Veeky Forums approved historical movies?
Veeky Forums approved historical movies?
Lawrence of Arabia
>Everything ITT
/her/ won't appreciate such bigoted films
Pricilla Queen of the desert is more progressive
Lol this movie is hilarious. In the battle of Rorke's Drift they get the Zulus to just dance around while the Brits shoot em
patrician. i liked how they portrayed the german soldiers as regular people with regular lifes and desires instead of the typical waffen-SS-bots with a fetish for facism/ubermensch
You'll like this movie as well then if you haven't seen it already.
Some of my favorites, historical accuracy is not much of a factor for me, but when the accuracy is good its definitely a great bonus.
Lawrence of Arabia
Master and Commander
Ben Hur
Andrei Rublev
El Cid
Brother Sun Sister Moon
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Les Miserables (not the musical)
Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut)
The Lion in Winter
The Last Emperor
The Leopard
Russian Ark
The French Revolution (1989)
Letters from Iwo Jima
To End All Wars
[spoiler]Master and Commander[/spoiler]
Praise Muad'Dib
That one's shit. Really contrived... Stalingrad's battles weren't about people lying in ditches and crying all the time. The psychological toll of war is a bit more subtle than that.
Dune is a Lawrence of Arabia ripoff mixed with New Testament.
I doubt there was anything subtle at all about WWIIs big battles.
this, very overrated.
Best 'Nam film imo.
but wait /tv/ told me star wars was a dune fanfic. how deep does the rabbit hole go?
All the way down to Jesus. Terminator is also based on the new testament.
why did you try to spoiler master and commander
You are dumb. The psychological toll not the battles.
Soldiers don't just turn into a mass of cry babies lamenting on how war is all wrong while fighting. Sure there is shell shock and all sorts of other manifestations of psychological trauma, but not as the rule during an operation. During a fight training and survival and fighting instincts kick in, in the form of being surpressed by fire or wasting bullets, or just functioning like a model soldier and getting flashbacks years later.
>the psychological tolls from arguably the worst battle to ever take place in history was subtle
>battles in WW2 were defined by whole units of men without exception whining instead of firing back
The Alamo
Billy Bob Thornton version, not the John Wayne version.
Frank Herbert was writing Dune years before Laurence of Arabia was released. The meat for me is in the worldbuilding.
You ought to read more frontline accounts from Stalingrad and the eastern front. There were already some pretty big morale issues in the German army by 1942, and with the exception of a few green soldiers most of the Germans in the movie don't break down until the situation starts to get really bad. After the encirclement things started going to shit fast. Most of the soldiers realized that they were dead men walking. There are accounts of men shooting themselves for a chance of getting on one of the few planes leaving, officers not shooting soldiers for insubordination and going awol because they knew they were all going to die soon anyways, and many suicides.
Where in the movie did the entire unit break down crying? And don't mention the cellar scene because that was 5 men knowing they had only a few days to live at best.
Very first battle
I know all this and there is a right way to do it like in Unsere Mütter unsere Väter, but this one was forced and contrived.
>very first battle
That was the warehouse battle right? Wasn't it just that one soldier who accidentally shot his friend who started crying? I could be wrong though it's been awhile since I've seen it.
>people getting surpressed by mg fire
>only way to stop it is sending a helpful idiot to throw a grenade in a suicide mission at invisible russians
>he dies they cry
>he shoots his friend, cries
>burned russians
>they cry
Worst was the machine gun fire though. Everybody just got hysteric and whiney, not even firing back and these were veteran soldiers as well.
Protip: WWII-style Total War bares pretty much no resemblance at all to contemporary low-instensity COIN operations (which is what you're describing).
Call me a pleb or idiot but I personally enjoyed Enemy at the gates and Windtalkers. I honestly think that Adam Beach in the latter is a good actor but Hollywood has no idea what to do with him so they give him nothing in his roles whenever he is cast in one of their movies.
That's not the picture the anecdotes in On Killing told me. What is your source?
Khartoum is insanely underrated. Beautiful looking film, I'd say it's up there with Lawrence of Arabia
>Laurence Olivier as a Nubian spiritual leader
holy shit, that sounds amazing
When Trumpets Fade
Which one?
Sherman's March (1986) is one of the most Veeky Forums movies imaginable. Very patrician.
The director initially planned to make a film about the effects of General William Tecumseh Sherman's march through Georgia and the Carolinas (the Georgia portion of which is commonly called the "March to the Sea") during the American Civil War. A traumatic breakup McElwee experienced prior to filming made it difficult for him to separate personal from professional concerns, shifting the focus of the film to create a more personal story about the women in his life, love, romance, and religion.
The Zulus did that to count how many guns the Brits had
>kingdom of heaven
As much as i like Ridley Scott i must disagree. In the first scenes of the flm we already know what it's gonna be like.
>priest steals a neckles from a dead woman he is supposed to bury
Almost every character that is part of a order is shown as a cuck who doesn't give two shits about consequenses of their actions.
Also we are supposed to root for a guy who has an option of marrying the wife of a BAD GUY (whom he knows is going to start a war with the muslims) and killing him therefore putting him on the throne of jerusalem and saving thousand of innocent and not-so-innocent lives. But insted he decides not to because MUH MORALS
And about the crisis of not believing in god (which is a stupid plot point in this film) i purpose you watch Seventh Seal (maybe not that historically accurate but thought provoking and it talks about nihilism, existential crisis and death)
Shaka Zulu isn't a movie, but it was great. You can watch it on Netflix