Are paradox games historically accurate?
No, doesn't mean they aren't fun.
but theyre the ones that come the closest
Generally at the starting point, with the exception of games in which the HRE is a big homogeneous blob.
Remember to buy HoI4 and Stellaris
Im pretty sure Kings n shiet did not receive instantaneous messages or had graphs & charts.
No but autists will play it and take everything they see as a indisputable fact.
wouldn't autists be the ones that gets all butthurt over historically inacuracy while normies takes it as facts?
I'd say they're as close to historically plausible as today's technology will allow
I liked the maps a lot
Speaking of the HRE, that's probably Paradox's biggest offender in innacuracy, given that in EU4 there are, what, 15 states in the HRE? Though it's pretty understandable that an accurate one would be a huge pain in the ass to deal with. Some sacrifices have be made for the sake of gameplay.
Disregard HOI4 and buy Vicky 2 and HOI3
There's a mod for every state in the HRE
Bigger than vanilla Europe put together i think
The only way to do HRE justice would be to have a game based solely on it
They aren't, but they're still more accurate than 99% of videogames.
>inb4 some imbecile will count mods as games
t. Johan
Johan pls
Its called Voltaire Nightmare
>game based on HRE
pretty cool idea actually
Yes. Sweden is the most powerful country in the world.
Think it's above 40 at start. Less than 35 or 25 and the emperor starts bleeding bleeding authority.
Of course. I can take Ragusa and become an empire on five continents by the end of the game. Paradox games shine with history and realism.
Realism is not a meaningful argument
Check out Kingdom Come, it's entirely set in the HRE.
Unpopular opinion: I actually like HOI4, though it isn't my favorite Hearts of Iron game. DH is. HoI3 was good, but it was almost Grigsby levels of autistic.
If liquor drove the industrial revolution, then yes they are.
the maddest man in the world must have made this
HOI4 is just HOI3 without having to assign additional battalions manually.
top be fair how often does the A.I alov something like that too happen. the only times stuff like that happens are when the player is Riga
Funnily enough one of my major complaints is that Empire don't form
The Ottomans start off huge and have the goal of expanding into Europe, but the Austrians aren't hard-coded to always form the necessary political unions they need to become an empire, and no one else will show up in their place to become the huge dick of Europe
>one of my major complaints is that
>the Austrians aren't hard-coded
Fuck right off, retard.
No matter how accurate a paradox game is the moment a major nation gets under the absolute control of an autistic neckbeard history goes off rails.
If you want total 100% complete accuracy just watch a fucking slideshow of maps changing. its a game, and if you cant actually do things that alter the course of history in them, then what the fucks the point of even playing a game about how history would change?! Playing as ragusa and just sitting in the Adriatic for a couple hundred years waiting for the turks to fuck you over in a month sure would be fun right?
>huge dick of Europe
That'd be France
And England is hard-coded to be perfidious.
Alright, can we put the memes aside for a moment and all agree that, for what it set out to do, HoI4 is a success? It gave us a WWII grandstrat free from all the archaic bullshit of Darkest Hour, and also much easier to get into then HoI3. Can anyone here honestly say they enjoy wasting an hour to fix their OoB every time they start a game of HoI3? Not to mention that, rather than needing to tediously micromanage industry like in other HoI games, HoI4's industry is both streamlined as well as more intuitive than the previous games. Yeah, it's true that HoI4 leads to more "ahistorical" scenarios, but isn't that the point? Why even bother playing the game if the outcome is predetermined form the start? Moreover, from a pure gameplay perspective, giving the player more options, whether they be historical or ahistorical, is a total success. Sure, Mosley ruling Britain never could have happened in reality, but it's fun to have the ability to easily do so in video game form.
Overall, I feel that HoI4 is getting a lot of undeserved hate simply because it isn't a total copy of HoI3 with slightly better graphics. Of COURSE the game is different - HoI3 already exists, there would be no point to making the same game again! HoI4 may be different, but that's by design, not by some unforeseen flaw, and it should be celebrated for the changes it made, not hated on.
No, France is the Western Turk.
t. WIz
Isn't crusader kings 2 kinda like that?
Haven't tried to colonise yet as Ragusa, but I'm pretty sure I could've done exactly what I stated if I hadn't focused so much on having all of southern Europe, North Africa and all the way to India conquered. It's not so much the AI allowing anything it's the player getting lucky. Basically EU4 is a shit game that actually relies more on luck than on knowledge. There is basically no skill involved. Once you learn to build a marketplace in a centre of trade, not to cross rivers attacking and to steer trade to your benefit there is nothing else that remains except for "which dumb shit will the AI pull and will I benefit from it?".
I have three (technically 4) pretty basic gripes about it: air combat, the map and optimization. I hated the fucking 3D map in CK2. I fucking hated the 3D map in EU4. I fucking hate the 3D map in HOI4 with a god damned passion. If they were to give us a 2D option with map modes, I'd be fine which brings me to my next gripe: map modes. We have, in total, 9 map modes of which only 4 do anything of note. Finding out what terrain is what is a giant fucking pain in the cock as you have to click on each individual province instead of having it shown normally on the map. In fact, I lied, there are fucking two whole map modes that do anything important: air map mode (because you're forced into using it) and fucking supply map mode. The air issue is kind of a bitch. Since you, and the AI, crank out more planes than Hitler could even dream of, you lose the ability to micromanage them and semi-rightfully so. However, this takes away the ability to fine tune your air war which is horse shit. On top of this, the air issue is currently what's fucking optimization. If you get past say... 1943 you end up with the AI having tens of thousands of airplanes per country because they're scripted to keep shitting them out and the chances of getting shot down are pretty rare so now your PC has to keep track of hundreds of thousands if not millions of aircraft including your own which lags you the fuck out.
It's better than HoI3 was on release but it needs serious improvement to get on the same level.
Paradox would be great if they partnered with academic institutions and researched how to simulate economies, politics and societies and even culture. But they appeal to 16 year old muhh heritage /int/, /pol/, and Veeky Forums-tards with a meme level understanding of history.
How do you go from this
...to this?
With Victoria 2 they were on the right path.
Not anymore, though.
>There is basically no skill involved. Once you learn to build a marketplace in a centre of trade, not to cross rivers attacking and to steer trade to your benefit there is nothing else that remains except for "which dumb shit will the AI pull and will I benefit from it?".
This shit can basically be said for any paradox game with only minor variations.
>dont attack across rivers or into mountains
>keep your industry running
>protect your supply convoys
wtf all I have to do is wait for the AI to fuck up now
Vicky 2
>dont attack across rivers or into mountains
>keep your taxes optimal
>steer your politics to avoid rebels and socialism
>maintain hegemony over your spheres of influence and keep allies
wtf all I have to do is wait for the AI to fuck up now
>A village of refugees that turned it into an empire that spread over 3 continents and conquered all advanced civilizations in its path
Wtf I hate history now
For Vicky 2 it's more like
>who gives a shit about mountains or rivers
>tax the poor the most and the rich the least all game while maxing your tariffs
>fund the right industries and fuck lazy fairy
>do whatever you want in politics, just don't get lazy fairy
>spheres are fairly irrelevant unless you're trying to form a Union or you want a specific good
Vicky 2, while more complex than any of the other Paradox games besides HoI3, is easy as shit once you learn what to do. You can turn OPMs like Luxembourg into GPs with ease with the right knowledge.
Mine was bigger.
Were the borders connected by land or did you just have a little clay in every continent like the Dutch?
Somewhat, the funny thing is that borders in EU4 at the end often resemble real life borders of the time or 50 years later, at least in Europe
Not perfectly obvious, but I had a game where everything was looking almost "normal", and then Russia freed Denmark from Swedish/Scandinavian overlordship and almost every border was perfect.
Also, terrain played and still plays a MASSIVE role in land warfare, but nautical superiority is ignored in EU4 compared to how important it was and is in real life.
HRE is shit in CK2
just a big white blob that fucks over it's neighbours and doesn't function like the HRE at all
Connected by land. Had an entire game's length alliance with Austria and Hungary. Basically everyone went their own direction in conquering helping each other brodown with their enemies. Funnily enough I bordered Hungary in the Caucasus. I think theirs was even bigger. All of Scandinavia and a huge chunk of Russia. The stars aligned about a few decades into the game from which point it took absolutely no effort on my part. Once you learn how to play EU4 the game becomes boring 'cause you realise it's shit and easy and it boils down to coin flips.
I've had vastly different experiences there. I've had games with France not existing for the second part of the game (and not because I helped do that either). Or Sweden reaching as far as Korea.
I'm more pissed at how Muscovy can steamroll the Ming dynasty a couple of centuries later.
I think it's better now, they tend to expand a bit against the east, take some land from France at the start and have a chance of losing the Italian states.
In the past they would always end up going on a crusade to Iberia and end up swallowing up all the Muslim states there.
This. Holy shit.
>start as some random count
>start consolidating power
>become powerful duke
>ok time to bribe some people and fuck the emperor through politics
>sow dissent in the capital doesn't do shit. at most makes a shitty baron pissed off with the emperor
>get caught most of the time
>try to make factions get pissed with emperor
>they become pissed with me instead
>somehow make the other powerful dukes/kings hate the emperor
>-100 hate him
>they still don't do anything
>somehow make them/they do something
>emperor just swats rebels like nothing
>+50 opinion crushed major rebellion
With the changes in the next patch of the duchy of Flanders being part of the kingdom of France/ empire of Francia, I imagine the HRE will be attacking France a lot less now.
Why wouldn't they be able to? Historically, the Ming were falling the fuck apart and were to be conquered by nomadic horseriding nobodies barely a century after the beginning of EU4, let alone a few centuries in as Muscovy becomes the entirety of Russia.
>start a Paradox game
>get triggered by all the stupid meme shit
>some months later repeat
Story of my life
Can they still press that claim that allows them to take half of France near the start?
>meme shit
Such as what? The forced women events that essentially force you into picking them?
>this thread
And the comet ones
not him but
>force you into picking them
Top Kek
>late game empire
>monthly income 50+ ducats
>only tier 3 advisors
>whooman event happens
>oh boy
>wall of text straight out of wikipedia
>"Wow, we absolutely need her at court."
>tier 2 super woman advisor
>"What a nice story"
>10 prestige
>employing a woman
>pay her only half of what men in the same position do
wtf I hate paradox now
>get a similar event but with a male advisor
>"hey this guy did this at this time"
>literally two lines
grandi liquor XD
Using CK2's mechanics, it's not super easy to create a truer functioning HRE, especially considering the various start dates and that every holding in a county is under the county holder, excepting for oddities like holy orders. And, once again, there's not just enough map space for all of them.
Yeah, this is a good example. It zooms into essentially just the HRE with some extra areas like holstein and northeastern france
They sacrifice a lot of historical accuracy for gameplay conveniency, but even then, it's just a spreadsheet simulator to me. With the exception of CK2
I prefer Total War desu
>says paradox games sacrifice a lot of historical accuracy for gameplay reasons
>proceeds to shill Total War
Fucking wew lad
I prefer Total War not because of its accuracy, but because it's more interesting than the Paradox games for me.
Plus memories of playing Rome Total War as an antisocial teenage history sperg
Underrated post
You mean inaccuracy? Total war games aren't accurate at all.
Paradox games are too off the rails for me. I prefer a more railroaded experience driven by event chains and free of ahistorical and unaesthetic blobs. Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour is sort of like that but alt-history.
>Are paradox games historically accurate?
Considering that they are games and not history textbooks, they do a pretty good job. I can't think of a game series that is closer to history, really, certainly not on the timescales paradox games cover.
Took 10 seconds to know they weren't historically accurate, took me a bit longer to find they weren't fun. Don't play them, they're for children practically, With the exceptions of the HOI games except 4, and CK2 with all the Expansion pacts. But still don't, they're all cancer
CK2 is the most casualized of the lot. Even more than EU.
>not for children
>find out you dislike a particularly genre after sinking 1000 hours into it
>dares to call it shit
Yeah, turns out you're just retarded.
They are games designed for children with autism. Most people who play them have mental disorders where they care about the shapes and colors of lines.
Buy a superior game like total war, you actually have to put some thought into it.
It's still for children of course, it's just actually fun, kinda.
>tf2 there will never be in-depth strategy game where you lead from the top with limitations and power depending on your nation, internal politics, individual command of battles,etc
> and actually use strategy holy shit
>spearmen in front
>skirmishers in back
>use cavalry to attack their skirmishers and flanks
>hammer and anvil
>actual thought
Yeah, nah. Candy Crush requires more thought than Total War games
Woops, retarded image. But yeah keep far away from Paradox.
wtf another
Tyranny looks to be good because Oblivion is making it and Paradox is just using their jew money to publish it
Still more strategy than a Grand Autism Simulator
By fucking Jesus another one
pls papi let this one work
Anyone remember that one game Runestone? It was supposed to be a norse mythology game but pdox cancelled it like EvW
Holy shit what the fuck actually
Nah, not really. Name comes to mind tho
How new are you?
It isn't strategy at all.
I am actually going to murder something if all my memes full to midget autism
This one doesn't work and I legit kill myself
>being this much of an idiot
Post pics
lol just kidding check my expansion
>failing this hard on a consistent basis
Opinion discarded. Stop saving thumbnails you moron.
I think were back in business now
here let me do my first poster over again and forget this happened
It's still for children of course, it's just actually fun, kinda.
>tf2 there will never be in-depth strategy game where you lead from the top with limitations and power depending on your nation, internal politics, individual command of battles,etc
> and actually use strategy holy shit
Yes we all know spurdo memes, we've been on this site longer than 40 seconds. Stop spamming the thread with them you autist.