Spears are the superior melee weapon and Crossbows are the superior ranged weapon, Sword & Bow fags should really just kill themselves as this historically accurate picture clearly shows the swordfag is no match for the spear/crossbow dream team
the smug facial expression of Crossbowbro says it all, the swordfag was all like "muh armor" but he forgot the Crossbow can shoot clean through metal shin guards with it's superior piercing damage the Spearbro then moves in for the kill, and there is nothing the swordcuck can do about it except cry like a bitch, as we can clearly see in this 100% accurate picture it's exactly what he is doing
Connor Scott
Explain why the Genoese cuckbowmen got rekt at Crecy.
Camden Bailey
>that pic
Gavin Murphy
because Philip VI was a shit commander
also the explain how your precious English longcuckmen got rekt at Jargeau despite defending a fortified city and outnumbering the French 5 to 3
Austin Walker
The French had to resort to witchcraft. Pathetic.
Isaiah Harris
>witchcraft I think you mean holy divine maiden, Anglo devil
Austin Reed
They didn't have their pavises while the french lords pressed them for battle. They needed one more day to prepare and get their shields, would have made them win the battle by a landslide.
Hudson Diaz
Philip VI was a good commander though. The problem came from his french lords and knights, who were all dumb, arrogant cunts (They were frenchmen afterall), hungering for honorful battle, and charged like idiots, full-frontal, after bashing the head of their own retreating crossbowmen.
Noah Scott
>he doesn't start with spear and when shit gets real, close quarters and chaotic switches to sword and board OP kill yourself my man
also rapiers also thrusting>all
Daniel Cox
Rhodok spearmen suck, OP, and you might as well go 100% crossbowmen.
in MP Rhodok pikes are a god-sent in otherwise cavalry-ruled servers.
Camden Robinson
what book is this pic related from?
Joseph Turner
You're supposed to carry both to dumb nog.
Jaxson Foster
Osprey Publishing, Italian Armies 1000-1300 I believe they have shitload of great books about historical armies and warfare in general, check it out
Colton Lee
Yessss. Becuase clearly the Longbows are just weak as fuck when they pierce any armour.
Adrian Robinson
>longbows in Italy You're kidding, right? Those boys were 5'7" at most, their "longbows" would do shit. Even a fucking mongol recurve bow would hit harder.
Michael Martinez
Connor Fisher
how can bow fags even compete?
Cooper Campbell
Why are they bullying him?
Aaron Smith
>when they pierce any armour This is what bowfags actually believe
Adrian Sullivan
>venetians outside their containment valley Not even once
Landon Butler
No one likes Venice and their Republican ideology.
Adam Scott
>crossbows >take forever to reload >not maneuverable >at all >palisades to protect their pussy-o's
Longbows could have 2 lots of arrows in the air at a time. Fuck Crossbows.
Spears are gud.
Bows are always, always, always better than crossbows.
Luis Perry
>not uniting Calradia under your banner
>not using Sarranid Mamlukes for better mobility and increased likelihood of getting prisoners after battle
Owen Gutierrez
Crossbows have no upper limit on their draw weight
Cooper Cruz
you're all homos a close-formation Nord shield wall is literally unbreakable
i will drink from your skulls
Lucas King
>Not Maneuverable. Lets see you fire from an arrow slit, Longcuck.
Liam Ward
Miyamoto Musashi said that weapons are tools with different uses, there are no perfect weapons.
You can tell all the arguing plebs are not real medieval warriors.
Austin Lee
>a literal who said a bloo abloo
James Jenkins
>literal who >the man whose katana technique was so superb he literally cut the japanese islands off the mainland essentially creating the Land of the Rising Sun Lel
Wyatt White
>Fire *Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
Noah Richardson
>there are people, in this thread, who believe that life is like a videogame and you can only have one type of weapon or """"unit"""" >there are people, in this thread, who doesn't understand that different weapons are used for different situations, that most armies had access to both bows and crossbows, that knights carried both polearms and swords and maces, that you can train and place different sort of militias or men or mercenary companies depending of your needs >there are people who don't understand that most of theses weapons are complementary and made for different situations
/v/historians pls go.
Henry Wright
>Bows are always, always, always better than crossbows. Unless you're skirmishing, attacking fortifications, defending fortifications, or engaging in a prolonged exchang eof shots in a pitched battle, sure.
They're literally only better for bird hunting, faggot.
Chase Murphy
Lmfao your spergy army is going to chase me around on my horse while my 200 arballesters shoot at you
Jordan Hughes
bows require learning how to use a bow from early age. crossbows take comparatively little training and are just as useful at firing a projectile over long ranges and killing dudes. they weren't banned because they were shit
Jacob James
>ITT bowplebs
Joseph Edwards
John Hughes
>not horseniggering with Khergit Lancers
Brandon Cooper
*Unsheathes katana and teleports behind you*
Robert Hernandez
>khergits >taking anything that isn't a steppe/desert >ever ever taking a fortification
Elijah Campbell
>Nords >not holding position maybe under the retarded AI
Luke Flores
Bannerlord can't come soon enough
Christian Cox
>hold position >siege crossbows can pierce huscarl shields You gonna get fucked up boi
Jonathan Scott
You don't need to learn archery from childhood to be a competent archer. Sick of hearing this dad fact.
Adam Campbell
>not taking the best units of all the lands to make your army stronger than the sum of its parts