Why did people allow the EU to happen? Were they just stupid or brainwashed?
Why did people allow the EU to happen? Were they just stupid or brainwashed?
Pic three.
It's a good idea that's been corrupted for horrible purposes at the behest of neoliberal banksters
Basically, it was greed. Countries wanted the economic and political status that comes with EU membership. However, like children, they didn't bother to read the fine print and signed away their sovereignty.
EU states must do the bidding of the EU Council, and that includes taking refugees. Once again, like children, European states threw a hissy fit when they should have known that this is what happens when you join the EU. If you don't want to take in refugees and have your country's sovereignty overlooked, then by all means don't join the EU.
European countries like to play the victim, but it's their stupidity and ignorance that got them in this mess.
>EU states must do the bidding of the EU Council, and that includes taking refugees.
Not true at all.
They do or they face sanctions, ostracism etc.
Technically they're using Article 78 of Lisbon as a legal justification for this shit but countries were literally coerced into adopting Lisbon and it wasn't one of the criteria when they joined the EU, seeing it was only put into effect in 2008.
Also not true. The EU only cares about immigration between member countries. They are free to determine their own policies about outside immigration, which is why those policies vary greatly.
I dunno, it seems pretty clever to me.
>Germany forms a supranational union
>Ruins the economies of other countries so as to drag the value of the Euro down so German manufacturing can compete while also sucking up as much brainpower and money as it can from member states and shipping machinery to China
>Uh oh, Degermanization worked and the Germans are going extinct
>Oh well, might as well go along with Kalergi's plan now
>Entices new members with promises of riches to keep the con going
>New members just take the riches then kick the mudpeople out and tell the unelected goons to get fucked when they whine
Unless you weren't referring to Italy and Hungary and their lot and were actually talking about France/Spain/England, in which case yeah, they should have seen this coming from a mile away. I mean come on, even the ITALIANS did.
It's more than mere stupidity. Politicians knew that joining would bring short-term material benefit and failure to join could result in career suicide. Young people were attracted to the idea of free movement and the sheer novelty of it. The stigmas of backwardness, wrong side of history, paroquialism, etc., mere propaganda buzzwords and empty slogans to the trained mind, nonetheless have a powerful psychological effect on the mass-individual.