How likely is an Indian Balkanisation?

For pretty much all of history there was never a cohesive Indian country until 1950 that wasn't ruled by Muslims, excluding the Gupta meme that didn't really encompass so many cultures the same way modern sovereign India does. What's tying Indian nationalism together? Indians always like to talk about how India is very culturally diverse yet it remains as one country. For example, Dravidians and Northwestern Sikhs would have very little in common, but is that true? I feel like they would have more in common than the average Californian does with the average South Carolinian.

quite likely. a United Indian state is an unnatural idea with little basis in history

>How likely is an Indian Balkanisation?
I think any nation has the potential of Balkanisation. Even without having very distinctive cultures.

The exact mechanisms I do not know.

>shit ton of languages, religions, people
Don't know how it's still United. Maybe Hinduism, which is the major religion, is the reason.

Indians can't afford more than one government.

no but the wealthy areas would be significantly better off without the rest

if Hyderabad remained independent it would have been first world easily.

As long as there's food on the table not so soon, if the economy goes to the shitter, I can see it happening.

Can't the same venue said for China?

Can't the same be said for Russia?

Can't the same be said for America?

Can't the same be said for Brazil?


They all poo in loo so no.


Yeah its possible and very likely if india's government collapses due to an unforeseen disaster. Regardless the indians stay together because they know if they were to balkanize it would just become 30 poorer nations and would resemble africa. Delhi and Hyderabad would be very rich however.

China unified itself during the Qing dynasty. So no.

>if Hyderabad remained independent it would have been first world easily.
Ahahah are you on drugs? My Grandfather, a structural engineer, was there for business before its induction into india and the royalty literally impoverished the masses to build their palaces and live in luxury, they literally did nothing to alleviate the effects of partition and actively sought to promote muslims in positions of authority. What the Indian Union did during its annexation was the right thing as a Bangladesh situation would have eventually happened there.

> my grandfathers time can a accounted into the modern era

Its primarily nationalism and the sense of wanting to belong to their own sovereign state that was born in the throes of colonialism, combined suffering and reduction of advancement due to outsiders interference in local matters. The idea that united we stand, divided we fall, is still taught as the maxim for the unity of india, children are indoctrinated into this in schools so that national pride is built and maintained.

Indians are extremely nationalistic even now and I highly doubt it will splinter as the Home Ministers and Parlimentarians through to business men know that a divided india will only be a massive issue for them that they cannot really thrive as well on, and the idea of a unified india = more profit for them, so they wont support it.

But states themselves do tend to disintegrate within the context of indian borders like Uttar Pradesh split into Uttar Khand and Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, the largest state right in the middle of india split in two with the smaller being named Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh Split into Telangana and Andhra, insurgencies in the north east asking for independent Bodoland, Naga and various other states does exist, but they want to mostly exist within the context or atleast purview of the Indian Union. Those kind of language and cultural based separation is present in most states, but only within the context of india, there is never a talk for complete seperation from india in MOST cases, though some cases are there.


How about the formula used on the namesake?
Use any historical state, any religious difference, and even the slightest local dialect differences to create new "nations".

baby if they use these weapons on each other, it would work.
or perhaps the kashmir thing

>india is totally going to break/apart/balkanize/become a dictatorship/theocratic state/communist state/military dictatorship/etc

every western observer since the 50s has been saying this while pakistan was supposed to be a bastion of stability and peace in the region. Yet here we are.

The indian political establishment allows for nearly unrestricted freedom for its constituent states and cultures to express itself democratically and come to a consensus. It is an excellent pressure valve that allows for grievances to be heard and complaints to be solved.

of course it will be retard. Hyderabad is literally a one trick city that took advantage of the IT boom in india in the early 90s. Independent hyderabad was a shithole that was mobilizing its muslim militia and was wanting to be part of pakistan.
>Naga and various other states does exist, but they want to mostly exist within the context or atleast purview of the Indian Union. Those kind of language and cultural based separation is present in most states, but only within the context of india, there is never a talk for complete seperation from india in MOST cases, though some cases are there.
Its largely edgy kids who think they are being oppressed in a free state that allows them to dissent openly.

better russia than america.
Burgers are unreliable arms dealers tbph

Are you retarded

Imma say yes.

All the big countries are federated into states more or less. USA, Russia, India, Mexico, Brazil. Not sure about China. There's one Indian state ruled by goddamn commies.

>communist party comes to power in elections
>gets voted out
>this triggers americans.

Kashmir secession is very likely.
The ruling party BJP is really clamping down on citizens there. people want freedom and the Indian govt thinks that using armed forces is gonna help the situation instead people are just getting more pissed off.
Worst thing is that the mainland Hindu population is getting really radicalized. speaking out against anything that the Govt. does is being labelled as antinational and seditionist..
Its a tough time to be a muslim or a liberal in India right now

However balkanization of the mainland is not gonna happen.people have spread out all over the place. the population is really mixed up

Yes but China has communists to force everything.

butthurt 'liberal' detected. just fuck off to the west to lick their boots already.

Not very because they're all a bunch of wimps atm, but the conflict of the next decade will probably have little to do with oil.
#Sri Lanka, assuming it's not Egypt which would be biblical in scale.

>Poo in loo

dumbest post i've read all day

I don't think so

Did you learn your first couple facts about India this last week, by reading Wikipedia and BBC? Either that, or you are positively retarded.