In the PC generation, what will be the worst forgotten historic atrocity.
obviously african american slavery, the holocaust and 9/11 aren't going anywhere for obvious reasons, but what are some international events that shouldn't be forgotten but probably will... like the British slaughtering the Irish
In the PC generation, what will be the worst forgotten historic atrocity
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>like the british slaughtering the irish
That and every other atrocity committed by the Eternal Anglo will sadly be forgotten. As they say the winners write history.
Nice try eternal tueton.
>How will I save Europe?
>Better start killing Europeans lmao
Indiscriminate slaughter of all citizens, innocent or not, in war zones.
Extermination camps were invented by England to genocide the population of South Africa.
The white one, should I mention.
The British concentration camps in South Africa were not extermination camps, and as many black Africans died as whites due to mismanagement.
Depends where you live.
In the US/West Yurop, probably anything to do with what happened to many countries after decolonization. Hell, it's hapening right now. Have you ever heard of South Africa in the western media? At best you'll get a "meh whatever" out of it.
I'm also guessing people will have a short memory about what is happening in Venezuela. Two years ago you had half the "intellectuals" in the west praising Chavez/Maduro. They lay low for now but you just know they will be back for the next collectivist bonanza. The old ones were the same one that praised the Red Khmers (rum hum Chomsky hum). There is no indication the new generation is any wiser.
They cannot be forgotten as modern directors are still filming movies about them, Gibson's Braveheart is the most known example.
>British slaughtering the Irish
The British never literally slaughtered the irish you retard.
Fucking american "Irish" faggots.
I'm glad you retards left.
The Romans dealt with the Carthaginians to the point that not even the language survived. No one cares, historically speaking.
1804 Haitian genocide against whites
Armenian Genocide because Turkey won't stop being a bitch and is able to elicit pressure on Europe
Cambodian Genocide was immensely fucked but gets little attention
Britains extermination of the Tasmanians
Fuck the Irish
Those cunts got Mountbatten
on the other hand
>As they say the winners write history.
Probably what the Japs did during the war, in the west at least. And well, all the crimes the victors did during every war ever, but that goes without saying.
So, Abdul, what was this then?
>like the British slaughtering the Irish
dint happen, probably should have happened but didnt, irish famine was not british fault and occured at the same time as english crops were failing, cromwell didnt kill that many and those he did were fair game under the commonly accepted law of war for the time (essentially if your walls are breached surrender or your liable for the sack and slaughter of the assault), troubles and easter rising by no means were a slaughter.
firstly concentration camps werent a british invention, the spanish had previously used them in the phillipines, secondly poor administration and logistics were the root cause of the death toll not deliberate intent, the death toll was regarded as a major scandal in britain when made public
When people of the united states believed their government about 9/11.
I think part of the thing about the mistreatment of the Irish by the British is that the people of Ireland don't really care too much, even though it's as recent as other ethnic tensions like the animosity between Turks and Armenians for example. Outside of really rough/backward/sectarian places, an Irishman can visit England and an Englishman can visit Ireland and practically go anywhere.
But history is written by historians.
And most of them are losers.
Chomsky didn't praise the Khmer Rouge at all
>the worst
I don't know about the worst, but any number of the colonial revolts and resulting genocides that occurred towards the end of the fin die siecle. Germany's colonial revolts are making an academic resurgence, but others are not.
There's no such thing as the PC generation.
I think the worst is the whitewashing and muddying of the waters around many leftist atrocities. Either way it probably exposes some right wing atrocities.
Kys retard, actually gain some insight on the topic before posting
No one will forget the Irish because much like Jews and Blacks they can't help bit complain about evil injustice that befalls their people and how they'd be on a moon utopia if England didn't exist
Most people don't know shit about the Armenian genocide and holodomor.
Barbary pirates.
Fuckers kidnapped ~1.25 million Europeans into slavery over just one century. In 1783, after two centuries of transporting slaves there were around 800,000 black slaves in the US.
>I think the worst is the whitewashing and muddying of the waters around many leftist atrocities.
The Islamic slave trade.
Armenian Genocide? What Armenian Genocide?
it's the religion of piece guys can you cool it with the racism?
Thomas Jefferson sending in the Marines to whip their asses is one of the great forgotten episodes of US history. Why hasn't anyone made a movie about it?
Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. These fuckers have exterminated a good portion of the entire human population in the 13th and 15th centuries. But they were not white, so...
>irish famine was not british fault
>Records show that Irish lands exported food even during the worst years of the Famine. When Ireland had experienced a famine in 1782–83, ports were closed to keep Irish-grown food in Ireland to feed the Irish. Local food prices promptly dropped. Merchants lobbied against the export ban, but government in the 1780s overrode their protests.[78] No such export ban happened in the 1840s.[79]
>Throughout the entire period of the Famine, Ireland was exporting enormous quantities of food. In the magazine History Ireland (1997, issue 5, pp. 32–36), Christine Kinealy, a Great Hunger scholar, lecturer, and Drew University professor, relates her findings: Almost 4,000 vessels carried food from Ireland to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, and London during 1847, when 400,000 Irish men, women, and children died of starvation and related diseases. She also writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon, and ham actually increased during the Famine. This food was shipped under British military guard from the most famine-stricken parts of Ireland
Nice try beady.
Koreans and Chinese will start screaming about reperations for Nanjing if they trip next to a sushi restaurant, no need to worry about Nip war crimes ever being forgotten.
>~1.25 million Europeans into slavery over just one century.
It says right there that
> From the 16th to 19th century, corsairs captured an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million people as slaves
Italian here. As far as we are concerned, it's gotta be the second italo-abyssinian war under Mussolini, where we irrorated thousands of ethiopians with gas to win a war against nognogs. Nowadays 99% of italians ignore we even had african colonies.
Based pasta-eaters.
Arab slave trade.
But it's completely ignored because brown people can by definition not oppress anyone.
PArt of An english civilwar, it was a war you flaming retard shit like that happens all the time.
And on my god 3000 dead.
Nevar forget the 3000 gorillion
I love americans being more pissed off over these "Atrocities than the actual Irish.
Nice meme bro, 100% irish, other than possible some viking dna from over 1000 years ago.
Communist purges and cleansings
American / NATO imperialism, destabilizations and regime change, resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths
Generally massacring civilians is considered to be a war crime.
>The combination of warfare, famine and plague caused a huge mortality among the Irish population. William Petty estimated (in the 1665-66 Down Survey) that the death toll of the wars in Ireland since 1641 was over 618,000 people, or about 40% of the country's pre-war population. Of these, he estimated that over 400,000 were Catholics, 167,000 killed directly by war or famine, and the remainder by war-related disease.
But Britannia did nothing wrong!
>e-everyone who disagrees with me isn't actually irish!
You're a west brit alright. How does it feel being the Irish equivalent of self-hating SJWs?
Warcrimes were barely a concept at that point retard.
>You're a west brit alright. How does it feel being the Irish equivalent of self-hating SJWs?
You imply I hate myself, and I don't, I love this country, I just don't feel like adding a terrorist infested shithole would make it better.
Something doesn't cease to be an atrocity just because it happened in a time before it would be recognised as an atrocitiy.
>I love this country, I just don't feel like adding a terroist infested shithole would make it better
Nice freudian slip there, nobody else even mentioned NI. Just shows how your mind works: Mentioning (the well-noted) British mistreatment of Ireland becomes 'AHHH SF/IRA PROPAGANDA ULSTER IS BRITISH BRITANNIA DID NOTHING WRONG!!!1!'
israels treatment of Palestine