How does Veeky Forums feel about KAISERREICH?
How does Veeky Forums feel about KAISERREICH?
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Interesting but i find it hard to believe that the Ottomans did not collapse as well as Austria Hungary.
Especially Austria-Hungary. If you have to hyphenate your name your country is fucked.
Arthur Blair being stringently for censorship and in bed with a bunch of stalinist commies triggers me hard
>Italian Corsica
No problems here
The only acceptable victors in the second American Civil War are either the P.S.A or Huey Long's American Union states.
Any other faction is a disgrace to the American political tradition.
>inb4 just avoid the war
>imblying they wouldnt riot to get back with us
piss off luigi
>He thinks corsicans care either way
Nice joke Pierre.
But they do.
>Germany wins
>Austria-Hungary still collapses
literal fucking horseshit made by a /gsg/ autist that needs to read a history book.
>Alternate History must be the most likely secnario
>got Darkest Hour
>too stupid to play it
well then
>How does Veeky Forums feel about KAISERREICH?
>give historical opinion about Kaiserreich
If you want to discuss vidya go to a vidya board faggot
A better reality than the one we're living
Everything is great except Huey Long being right wing and Mittelafrika being a fantasy memeland
*arodef spit*
Syndicalism is the natural extension of the American liberal-democratic tradition
Stupid Germanywank
Still arguably the best mod for DH, and I can't wait to see what they come up with for HOI4.
Pretty sure it's made by commies
The main thing I don't like is how fucking barren the events and world becomes after the second weltkreig. Germany fucks syndy france and shitaly most of the time but can't take england resulting in Mittleeuropa being pretty much unstoppable in single player since AI sucks at naval invasion. National France would be a lot more fun if your allies actually helped you reclaim france from germany/syndies instead of just ocassionally bombing them or raiding their convoys.
Well the austro hungarian empire is massively de centralized and the ottoman empire is at the brink of collapse at the start of kaiserreich.
>he can't take mainland france without his allies help
The trick is invading italy first.
Holy shit, what is this map even, crusader kings?
Best boy
Active independence movements!
"Active" though meaning literally at times around 50 members. Half of those are bullshit, and 75% of them are literally "what?" tier.
>Sami advocating for their own nation
No, Nothing belongs to them in Scandinavia since archeological evidence point out that people settled in the south earlier then the sami.
They can fuck right back to siberia.
It's a fucking mememap, Occitanie isn't even a "real" entity.
I never understood while is he cast as the evil fascist dictator. IRL he was one of the most tolerant White leaders who supported economic reforms, opposed pogroms and accepted the independence of Ukraine and Georgia. Unlike Denikin, who is cast as a reasonable moderate.
You should help the Carlists win the Spanish civil war (DOW the CNT and the Kingdom of Spain) and join the Catholic Alliance, Spain and Italy are much more helpful for retaking France then the Entente.
It doesn't actually collapse (until 1936 at least), they just reform so the constituent states gain more autonomy. Those semi-autonomous states are represented as puppet states of Austria or Hungary (which is a puppet of Austria) in the game, but in the storyline they are still ruled by the Habsburgs and considered one Empire. After 1936 though it has a chance of collapsing, but can also reform into a new dual AH, a federation or a new Austrian Empire like it was pre-1848.
Reminder to crush every syndie you see
>Active independence movements!
literally 36 people "strong" movements aren't really active
You can do it user, you can do the thing!
the gentle laborer shall no longer suffer
I believe Germany is supposed to be pouring money into them. Plus a victory in the war would probably bolster unity for a short time.
Is any way to ensure that the CSA or AUS wins the civil war?
Anarchist Spain also rarely wins.
who made this
>independent Kerry
>not a Kingdom
what is this vomit
>latvian lithuania
>lithuanian latvia
>square new colorado
That still doesn't prevent the entire premise of the scenario from being a Germanywank of mighty proportions. The Germans go full "world-police" in the 1920ies, despite fighting a longer and more exhaustive WWI than in reality.
They carve out a gigantic colonial empire in Africa, take over the Suez canal, intervene in the Russian civil war, take Indochina, gobble up Papua-New Guinea, set up puppet governments in all of Eastern Europe, assist the Austrians in stabilizing northern Italy and then they still have the energy to subjugate the south half of China.
To be fair, they didn't carve out that massive colonial empire themselves. They just kinda took it from France and Britain.
Also, the Eastern Europe thing is a direct result of Brest-Litovsk, which was an actual thing that happened IRL after the Russian revolution.
You don't seem to be very good at this "history" thing.
The good folks of /gsg/
This make me sick.
>complaining about people pointing out flaws in a Swedish autism simulator mod based around le epic Germoney swallowing up a third of the world in a twenty year timespan
that's a mod for Darkest Hour, right? is it fun?
It's pretty fun. General idea is Germany wins WWI and France and Brotain go commie.
The mod is heavily event driven and is all about branching paths. So as France you can be "good guy" socialists or go full Stalin
what is this, some computer game?
sage, reported
Is any of that unrealistic? Britain and France did just that to Germany and the Ottomen
If you look at the backstory of the mod, WWI is extended by 2 more years. In reality, Germany had trouble feeding its own population by 1918, how they manage to hold on for 2 more years, while beating Italy, France and the Balkan Entente members is beyond me. The backstory also includes several naval battles between the Royal Navy and the Hochseeflotte, while in reality, German sailors mutinied in late 1918.
>inb4 Ukrainian grain
This never materialised in our timeline. Occupying Ukraine didn't alleviate the general resource shortage of the central powers nearly as much as they had hoped.
So after the end of WWI in 1920 the German population is starving, Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans are starting to disintegrate and the German empire has to stabilise the vast majority of Easter Europe. But apparently they still have the energy to intervene in the Russian civil war. Then they carve out a massive colonial empire on the negotiation table. For most of the 19th century, colonies had been a financial drain on the parent countries. How can Germany even support all of that? How can Germany build up such a capability for force projection and use it to subjugate half of China? Why is the war-weary population not in open revolt at that time?
It all just seems so far-fetched for me.
its as video game
I never disputed that. I think it's a wonderful mod, full of replayability and engaging scenarios. But it's premise doesn't hold up very well.
but that's true for most video games. And from an Alt-His approach, the Kaiserreich universe isn't even that outlandish, it's just somewhat implausible. I've seen far worse scenarios.
>finland has post-WWII borders
It's amazing but autistic
HoI4 is gonna have its own version
But the whole plot centers around Germany winning the eastern front before 1918 and exploiting the resources of the former Russian Empire, due to successes in the Western Front that prevent the US from joining that allow more resources to be diverted to the Russian front.
Early Russian defeat means the Bolsheviks fail and are brutally suppressed by a Russian version of the freikorps, preventing revolutionary sentiment from erupting in Germany.
You can find minutia about the story that bother you, but many less probable things have happened in reality.
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Middle Ireland
>Jewish Republic of Turkey
>New Colorado (u.s.)
>Butthurtbaltar (Spain)
>Poland (under direct U.N. governance)
>Belarus having the head of the E.U. shaped like a middle finger in Moscow
why does Canada have a bit of Antarctica?
Why didn't they just make the Germans win by not having them expise their flank before the first battle of the marne? They could have had the Germans win by 1915 or 1916 at the latest.
Communists overthrow the Governments of France and Great Britain after a sort of reverse treaty of Versailles when Germany wins. The British Royalty abdicates to Canada with most of the Royal Navyl, a couple of regiments and some of the British upper class during the revolution, making Canada into the new leading superpower in the Entente. French leadership flees to their African Colonies, Austrialia unites with whatever pacific colonies they can, and the Caribbean English colonies form a comonwealth nation. The Entente then consists of Canada, French Africa, Australasia, the Caribbean Federation, and South Africa.
The fuck happened to China?
>How can Germany even support all of that? How can Germany build up such a capability for force projection and use it to subjugate half of China? Why is the war-weary population not in open revolt at that time?
That's the point of the game. Germany cannot support its empire and ends falling by 1963 to either Baron Wangler or Baron Ungern.
i like how switz get so much clay so germany and france cant attack each other
Clusterfuck. Basically, Germans intervened in their civil war and restored the Qing to power. They took over some areas for Germany, and they set up a sort of East India Company, which is so powerful and has so much autonomy that it's like it was an entire country.
There's a scenario in Kaiserreich about it.
Tbh I think KR only exists because some lefty guys wanted to create a plausible scenario for Marxian societies to ride in the West
>I think
Idk why you just think that. At least two of the devs, the vocal ones on their forums, are admitted communists. One is a Trotskyite and the other a Maoist. I mean, syndies get music and sprite packs while monarchists don't. That should be a red flag right there.
>Chile in sotuh pole.
What the fuck
Why would Belgium lose its claims on the Congo?
This answers most of my problems with kaiserreich. I mean i really like germany winning in WW1 but their position in Kaiserreich is just bullshit.
A more interesting scenario would be to tone down the whole syndi shit. Its seems retarded to me that france and GB are suddenly turning red. A defeat in WW1 would lead to revanchism and the like so far right governments are a more realistic choice imho (at least in GB). I could accept france turning red but GB as empire falling apart ruled by reactionaries/Ultra nationalists seems far more intresting.
Russia should be a republic imho. Somewhat of a pseudo-democracy like late Weimar. Torn to shreds by white forces and red forces who have paramilitary units. The civil war never errupted and russia is still pretty backwards. Civil war should errupt near the start of the game and serve as ttl spanish civil war.
American 2 civil war is bullshit. Destroys my suspension of disbelief. Maybe just a weak federal government, depression and very strong isolationist movements.
AOG and Quing empire are horrible. Instead of super germany intervention a more sensible approach would be to have asia dominated by Japan. A counterweight could be the chinese republic (pretty weak but somehow survived japanese attacks with western help, some territorial losses though)
Germany should control the Ukraine, some rump poland Style state and maybe the Benelux states. The games narrative could be that the germans had a massive Post war Depression and big changes in society and politics8due to the war so that they are actually somewhat democratic.
A-H should be unstable. Nationalism and german interest of reunification with Austra should be a real danger.
It's good. When the fuck is 1.8 coming out?
Message them on twitter about it?
Oil money would have given the Ottomans the needed military infrastructure to crush revolts, which in turn would give the stability needed for economic growth.
>Falkland Islands II- The Refalkening
fucking glorious
Played most of the main nations, Russia, US, Britain, France (commune), Germany, Japan, China, Italy. Are there any other ones with good event trees?
>arctic Chile
>Argentina annexes U r gay, Nigglivia and Paragay
I'm gonna punch the guy who made this map in the face
Poland, Argentina/Brazil, Non-Qing Chinese states (especially the Christian or Muslim one), Mongolia, Austria, Mittelafrika, Spain.
Oh and Egypt and the Indian states. Honestly, there are few countries that aren't fun to play in KR.
Shit map. Wessex doesn't include Hampshire, the literal fucking home county of Wessex.
>A more interesting scenario would be to tone down the whole syndi shit...
True, though French leftists tend to be rather militant, GB is a bigger problem though. A right-wing nationalist state would make more sense there.
>Russia should be a republic imho...
This is how it is in game already. Russia starts as a weak democratic state under Kerensky which quickly falls apart in a number of possible ways, including civil war. Remember this mod started in HoI2 not as German or Syndie wank, but Russian wank.
>American 2 civil war is bullshit...
Yes and no, I think there are game limitations that start coming into play here. Darkest Hour is not a socially nuanced game, it's difficult to portray those aspects in it. Besides, "a weak federal government, depression and very strong isolationist movements" this describes the US at the start of the game very well.
>AOG and Quing empire are horrible...
>Germany should control the Ukraine...
This is almost exactly how it is in game. They control Belgian Belorussian and Ukrainian puppets which regularly leave the German alliance in game. Also the massive depression happens in game as well, effecting their leaving or not.
>A-H should be unstable...
It is, they fight a war in 37' almost every game, if Austria loses it's war, it very regularly joins Germany.
I think the biggest problem with the mod is that they condense what should be 20 years of actions, rebellions, sentiment, ect. into 4 years. It seems busy as shit with everyone killing each other at once. On top of that, Darkest Hour's limitations keep them from doing some stuff. Should you right complex event chains that abstract the social upheavals going on, or just break India up into 3 separate ideologies and have them fight it out. It is a war game after all.
They should have gamestart in 1930, it'd help a lot.
>Germany is teetering on the brink when the game begins
If anything the mod is Russiawank considering just how many fucking events they've coded for Russia alone.
Never or at least not for a long while. They've focused all of their resources into creating KR for HoI4. Release date is "sometime in the next few months."
About what? I don't use sprites or have music turned on so it's no skin off my nose. I like the mod the way it is, but I absolutely love Huey Long and Willy (and did well before KR) so eh. It really doesn't bother me that the devs are commies because the mod is pretty balanced, if not slightly in favor of anti-Syndies, and they even have an optional sub-mod if you want to tip the balance in favor of Syndies.
Argentina just annexed Uruguay and Paraguay.
Learn your geography, senpai.
i'd watch a kaiserreich mini-series
We're coming bucko.
It's all about the Syndie shit, user
Russia is really the most interesting country imo. As a free capitalist democracy, it is the "last free man" from a liberal perspective, with plenty of ideological wiggle room.