Still a virgin

>Still a virgin
>Doesn't have a girlfriend
>Has no job
>master of shitposting

So he was the first member of Veeky Forums ?

No, Veeky Forums is too angry and cowardly.

>Still a virgin
can we really confirm this tho? dude was preaching to all the prostitutes and poor women.

Well with Christianity sort of spreading on Veeky Forums now, I suppose he was.

How so? He didn't go around smoking stuff, nor did he just sit around and take up space

>Has no job
I'd say he's pretty busy interceding for us in heaven.

I am personally gonna go with that the Real Jesus was a party animal rabblerouser type and his cultist fanboys really cleaned up the story when they wrote down their canon fanfiction however many hundreds of years later.

>Has no job
Carpenter by trade, built fishing boats. Being the eldest son surely he provided for his family until his brothers were of age and he started his ministry

>Jesus is God's personal secretary
>"Sir your 8:30 called and needs to reschedule for next week"
>Saints lined up outside the God's office with their prayer forms needing to be signed off
>The Big Board showing all the active hurricanes and miracle spots
>Mary running PR

He was a cult leader you know he banged every halfway decent woman who followed him

>Jesus is God


Christianity is pretty much the Beta uprising

>"Jesus is God"
>Jesus intercedes with God on our behalf in heaven
>God intercedes with Himself

Also who is the Holy Ghost, he seems like the power-behind-the-throne type of scheming vizier dude.

Why did they write themselves as incompetent bumbling idiots then?

come on a handsome dude like that drinking wine with the lads and bragging about being God's son, no wonder Magdalene was all over that

They threw each other under the bus to showcase how cool Jesus was.

The Trinity is just the way that God revealed Himself to us. In it, we have all we need. God is beyond our dimension, and thus had to reveal himself to us, and he did that through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I'm not sure exactly what the details are, basically yeah that's what's going on. Maybe pic related will help.

The Holy Ghost has been described as the one that reveals Jesus to people, the one that works in our souls to draw us to God. If you're really that interested I would recommend googling it tbqh, they could explain it much more concise than I could.

That seems kind of Patriarchal, who would God have a "Son" but also be his own son?

Like if Ares was the son of Zeus but then also Ares was Zeus, then there was a third mysterious Shadow Zeus who was Zeus/Ares in disguise.

Oh wait no I realized the middle thing is the God and the Father is a different aspect.

God is basically a klein bottle.

Maybe this will help.

I simplified the model since they are mutually exclusive.

Ok I get it, they are phases of God.

Not him, but also, you can think of Christ as God's avatar on Earth. Your avatar in an MMO is an expression of yourself, and in a way it's you, but it's not the same as the real you.

I guess that works too. Thanks, saved.

That's not bad either. It can also be thought of as the sides of a cube being shown to a 2D man.

Cubes have 6 sides

Yeah, but the concept is the same, just imagine a 3 sided object, like a cylinder I guess. But then people will question who one side is so different than the other, etc...

That's a heresy. Christ is fully human and fully God

Eh whatever, this is just an attempt to verbally explain a complex concept. I think he gets it.

It's weird to think that Calvin had Servetus slowly roasted to death for this kind of dispute though.

How do we know?