Eastern civilization is LOW ENERGY.
Eastern civilization is A WASTE.
You have ALWAYS been lesser than Western civilization.
Eastern civilization is LOW ENERGY
Quality thread.
>The Greeks aren't indebted to Persian and Egyptian culture
No culture is an island, except for Australia and look how pathetic the abos were.
>it's a pol comes to his episode
>/pol/ comes to Veeky Forums
>implying Veeky Forums isn't already a subset of /pol/
What does "level of civilization" even mean?
Don't you mean phoenician?
>implying /pol/ isn't just /int/ mixed with /b/
>Civilizations have "levels" just like in my videogames
Kill this meme.
>the ol' I'm too smart to know what words mean meme
space age civilizations > mud huts and voodoo
It's that simple nerd.
What defines a "level" if civilization then? How do you differentiate one "level" from another?
Kek, as if.
Minoans and Myceneans were relevant way before the Phoenicians, it was Myceneans who sailed west, it was the Minoans who built gorgeous palaces, frescos, giant monuments, Phoenicians didn't have any of that and were subjugated by the Egyptians, Levantine people got cucked hard by the Greeks, if anything it's Phoenicians who got influenced by the Greeks, that is, Philistines from Crete and elsewhere, who colonized Palestine, Lebanon and even Syria o some degree.
> why X didn't develop?
> why big achievement only are from Y?
>why Z contributed nothing to humanity
Why can't the mods delete all this evolutionists thread?
Why people with 19th century's anthropology ideas are allowed to make threads on Veeky Forums?
Based eternal European civilisation.
ah the death throes of a dying race
>tfw when we're all wiped out non-whites will be screaming at each other about how their great great grandfather was European
>cough cough I'm choking on smog and shit cough cough but the west is cough dying
You realize the two aren't mutually exclusive. I mean look at Star Wars, the main dude lives in a mud hut and practices voodoo.
>I mean look at Star Wars, the main dude lives in a mud hut and practices voodoo.
Is this a joke?
>Korea is representative of Ancient Asian culture
You dense motherfucker, this is like comparing Germania to the Han dynasty.
Why do Ameritubbies think that "Asia" automatically means Gooks and Chinks? Levant is Asia, Mesopotamia is Asia, Anatolia is Asia.
Nuke this fucking board
>this thread
When most people say Asia, they actually mean east Asia. Like when people say Scandinavia but mean The Nordic Countries, or when people say Africa but mean Sub-Saharan Africa. It's stupid but that's how it works.
don't be a faggot - we know what he means
>When most people say Asia, they actually mean east Asia.
When most AMERICANS say Asia, you mean. In Britain it's normal to refer to Pakis or Indians as Asians.
No it's not Jamal. Go back to Elementary School.
>who is yoda
>literally lives in a mud hut and practices some religion nobody has heard of
Minoans weren't Greeks and Mycenaean civilization collapsed before the Phoenicians were even around, you dense shit. If you'd ever read a single book on the topic you'd know that after the Bronze Age collapse civilization completely disappeared in Greece and had to be rebuilt from scratch under the influence of Phoenicians carrying Egyptian and Mesopotamian influences. Greek writing comes from Phoenicia, sculpture comes from Egypt, mythology is heavily influenced by Mesopotamia, artistic motifs from Assyria, etc.
Add flags to Veeky Forums. Kt will improve the quality of this board so much.
>bumping this shit thread just so you can post your """dank""" OC
Because they're attention whores, but they don't have tits so nobody cares.
How is a fictional movie's portrayal of space wars abd magic relevent in this historical conversation.
>Implying Greece represented all the west
Greece was merely an Western outpost of the great Middle Eastern civilisations such as Babylonia and Persia.
I bet Greeks wouldn't even be considered White if Westerners wernt like WE WUZ TEMPLE BUILDERS N SHIIIT
>comparing best to worst
Also the Parthenon is extremely overrated
>ever creating a civilization at all