>yfw Americans unironically claim to have invented the airplane
Yfw Americans unironically claim to have invented the airplane
>yfw OP only discusses history in memes and greentext
>trying to be elitist on the worst board on Veeky Forums
Whoa, salty
I thought that Germany was the first country to make powered flight.
You see, what the Wright brothers did was create an airplane that was heavier than air, powered, and controllable.
People had created aircraft that were powered and controllable, but not heavier than air. They're called airships.
People had created aircraft that were heavier than air and controllable, but not powered.
They're called gliders.
People had created aircraft that were heavier than air and powered, but not controllable. Some French guy built a motor glider in 1890 that could fly, but couldn't be steered.
The Wright Brothers just created an aircraft that used the relatively new internal combustion engine to make the craft actually useful.
Get educated on Dayton Ohio's golden age.
>first in flight
>WRIGHT BROTHERS, mofuggin Orville and Wilbur
>most patents being granted in the entire world
>industrial powerhouse
So sad that it is such a shell of its former self.
Don't forget their unique method of twisting the wings to direct steering.
At least it's not Youngstown.
>tfw none of that matters because North Carolina steals your aeronautics thunder
Put that shit on our license plates and everything.
this isn't /qst/
Congrats on having a windy, hilly location where the ground was soft enough that they wouldn't die.
Really sad that is all North Carolina can bring to the table.
>Youngstown was at one point the fastest growing city on the planet
lol what
Santos-Dumont's 14 bis was heavier than air, powered, and controllable.
It could also take off by itself and didn't require a catapult unlike the Wright plane. That's what the comic is about.
We have "birthplace of aviation" on our license plates. Nort Carolina taking credit for airplanes is like Enewetak atoll taking credit for the hydrogen bomb.
The Wright's plane didn't require a catapult either. The catapult was instituted so the plane could take off into a headwind: something the 14 bis couldn't do.
Good news for you, because the great state of North Carolina recently rolled out the brand new "First in FREEDOM" plates. Egg on your fucking face now, eh?
We invented vinegar soaked barbecue too though!
Sounds cool.
It's very divisive. I'm not native to NC and so most of my experience with BBQ has been the red-sauced kind you find in the rest of the country. I prefer the NC variety though, has a stronger flavor that's less sweet. Rest of the family can't stand the shit.
People get into legit fist fights over here over BBQ. It's an intense source of regional pride.
The fucking japs deserved more than 2 nukes.
>into headwind
>being harder to take off
Are you sure you don't mean tailwind?
>first flight
>so they could take off in a headwind
It's MUCH easier to take off into the wind rather than with it. You are mistaken on your facts.
It doesn't end there.