Redpill me. Is Allah a moon god?

Redpill me. Is Allah a moon god?

Yes and the Kabaa is a cube with a vagina toilet on it.

No, its theoretically the Abrahamic god, possibly with elements of Arab paganism.Doesn't the Vatican have pillars


Ancient historians have long confirmed the moon appearing to split into 2 parts parts, around the same time Mohammed performed his miracle.

It's pretty neat knowing that science is finally catching up to what was already known by true religion for centuries.

It's no wonder that Islam is usually referred to as "the first science"

Geometry predates Islam tho.


Nah not really. Islam has always been the one and only religion. Prior religions are misinterpretations or distortions of the true revelation, and wisdom that appears to predate Islam in reality was always taught by Islam first.

The teachings of philosophers and academics from ancient times was always taught by God (through Islam) first

The Quran is Bible fanfiction, so not really








This thread keeps getting better and better

But no, he isn't a moon good; he doesn't exist

>Doesn't the Vatican have pillars
And so does the Lincoln Memorial

What's your point? It's an incredibly basic piece of architecture.

>It's no wonder that Islam is usually referred to as "the first science"

Exclusively and only by Muslims

The Church was the Scientific Bastion of the West.

Protip:every building larger than a medium sized family house will have pillars in it you memester fuck

Allah is the beast that was, and is, not.


>implying it isn't the same god

Yahweh is a Canaanite storm god

*tips fedora*