What is your opinion of this game? Good or bad? I was hooked on the original RTW (as well as Medieval II) so this took some getting used to. Pretty cool how there was a client state feature, and I like the inclusion of loads of different factions.
What is your opinion of this game? Good or bad...
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I think it's rather good, though I feel the AI is pretty bad at managing large scale invasions. At most it will come with one or two armies even if at peace at all other fronts, which may be a pain for a small faction but which becomes a piece of cake when you are large.
Feel like there really isn't anything that slows down a big empire from growing.
They fixed the issues plaguing the release, it's quite a good game now. Attila is better, but wait for ancient empires if you want the Rome 2 setting, its coming in autumn.
>but wait for ancient empires if you want the Rome 2 setting, its coming in autumn.
What? Really? I can't find any info on this, you better not be pulling my leg.
The setting is literally the only reason l prefer Rome II, but the stupid ass campaign AI ruin it for me.
Pretty amazing. I put about 400 hours into it while on a severe amphetamine binge, where I completely immersed myself into an excessively detailed world that unfolded like a sweeping historical drama. Among the best experiences with entertainment in my entire life.
Horribly unoptimized. I couldn't run it beyond 20 fps.
they fixed the issues plaguing release but many of the core mechanics are still intrinsically frustrating.
-the inability to produce and send units to reinforce an army on their own, while also forcing a limited number of commanders in the field
-the really limited building slots that grind your development plans to a halt, making big cities less important than small towns because they just completely lack farms otherwise, for example
-limited diplomacy, can't give territories to allies to avoid having to manage provinces far the fuck away from you, can't ask for attacks on specific targets, can't tell allies to delay or coordinate
-EXTREMELY TINY MAP, lacking dozens of cities, important locations, even enough land to make expansion feel rewarding
the battles themselves are good, it's the strategic part that sucks.
get a good GPU hombre, i can run it to 40-50 on a 3 year old notebook so long as i don't open a battle with 4000+ men.
Attila is superior in pretty much every way.
I fucking love Attila that video game sure is great
meh I still prefer rome 1 (darthmod)
All the dlc factions kinda makes me pissy and somehow the formation and diplomacy ai is still as shitty as every other total war game.
The only TW I ever got into was Shogun 2 vanilla
More stuff:
The extra campaigns are great. The AI is better than everything before it, although that ain't saying much. It's the only TW where pikes are balanced and reasonably realistic.
Divide Et Impera has a really good original campaign about the Third Macedonian war.
I've played 37 hours of the game
Its no Medieval II or Rome I but its ok
its not broken anymore due to updates
buy it sale if you really want it though
but id say stick to the other games
unless you get mods to improve it
>pissed pedro
A true veteran of total war, who has been playing it for 20 years.
you know, there is a war coordination feature that makes your allies attack specific targets?
to be fair it barely works and I also usually forget it exists
I play it with DEI, and I love it. The way the DEI team reworked the rosters is amazing.
Slightly unrelated but I'm playing stainless steel medieval 2 atm and it's probably the most fun I've had with total war since Darth mod empire.
ah, the original radious.
Same here, SS is bretty good.
Not as good as Europa barbarorum 2 tho
Who you playing as brah?
Divide et Impera a shit
b-b-b-but I WANT every battle to take 5 hours!!!
>Among the best experiences with entertainment in my entire life
The drugs or the game?
The biggest problem with DEI is the shit battle balance.
This. Attila was better on release and not some unoptimized buggy piece of shit like Rome II was when it first came out. On top of that Attila focuses on the more interesting period of the late 4th century AD to 600s/700 ADs techwise. Migratory and "dark ages" is the shit.
As if it did jack shit.
>Allies want me to declare war on faction i signed peace to the last turn
>Factions at the ass end of the map asking for military alliance
>Every fucking turn
Rather sure he is white
>What? Really? I can't find any info on this, you better not be pulling my leg.
I personally loved RTW2, yes I know all the reason's why people disliked it but I enjoyed the fuck out of it anyway. I have fond memories of playing the fuck out of the first on a shitty Microsoft 97 as a teenager.
Also finished Attila as WRE, ERE and Sassanids on legendary. You're all plebs, get rekt in 1v1
Download Divide et Impera and its the best total war to date.
Ahw man amphetamines and gaming are amazing.
>get a good GPU hombre, i can run it to 40-50 on a 3 year old notebook so long as i don't open a battle with 4000+ men.
Arent TW games CPU heavy?
Weird, i can play Rome 2 fine but Attila runs terribly. Long load times, battles are drop to like 10 fps.
I have played 300+ hours of Rome 2, 300+ hours of Shogun 2, 100+ hours of Attila and 50+ hours of Medieval 2 and out of all of those Rome 2 with the DEI mode was better then all of them except for the first stages of Shogun 2 before it became super repetitive and boring.
With DEI it actually makes it a struggle to survive and the point where you get so powerful you can bulldoze the AI comes way later in the game and keeps it way more interesting for longer. You end up fighting almost all your battles in realtime because every little thing matters and its a lot more fun.
Not to mention its more realistic because of how your armies recruitment is slowed down so they are not magically regenerating and because of how stamina and positioning play way more significant roles in battles instead of it being a 3 minutes thing where the higher-stat units automatically win.
I sunk a bunch of hours in Ptolemaic Egypt and it didn't get boring until after I had spent a bunch of time conquering the whole middle east, Anatolia, the black sea and Greece and started to expand into Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Love DEI. Best thing about it, if you dislike something like battle speed, income, etc, there's a sub mod for it
The thing I hate about all total war games is that I can never get the campaign to play out historically accurate. I'll try to replicate the first Punic war and fucking Syracuse, instead of being a good client state and fucking off, goes and invades Carthage and takes like 3 of their cities. Wtf. So I'm forced to conquer Syracuse instead of making them a client state.
I can never get anything to line up according to history and it just drives me nuts, so I end up playing as factions who I know little about historically, like Armenia, then just make a fantasy world where horse archers and wicker shield spearman conquer all of everything. Ffs. Anyone else like this?
I don't have that issue. The one thing I hate about the total war games though is that in every single one the options for managing your economy and political/social/cultural landscape are incredibly basic.
The economy boils down to lowering taxes and making money-making buildings and the cultural/social stuff is just a tech tree that grants passive bonuses and unlocks buildings.
I understand the primary focus of the game is war but there are large stretches without war sometimes and it could be way more more fun and engaging if there were more options in those things. Stuff like managing the currency, tariffs, import/export, manufacturing and other stuff related to culture, society etc.
It would take so little time compared to all the other stuff yet in each game there is so little of it and you can't even add in UI menus with mods that have that stuff, at best the mods just changing the numbers around and add bonuses for certain things.
Did you maybe notice that your computer sucks ass becaue Attila is more heavily physics heavy with its game engine.
This was the reason why I started playing Paradox games. The campaign is just too simplistic
I really really liked the original RTW. The mods were what made the game though. Rome Total Realism and Europa Barbarorum were the ones I played, and I thought they were fantastic.
I didn't like Rome II. I played it when it first came out and it was just so lame. The campaign AI was really really bad.
Frankly I struggle to find factions I'm interested in playing in the Attila base game.
Really looking forward to the next CK2 dlc. It periodically kills off excess characters so doesnt run like a piece of shit after 200 years.
Playing it right now as the Dacians
>just learned that total war: attila exists
damn i really want to play this now.
Its really great. With the migrate feature you can set up some really fun scenarios. I migrated a Germanic tribe to Egypt, through Iberia, north africa, occasionally sacking a town when i needed money. Conquered Alexandria and then got buttfucked by the ERE. Shame there is no cultural evolution.
Was fun though
Who here plays Bellum Crucis? It's both fun and accurate (or as accurate as these games can be), and a little janky. Here are some psychic Moors I encountered during my Reconquista.
There's too much complicated stuff in history for a game to replicate. In Europa Barbarorum you can't really make the Punic Wars happen correctly because it started with two little Sicilian towns fucking each other over and calling in Rome and Carthage to help. In Total War those guys are just Eleutheroi to conquer, so to make the first Punic War happen you'd just have to arbitrarily declare war on Carthage, who starts as an ally. So I kept them as an ally and started on an Illyrian War instead.
>need a general to make an army
>can't recruit from towns to bolster armies or garrisons
>won 90% of my battles by just taking hastati and double right clicking
>limited city and governmental scope
Yeah, I'll stick to Rome and Medieval II. Maybe in a few years I'll get EB2 and play Rome II for real. I don't want to relearn an entire system if the battles are just so unsatisfying, and producing armies is akin to how I used to just get a lot of money and buy out all the mercs.
EB2 is super unstable.
>tfw my computer died 10 turns into my ERE Attila campaign
I was just starting to get immersed in it to, learning the personalities of my generals and giving my armies custom names
just torrented rome ii emperor edition
its pretty good. a nice change of pace from the overpriced spreadsheet simulators that are paradox games
installing it as we speak
This isn't the kind of game you want if you're looking for campaigns playing out accurate to history. Games like this are basically sandboxes where you're given units and a setting that resembles something historical, but everything after turn 1 is basically Alt-History from there.
You'd need a whole game completely devoted to railroading the player through scenarios based on the Punic War, rather than try and make something like Total War, or Civ, or a Paradox game, or even Age of Empires/Rise of Nations, play out that way.
I feel like Total War would be better off following the Alexander expansion or NTW to its ultimate conclusion and do away with the barebones city management and focusing the campaign entirely on the raising, training, outfitting, marching, and battles of an army.
This. I love starting an historical scenario and getting super immersed in the time period. But then I'm taken out of it when the map becomes so fucking retarded because every minor power can afford a full stack+
>tfw bad at the battles
>tfw bad at the grand strategy aspect
Doesn't matter how good you are at battles when you run out of money and the opponent keeps pulling fat stacks out of nowhere
Also why does diplomacy work out for every faction but me? I get full on coalitions going against me at the drop of the hat and any allies I have either do fuckall or break alliance and join said coalitions.
That's just how the AI tends to be programmed. They REALLY hate the player if he shows any aggression or weakness, or if he's at all friendly with an enemy of theirs, even if they don't share a border.