Was Communism the greatest gift that Germans brought to humanity ?
Was Communism the greatest gift that Germans brought to humanity ?
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Let me go ask the victims of the NKVD
Communism was the biggest catastrophe of the whole human history.
If I had the opportunity to kill someone from the past, no doubt I would choose Karl Marx.
In the long term it certainly might be.
Although automated luxury communism will probably differ from Orthodox Marxism, and communism as an ideology predates Marx
t. Butthurt Porky
/leftypol/ posters are way too stupid.
yeah but stop skirting over the real question of who would win in a street fist-fight, marx or menger? in a carl-off
None /leftypol/ posters are way too stupid.*
Marx and Engels = England
Frankfurt School = US
Leftist revolutionary violence = France
Why can't these countries contribute anything positive to humanity like the Germans?
Communism and socialism were the two single biggest mistakes of mankind.
>I'm a cuck
>it will work this time goy
Yes. Marxism is the ultimate redpill
Communist state = Russia
Literally a red pill
The worst part of Marxism is that both critics and adherents are stuck in the past and refused to build on Marxist theory beyond the point of Stalinism/Maoism, which were both retarded, and neither countries were very well developed industrial countries.
It's the literal redpill
What are you talking about?
Marxist theory is hypercritical of both Stalin and Mao. Academic Marxists agree pretty unanimously that political Marxists must abandon Sino-Soviet nostalgia.
Actual Marxists are a very small voice compared to meme Marxists. Also half those people you mention are just anti-revisionists, and think Stalinism and Maoism is revisionism.
I don't understand why /pol/ stands for Capitalism while basically having nationalist economic populist views of race. Jews control everything with wealth, and yet we shouldn't fight their wealth because capitalism is good.
It just makes little sense. It's why nobody takes the alt-right seriously.
They're literally just a group of classcucks brainwashed to support the global elite by attacking scary, but ultimately inconsequential problems
yes those poor nazis they wuz good bois they dindu nuffin.
This, same as the SJWs who think transgender bathrooms are more important than wealth distribution. And even then, their idea of economic fairness is that there's a hispanic black transgender CEO that makes billions of dollars.
idpol is fucking cancer
Maybe if you were intelligent enough you would realize that /pol/ is not a single person. Some /pol/ users are nazis, others are libertarians, or some others are simply conservatives. Not everybody on there hates jews (me, for example).
You guys are full of shit
There is nothing wrong with wealth distribution, so those SJWs are not wrong this time.
Agree on your views regarding their views on economic fairness though.
>>Maybe if you were intelligent enough you would realize that /pol/ is not a single person.
Oh this old excuse.
>Some /pol/ users are nazis, others are libertarians, or some others are simply conservatives. Not everybody on there hates jews (me, for example).
Nothing you believe is ideologically concrete cut the crap.
What I said is still true. /pol/ is an image board with relatively diverse opinions, which are obviously going to crash sometimes (example, capitalism versus jews).
Cut the /leftypol/ crap now.
>There is nothing wrong with wealth distribution
Depriving entrepreneurs of capital so capitalists can take a cut is bad for the economy. Using capital as a barrier to enable less able workers to have jobs instead of more able workers without capital is bad for the economy. Capitalists, bad for entrepreneurs, and bad for workers.
>What I said is still true. /pol/ is an image board with relatively diverse opinions
Yes it is. Yes it certainly is. But as for consistent and true? Almost none of them are.
>Cut the /leftypol/ crap now.
Honestly no. /pol/ is not the place to find your ideology, or talk of it.
How old were you when you realized Germans were worse than niggers?
>go on /pol/
>piss of the nazis and don't get banned
>go on leftypol
>piss off the commies and get banned for "shitposting"
>go on /pol/
>piss of the nazis and don't get banned
that's a laugh
>getting banned off the muh freedom of expression is important board
you must have been doing something terribly wrong.
Oh I completely agree
The alt-right is just the mirror image of SJWs
They love the bourgeois state, but want it to pander more directly to their niche interests
Sure, and some self-described radical feminists are decent academics who don't hold batshit views
But we're speaking of the very vocal majority of both these big tent movements
Leftypol is a lot more diverse. You've got literal Stalinists, anarcha-feminists, and every of libertarian socialism's 32 flavors all embroiled in a constant dispute
You forgot Posadism you piece of shit
And spookies, who aren't even actually leftist.
You do know that an entire Greek isp was banned from posting on /pol/ right?
Go post an anti nazi thread on /pol/ right now. You won't get banned.
To be honest, on a board fueled by meme ideology, the idea of turning them on to the interstellar glory of Posadism does seem attractive.
>communist aliens
It's true