Why was there no war fought over Australia like all the other continents?
Why was there no war fought over Australia like all the other continents?
>90% inhabitable desert
>native fauna is man-sized spiders and hostile emu aboriginals etc
Gee, I wonder
>implying japan didn't attempt to invade australia
What is there to fight about
The Seven Years War ensured it would be the Brits and not the French and Dutch who got Australia.
Of course the struggle of the brave natives in resisting British perfidy is the true forgotten war.
Remember the Emus!
Because everyone else took one look at the weird animals and abundant, horrifying spiders and melted-face natives and >noped the fuck out of there.
Also who wants to declare war to seize a penal colony with no apparent resources that it takes almost a year to get to (if you survive)?
>one of the most resource-rich countries in the entire world
>implying china's rise hasn't been mainly fueled by australian resources
They're a good reason not to fight. Emus are like ten times worse than indigenous savages.
They're like savages that can run faster over unimproved ground than a jeep, cannot be killed with human germs, and can never be subjugated into slavery or civilized.
the british were seriously concerned about invasion for a very long time. the french and dutch were eyeing off various places and established some footholds here and there, e.g. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Perouse,_New_South_Wales
they couldn't hack it in the long term though, no major support from their govts as there was from britain to establish a colony.
lmao i love this myth, keeps all the shitcunts out