Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision? It seems like it has an unwarranted amount of hate on the Internet. Is its rejection a very recent trend? Non of my friends are Jews and only one of my mates is uncircumcised (no homo fags) and he's from Latin America.
Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision? It seems like it has an unwarranted amount of hate on the Internet...
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>what's the beef with circumcision? It seems like it has an unwarranted amount of hate on the Internet.
NEETs don't work or contribute to society so they need something to complain about.
Well it doesn't really have any advantages and it reduces the amount of pleasure you can get from sex. I guess it's nice that if I meet a Jewish or Muslim qt I can LARP my way into marriage without having to know the pain of being circumcised
>Is rejection of circumcision a very recent trend?
Yes, up until recently every culture practiced circumcision dating all the way back to Homo erectus
What do you think is more appealing to a female, a clean shaft or some fucking snuggie bacon wrapped hotdog
You have any proof of this? The Greeks sure as hell didn't circumcise
You can't fuck a girl with a limp dick
And why does it matter what women think looks better? Should we also circumcise women if it made their clit more aesthetic?
Yea bro like why do we even groom ourselves. Shaving is a huge waste of time and money
how does limp doink correlate to this post
It's unheard of in the first world outside of America and Israel. It became popular in American to prevent young boys from touching themselves. After the sexual revolution they had to invent bullshit to rationalize continuing a very profitable practice.
>Comparing shaving to permanent genital mutilation done on an infant incapable of consent
Your hair grows back dingus. If you decide you'd rather have your full dick you'd better be prepared to time travel to before you were born.
Circumcision reduces penile sensitivity by a considerable degree, basically denying millions of men a fuller sexual experience.
It is just coming about now from the increasing amount of people that don't follow religious practice.
Male circumcision.
Pros: literally nothing but aesthetic preference
Cons: reduced sensitivity, chance of infection causing loss of penis or death in very rare cases.
A big problem also is female circumcision, but nobody wants to defend that because for some reason it's horrific when done to a woman instead.
Uhhhh, circumcision helped prevent infections. Surely it was good in locations that were largely unsanitary. Obviously its useless now.
This, and the fact that it's a non consensual form of body mutilation that's mostly irreversible. Ethically I think its just as bad as giving your baby a tattoo. yourself this, OP; how many men would get circumcised as adults voluntarily if it wasn't a custom performed on infants?
No it doesnt.
I don't think male genital mutilation is acceptable, but female "circumcision" is biologically more equivalent to removing the entire penis instead of the foreskin. It is horrific.
>Obviously its useless now.
Read it before commenting
I dont think it ever did that.
This. Only stupid americans have this problem as usual
pretty weird and messed up, but not nearly as bad as getting ur clit sliced off and your vagina sewed shut
I got circumsised because of an infection
why do americans do it? are they jewish?
>Jews and Muslims support it because gawd
>mericunts support it because Stockholm syndrome
>Normal people see it as genital mutilation of an infant
it's dying out in america too
Unwarranted hate? Literally the only reason Americans are circumcized is because it reduces sexual pleasure, and this nutjob recommended it to prevent masturbation.
>actually arguing in favor of removing the foreskin of an infant boy's penis without his permission
>trying to invent any false justification possible so you could sleep at night
That's a totally understandable psychological reaction. But please DON'T do it to your children. Break the cycle that this cereal faggot started.
>Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision?
I'm not American, so I don't know, but I'd imagine people don't take kindly to being cucked in so intimate a manner as a defenceless child.
>prevent masturbation
did this have a religious motive? protestants trying to be jewish?
>unwarranted amount of hate
It's a surgical operation that is performed without a medical condition requiring it, and that carries with it a risk of permanent injury and death for the child.
You mean what's the beef with cutting off a functional and necessary piece of skin from an non consenting child in an incredibly painful procedure to appease a Jewish storm God from 4000 years ago?
This argument doesn't work because circumcised main completely fail to understand that the foreskin sits neatly behind the glans when erect, only rolling back and forth over the glans (like an inbuilt, nerve packed fleshlight) once sex or masturbation starts.
i agree with you but you sound reddit af
I've never used reddit and dislike how that site operates, the upvote system encourages circle jerking and not reasonable fair debate.
I just talk like an pseudo intellectual because i learned English from mostly smug documentaries.
I'm not even human bro
>I've never used reddit and dislike how that site operates,
>like an pseudo intellectual
well at least you're self-aware.
>Ethically I think its just as bad as giving your baby a tattoo.
Don't really think either of those are that bad
>the upvote system encourages circle jerking and not reasonable fair debate.
If all your arguments get downvoted you're probably a crank
Not really. There is a predominant demographic on that website (american, male, white, 18-35 y/o) that holds similar opinions on most things. You really can't go against that.
uncut dicks smell like rotten milk
Only when not washed which is easily accomplished with access to clean water etc.
Of course if you're an unwashed peasant you may as well just wear a perfumed codpiece stuffed with fragrant herbs.
You might want to see a psychiatrist. Don't procreate.
For a tradition that is common among a culture, and takes place at an age when memories don't stick, i really don't see what the big deal is.
>durr hurr muh consent;
It's a baby. The only thing they consent to is "gimme titty"
t. american
Shoot yourself in the head
t. romanian
We don't do circumcision around these parts, and i'm personally against it, and really don't see the reason why one would undergo it, unless he is a jew or has serious medical issues, but don't really give into the whole drama queen-ing "muh child abuse", "muh mutilation" some people are into.
nice argument.
Well you're wrong, phimosis is a problem that affects people primarily who live in dirty places without constant access to water to keep it clean. That is likely where the practice of circumcision originated-because ancient Jews were probably pretty gross and dirty a lot.
Look at me mum I'm using Veeky Forums!
>Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision?
Its a violation of human rights to have it done to someone without their consent and people find that disturbing because its happening on a massive scale and many people aren't aware of why that's wrong.
Heterocucks are literally the biggest bitches on Earth.
>you have to mutilate your own body so you win the favor of the inferior sex
>Why do people have a problem with their dicks getting mutilated when they're infants?
I don't know OP. It's a mystery.
It's just a bunch of Athitards faggots complaining
Ignore them op
People don't care for the concept of ritually cutting off bits of their dicks when the hygienic benefits are mitigated by modern hygiene practices, especially when it's a matter of habitual practice by doctors in secular countries. Add the fact that it supposedly reduces sexual pleasure and you've got a recipe for people who don't follow Abrahamic religions asking why it is exactly that we still do that.
Now, I'm not religious and am circumcised and I don't have a problem with being so, but it was done at birth for me so I have no memory of it. I'd be pretty mad if they sprung that shit on me as a kid though.
Personally I don't care if you're circumsized, I'm just not sure why people without the religious cause to do so defend the practice.
It's especially egregious when they shit on female genital mutilation in other countries. At the end of the day that's what it is, genital mutilation.
Hygiene is an argument but not a particularly relevant one, if you wash your dick semi regularly it's a non-issue, and even if you're cut and you don't wash regularly your dick is sharing underwear with your disgusting unwashed ass, so whatever. If you're pro getting part of your dick chopped off so you can get away with showering less you've got bigger problems.
As for aesthetics, it's only pleasing because it's somewhat normal. If it wasn't commonly practiced it'd be fucking weird.
As opposed to legbeards tapping about FGM
The big issue people have with infant male genital cutting is that it's a gross and blatant violation of modern medical ethics and human rights
Forgot to add that another big issue is the fact that it's performed under the assumption that it is harmless despite the fact that there has been next to zero research into the short- and long-term effects of infant male genital cutting, both sexual and, particularly, psychological effects of IMGC trauma.
It's, frankly, one of the few and largest human rights crises that exists in the first world.
>It's especially egregious when they shit on female genital mutilation in other countries. At the end of the day that's what it is, genital mutilation.
I'd say the male equivalent of fgm is being made a eunuch. Circumcised men can still masturbate and have pleasurable sex.
You know there's different forms of female circumcision? Some of them are about as altering as the usual methods for males.
They are all very good goys.
>Culturally, what's the beef with circumcision?
Culturally, as opposed to ethically, legally, morally, religiously?
>What's the beef with [dick knifing]?
Seems like it answers itself
Originally a holdover from religion, circumcision is now mostly perpetuated by the medical industry.
Arguments against circumcision include it being an elective cosmetic procedure performed on infants who cannot consent to it. This practice runs counter to progressive attitudes about free will and beauty standards, and violates the Hippocratic oath.
Studies finding that circumcision slightly reduces risk of HIV infection neglect to mention that having an HIV negative partner works much, much better.
Imagine if your doctor offered to perform labiaplasty on your newborn daughter's vagina in order to make it look more like other girls who have had the same procedure, make her more attractive to boys and save valuable seconds cleaning it in the shower.
Even religious arguments that it is a sacrifice to God are absurd because it is not a willing sacrifice to have something taken from you unknowingly.
Male circumcised at 25 here, AMA
How different is fapping