Are these supposed virtues all spooks? By extension, are women the least spooked gender because of their innate lack of these qualities and inability to manifest them?
Are these supposed virtues all spooks? By extension, are women the least spooked gender because of their innate lack of these qualities and inability to manifest them?
Yes. It hit me pretty hard when I realised women were right all along.
>implying being right isn't a spook
Someone please tell me what a spook is and why its a meme
A spook is a belief that causes you to act against your own self interest, generally because you're programmed to believe thats good from the time you're a child.
If people can't see it, smell it, touch it, or taste it, you have a spook
Nothing more than thoughtforms
Those morals are usually in contrast to your self interest, but for the benefit of society.
Not correct, just because something is abstract does not mean its a spook. Its a spook only when you place it above your own interests
Why does it matter if something is a spook? If it makes people's lives more enjoyable, it's a good thing.
Just because it makes your life better to believe in the spook, doesn't mean it makes mine.
It isnt, although the *need* to be right can be.
That's spooky
The point is that spooks never make people feel better. Its those individual actions or events and not the spooks themselves.
Being manly might be be good whilst you are young but if your cirucumstances or company change then doing those actions would no longer benefit you and that trying to be manly would no longer make you happy and instead it would torture you
Same here until I realised they were merely haunted by spooks of their own
You're part of the society soyou benefit from morals of the society to a large degree. Like not killing. Stealing. Lying etc. All those have huge negatives that goes against your self interest.
Society wouldn't exist without all those traits shared and valued by the population. Society wouldn't be able to exist.
So yes these are abstract values, you call them 'spooks', but they really do make our lives better
>Spooks help create genetic trash and the sheltering civilization
>Genetic trash then "relieve" themselves of spooks and think themselves enlightened when they owe their very daily existence to them.
The irony is funny.
I feel like Richard Dawkin's The Selfish Gene is a really good response to egoism.
Hopefully you two actually know Stirners egoism not based on Veeky Forums definition on since most people here are shitposters who enjoy lying.
The point of the selfish gene is the basic unit of self-interest is not the individual, as individualism takes for granted, but the gene. It's simply an interesting response to any philosophy that discusses rational self-interest of the individual as a premise.
Spook is probably the worst and least understood meme buzzword that has gained traction on this website. Even cuckposters on average have a vague understanding of the proper meaning and use of that word, spookposters are just shitposters.
>haunted by spooks of their own
such as?
I am new in this board.
Just read a summary of Max Stirner ideas.
I think they are great, but I wonder how obvious they are to the rest of the population. Friend's I have, even though they are bachelor's of science, can't seem to wrap their heads around this concept, which I think is astonishing, since it's such a fundamental idea and something people should feel compelled to ponder.
I know many are pretending to not understand this, because they don't want to look evil or crazy, but still most probably really are naive.
Yes, they are all spooks.
Women are less spooked, but they are also less logical than men.
Logic is also a spook.
Logic always fit self-interest and you use it even when no one tells you to do so, because you need to draw conclusions correctly all the time.
Ditto for honesty. If I cannot trust my established business partners, I will spend more of my time/money verifying I am not about to get screwed in our next transaction.
This same process works in the opposite direction as well, ensuring that if I am honest, my partners have more money to buy my goods and services.
Some behaviors are against self-interest on an individual basis but for self-interest when practiced in aggregate.
The general point is that spooks are just that, spooks. Neither bad or good. Stirner makes you understand that the things hold no value in themselves BUT that doesn’t mean you can't give them a meaning. For example, egoists are usually associated with anarchists: that's not always true. If i act in name of the state because i want the state to protect me, i am not spooked because i'm exploiting the state for yourself. However, if i only do it because i feel like i "ought to" or because it's "the right thing to do" then i'm fuggin spooked kiddo
*for myself
i can see why marx got so bootyblasted over stirner
Because of what he says about '''the me'''' ?
Outside of the general spooks that afflict both genders; which of course are the principle spooks (being " objectively good" serving society ect) some ones that hit women a bit harder than men are
-Having to act in the interest of the "sisterhood" ie not being stay at home mothers because that is a betrayal to ideology
-the spooks associated with their current gender roles
-The spooks associated with motherhood specifically
-The spook of romantic love.
Indeed most of the values in the OP except through a feminine lens