What did God mean by this
What did God mean by this
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Memes are universal. God's gotta have some fun too right?
It is a mistery, just like God's ways.
He's displeased with Mardi Gras and how heretical it is.
don't you mean the Demiurge?
What the fuck was God's problem?
What was God's endgame?
What if Earth is actually Hell and we keep reincarnating until we find God and go to Heaven.
They are going to make more money annually than you. Thats what he meant by that.
It's pretty embarrassing that they feel the need to flaunt their mutant children solely to soothe their own conscience. It's not like those kids have any idea wtf is going on at any point. But I suppose they lost a lot of their old friends.
Money is worthless when you're braindead.
it's too bad it's no longer legal to simply leave your mutant babies outside to die from exposure
That even brainless sissy retards can teach us about love.
God loves you OP.
God is beyond Good and Evil
He was avin' a giggle by ruining this married couple's life with braindead children that they aren't allowed to exterminate under society's current rules. The couple probably committed great sins before they conceived.
>Your genes aren't a good mix, stop having sex
or words to that effect
The same thing he meant by creating blacks. Nothing. He doesn't exist. Life's random and meaningless. Christians can't explain why this happens to good people, what did the children themselves do to deserve this, and whether they have a soul or not. The religions that believe in reincarnation at least have a half-assed explanation as to why blacks, brainless children exist. It's a punishments for past lives, but while this answers one question it raises others and so on and so forth.
That brings me back.
I think what god did with those things is that he tried and succeeded at creating a human that is functionally incapable of suffering or sin. If that is the plan behind those two, another factor is that the parents are being punished for their past sins, and the way they can seek forgiveness is to take care of the perfect human gifted to them by god.
Brainless sissy retards
To understand how to tolerate all. Think, these kids here do not have ill will towards others or deliberately commit cruel and vial actions for there own pleasurment.
They never mean to cause pain or suffering to another, all they know is life.
I think we should reconsider who is better off
t. brainless sissy
>le moralistic rationalization of a random freak of nature that brings suffering and sadness to everyone involved
Fuck off.
Watch what you say, least God gift you the perfect human as a lesson in humility.
Well some can view it as that. That is just bias from the perceiver. Food for thought
>perfect human
An brainless mockery is the perfect human. Retards believe this. Btw I'm not a Christian, I'd have that aborted and thrown in the garbage without a second thought.
Perfect in that they are as God originally intended humans to be; infantile and unthinking beings without sin, or the capacity for it. I.E. as man was before the fall.
I'm starting to think you are one such "perfect human" yourself.
I wish :^)
I'm trying.
Is it a conclusion to accept that we just dont know, and be okay knowing that.
You're pretty close.
ITT: post pictures of perfect humans
The way God intended right?
Made in His image?
If they are incapable of sin and do not question their place in the universe and with God, they are in fact perfect humans in the eyes of the lord.
God loves all of his children :^)
god didn't mean anything by it since it wasn't him that caused it
These look like agent orange victims.
We can despair and greive in eternal quigmire, questioning why and trying to find closer, we can point to them as examples as flawed beings of nature.
But what is more beneficial to humanity, to focus on what is different of them.. or care, seeing them as a life and give what all of us should have. Love
I see you are beginning to understand the full scope of Gods love. While this life isn't perfect, he provides us the means to improve the state of affairs. And it is with theses little miracles that the lord sends to earth, that we can provide the type of love that he gives to us.
Fictional characters mean nothing, and those children should have been aborted.
Is there truely a natural evil? The hurricanes, disasters, and tragedy of lossing one close to us is beyond our control, yes. But we label that as something negative. Does that mean there is only moral evil?
God made us these vegetables so that we could eat meat on Fridays.
Hurricanes and other such negative events in the world only exist because man decided to act outside the will of God. If the fall never happened, humanity would still be in paradise, and all things would be good. Natural evil is the direct result of man's defiance towards the lord, and would not exist if the fall never happened.
Waidwens legacy
They are hollowborn
Go home, Asguards.
>not aborting your child even when abnormalities are detected during the pregnancy
>dooming your child to a life of pain, medical problems, and social exclusion
what is wrong with these people
> Would not exist if the fall never happened.
God knowingly created the situation where fall can happen, did nothing to prevent it and created all of the natural disasters after it. God is only one here to blame, he hold most of the power, so he should have most of the responsibility.
don't make things up about the bible
god knowingly created a situation where man could have eaten from the tree of life (his purpose) and not the tree of knowledge. he did not prevent it because he has permissive will, knowing that man will eventually have the tree of life dispensed to him through the spirit of christ. and no he didn't create 'all' the natural disasters after it.
even if god could be blamed in any capacity he is not the 'only' one to be blamed by any means. satan can be blamed, eve, adam, those who deny christ can all be blamed. god can be blamed for using satan's trick against him, sacrificing jesus as the lamb and granting salvation to those who seek him through the abolition of sin on the cross
> he is not the 'only' one to be blamed by any means
God is omnipotent, means that he could control all of the outcomes perfectly in any situation. So even if you add agency of Adam and Eve, even with The Satan himself, God would still share 99,(9)9% of a responsibility for everything. To blame anyone else would be a blasphemy against God.
>Hurricanes and other such negative events in the world only exist because man decided to act outside the will of God
This is a very selfish view - natural disasters occur whether humans exist or not. Or is the Red Spot on Jupiter only extant because of your myth about 'Original Sin'?
I don't think it means anything not to sin or question if something is physiologically incapable of it.
These days you can end a mutant baby before it even gets to that point. All things considered we've improved.
it means he could control it if he willed it, but he has a permissive will which i already said. also like i said his will is to dispense the tree of life into each of us which is something that is happening currently
I think that title says more about you than it does about God.
It's a meme you dip
Claire or Lola, lads?
So a brain dead being is the perfect human?
So why don't you just shoot yourself in the head and do us all a favour?
Do these girls have microcephaly or anencephaly? I thought if you have microcephaly, you can at least function a little bit, whereas anencephalic children literally have no brain.
>he didn't post the video
Kill it with fire and magnets.
Just because you are a "good person" doesn't mean you are entitled to a good life dummy
Ever heard of job
Read the bible some time fuckwit
> Your job is to stop the literal natural disaster for fucking up your life forever without any reason. :^)
You want to try that again in English
I thought they'd be dead by this point
what a fucking mess... looks like a spore creation
You would think after the first one they would stop.
Or atleast when the doc said the next one would be braindead too
They wanted a matching pair.
It is disgustingly vain but on the bright side it's not like Juliana Wetmore or something where the person is terrifyingly aware of their immense deformity. These girls probably have never had a single thought.
well sometimes god has a wee bit much to drink and regrets what (and who) he did the next day okay?
we've all been there stop judging
Are they sentient
They're literally about as smart as a small fish.
god didnt mean anything, humans let this live, humans let this happen humans did this
fragile society
one scratch it falls to pieces
cops are the worst problem
bad programming
closely followed by military
then gov officials
general public are sheep, herded animals
ur as good as ur lowest common denominator
signed collectivism, an inability to take responsibility or judgement