Who are some historical figures who didn't deserve it?
Pic related. He just wanted to play with his clocks, man
Who are some historical figures who didn't deserve it?
Pic related. He just wanted to play with his clocks, man
One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. You mourn for them because you know their names, while ignoring the millions of lives at stake in the outcome.
>Own an empire of slaves
>Don't give a fuck about a single one of them
>Healthy and beautiful while his people starve
>Didn't deserve it
>One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
Go away Joseph.
He wasn't so much an innocent victim.
He stymied & sabotaged much needed reform because it encroached on his absolute power.
He tried to personally lead the Russian war effort in WW1 which was a total disaster because he had no idea what he was doing.
You say that as if democracy is an objectively good thing
>Pic related. He just wanted to play with his clocks, man
He could have abdicated. Or renounced his rights before getting crowned.
Ok he didn't have any brothers or uncles to succeed him, but hell there certainly must have been some other more distant capetian available.
>Nicholas II
You're literally retarded. Serfdom was abolished two tzars before Nicky even took power.
>but it wasn't REALLY abolished
Yes it was. Commies have yet to prove otherwise, memes and thinking that taxes are slavery don't count.
I say that as if there was tremendous discontentment all across Russia over their backwards political system which their was.