Why was everyone in premodern times so cute (serious question)?
Pic related, this is actually a guy.
Why was everyone in premodern times so cute (serious question)?
Pic related, this is actually a guy.
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>Pic related, this is actually a guy.
And looks like it. If you believe that that bust looks feminine, you have cognitive problems.
t. guy who never saw a bust of socrates
Oh, my bad.
Depictions may be subject to minor inaccuracies
>Depictions may be subject to minor inaccuracies
I think you should make that major.
>Why was everyone in premodern times so cute (serious question)?
Probably because they ate better. Eating offal of grass-fed beef was common back then.
Honestly, having good looks is mostly based on the jawline, no joke.
>tfw the two paintings of Alcibiades went missing
All that survives is artistic interpretations and commissions. Why would anyone want to be depicted as ugly? The ancient greeks sought a sort of realism, but it fell out of favor.
The greeks tended to idealize their subjects. You can count on their portraits having very regular physionomies and unblemished skin.
On the other hand we have the romans, who swore by absolute realism (aside from public statues): you'll see plenty of ugly mugs in their sculpture.
Alex looks like a qt there, did he really look like that?
Have some more. I don't feel like dumping so just follow the links:
>yfw they were so obsessed with realism they even depicted Sulla in every single bust with his mouth open because he was a literal mouthbreather
Roman portraiture is literal autism during the republic.
>On the other hand we have the romans, who swore by absolute realism
yet, none of their statues look italian...why is that? they all look northern or western european
>tfw I'll never be able to hear his qt lisp
>Hadrian devoted a city to his dead faggot
>ITT: Western Euros marvel at how masculine men still manage to be more attractive and feminine than most of their women
You just have shitty genetics fampai.
Please stop
Sculptures of Antinous became widespread, with Hadrian probably having approved a basic model of Antinous' likeness for other sculptors to follow.[53][74] These sculptures were produced in large quantities between 130 and 138,
Although the adoption of the Antinous cult was in some cases done to please Hadrian, the evidence makes it clear that the cult was also genuinely popular among the different societal classes in the Empire.[69] Part of the appeal was that Antinous had once been human himself, and thus was more relatable than many other deities.
Right? Everyone knows feminine busts have nips.
Literally Griffith
Just look at the statue of Augustus pls
He was lisping?
Did nothing wrong
Natural selection. The sculptors that made ugly faces mysteriously died off.
Yeah he was known to have a cute lisp
So what you're telling us is...Antinous was the first waifu (or husbando)...
>tfw I will never have a chiseled adonis greek bf to pound my ass and call me eromenos
Why did I have to be born in this era
The meme where snow niggers attempt to claim responsibility for roman indian and arab achievments is a rather amusing one