
>be hostage since childhood
>mother was slut and cucked his father with many mens
>probably autism too
>Implying some random Polynesian fisherman in the middle of the Pacific is equal to parents
So, what surviving works of Mohism are there? Are there any surviving of Mohi himself?
The fucking Qin legalists were the best of the hundred schools.
Mozi's impartial care is fucking cancerous, he's just the ancient chinese version of 60s hippies and modern muh immigrants liberals.
He was cool and his philosophy was unique, but dear God I don't think anyone would actually want to live in his type of world.
>Literally wanted to ban music
Nah get that ass banned.
What would happen if Chinese adopted his ideology instead of Confucianism ? I see many similar parts in his ideology with western philosophy . Like a man's destiny is decided by himself alone, not by a providence or god.
>Mozi tended to evaluate actions based on whether they provide benefit to the people, which he measured in terms of an enlarged population (states were sparsely populated in his day), a prosperous economy, and social order. Like other consequentialist theories, Mozi thought that actions should be measured by the way they contribute to the "greatest societal good for what we have agreed to in a social contract". With this criterion Mozi denounced things as diverse as offensive warfare, expensive funerals, and even music and dance, which he saw as serving no useful purpose.
Holy shit, this is retarded.
We're all one humanity. Build bridges, not walls.
Interesting concepts.
But not practical in the slightest. Mo-ists did create some cool warfare tactics an sheet though
China would be like the communist Mao era except instead of the period lasting 20 something years, it lasts 2000 years.
Was it autism?
>ingesting mercury
>We're all one big family
Invite some "urban youth" and "refugees" into your home for a month and then we can talk.