Are there any historical events that send you into a fit of rage? For me it's pearl harbor. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the atomic bombings to cool myself down.
Are there any historical events that send you into a fit of rage? For me it's pearl harbor...
the reformation
Okay satan
The Mongol sack of Baghdad is pretty upsetting. Whenever I think of it Islam my fist onto my desk and have to look at pictures of the Battle of Ain Jalut to cool myself down.
Destruction of Eastern Roman Empire by the fourth crusade.
You faggots destroyed the very gate that was keeping Islam separate from Europe
>You faggots
What did he mean by this?
The fall of Carthage is pretty upsetting. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk and have to look at pictures of elephants to cool myself down.
The fall of Rome and what followed right after
The US government knew it was coming, they intercepted communication, and later noticed the radio silence.
They chose not to prepare for that one battle in order to sway public opinion to war.
For me it's the treaty of versailles. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the Willy and Friedrich to cool myself down.
Does any historical event make you laugh?
Whenever I think of the Battle of Kosovo I can't help but smirk
Literally what?
Could you have picked any more obscure and irrelevant event than that?
4th Crusade.
The fall of Constantinople.
Opium war makes me laugh, the thought of it was the only thing that kept me smiling when I was going through the magnificent shit show that was China.
>most pivotal and remembered battle in Balkans history
>remembered by basically everyone in the Balkans and constantly compared to current events/conflicts
>irrelevent event
>obscure and irrelevant
Not to the Serbs. They celebrate it every year despite getting wrecked. That's why I find it funny
Remember that one time 'Straya lost a war against birds?
The fall of the Inca Empire. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of Pachacuti and Tupac Inca to cool myself down.
Why do they celebrate it?
>Relevant or non obscure
Teutoberg forest and Varus fucking up the entire Germanica campaign, we could be 2000 years into the future right now.
The moment you were born
Council of Niceae
Closing Plato's school of Philosophy in Athens
Destruction of the Library of Alexandria
The fall of Austria-Hungary. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of opressed Slavic peoples to cool myself down.
Hello fellow brother of peace
Greece: not paying their denbts since 1214
same famarino
>Whenever I think of it Islam my fist onto my desk
For me its the surrender of Fort Sumter. Whenever I think of state's rights I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at a list of executive orders to cool myself down.
Reminder that the only civilians death at Pearl Harbor were caused by American anti-aircraft obuse that fell back on habitations
Hardly justifying the literal genocide the US air force committed on Japanese cities between 1942 and 1945
Watching "The Graves of Fireflies" made me realize who were the real bad guys
>WTF I hate America now!
For me it's the 2nd Defenestration of Prague. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the Blessed Virgin to cool myself down.
Doesn't make sense. A supposedly unprovoked attack, whether defended against or not, could still easily sway public opinion in favor of war.
Opium war
just thinking about it makes my gut turn
Never before has a nation sunk so low to force drugs onto another
For me its The Boston Tea Party. Whenever I think of The Sons of Liberty I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the King Street Incident to cool myself down.
Siege of Constantinople. Fucking Muslims, give it back.
You mean Istanbul?
It was technically a stalemate since both the armies got wrecked and the sultan got assassinated, but the Turks could replenish their losses and the Serbs couldn't
Good guys losing in WW2. I always have to remind myself that at least we got six million of them before remembering that this didn't even happen and getting spasms of impotent rage.
For me its the Hong Kong handover ceremony. Whenever I think of it I smash my fist onto my desk. I have to read Rudyard Kipling poems to cool down.
For me it's when one of Cyrus the Great's sacred white horses tried to cross the river Gyndes and the current seized it and drowned it in it's depths. Whenever I think of the river Gyndes I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of dams just to cool myself down.
>inb4 "le 25 years XD"
Whenever I think about what the UK, France, and the USA did to Libya my fists clench. The whole "Arab Spring" makes me so mad, especially since there were anonymous naval generals and UN staff that knew how badly everything was going to turn out.
Watching naive bourgeois millennial arab girls making peace signs while holding their iphones makes me sick. Now look at the """""refugee crisis""". Capitalist Middle-Class Syrians running away from Syria because "muh war", while leaving all the poor (that they fucked over in the arab spring) to be killed.
When the USA dissolves Syria, the bourgeois Syrians will be cosy in Germany, France, UK, and USA. The ordinary people of Syria will be just as fucked as the ordinary people in Iraq were post war.
Failure of world revolution desu
The destruction of Biafra is pretty upsetting. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk and have to look at pictures of dead brits to cool myself down.
For me it's the end of Rhodesia. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk and have to look at pictures of slotted floppies to cool myself down.
For me it's the battle of Poltava. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk and have to look at pictured of dead Russians to cool myself down.
For me it's the battle of waterloo. Whenever I think of the continental system I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the Austerlitz to cool myself down.
9/11 makes me chuckle
This. Japs probably machine gunned some civies and they acted like fuckheads to the natives they conquered, but the firebombings (nukes were way less relevant) were out of hand and def war criminal material.
>Warsaw Uprising
>Western Betrayal
they were our boys and we turned our backs on them :/
When western society collapses, we'll remember.
Burning of the Library of Alexandria.
Really anything where history was forever lost.
As cool as it was, WWII was very sad considering how many people died.
1451 the sacking and enslaving of constaninople
Whenever I think of it I slam My fish onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the alexiad and the battle of vienna to cool myself down.
Nigga most of the scrolls where destroyed by the romans when they sieged it not by the insurgents.
Joan of Arc getting savagely murdered by the English
And the fact that I can't just go back in time and save her in the nick of time, tossing her to an ally, and proceeding to beat up the knights with my bare hands while big black ladies sing funky music
>a nation
It was a coalition of nation.
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
war was already over, us went completly nuts but hey, Memorial Day of Holocaust just because history is written by the winners
The death of Franz Ferdinand. The dumbass Serbs shot the one person who could have prevented a war with Serbia, and ended up starting a global war. Besides, his last words always give me atomic feels.
"Sopherl! Sopherl! Sterbe nicht! Bleib' am Leben für unsere Kinder!"
>"Sophie! Sophie! Don't die! Live for our children!"
Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of 9/11 to cool myself down.
The fall of Rhodesia. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of Neocolonialism to cool myself down.
And serbfucks are so proud of this terrorist.. There are statues of him all over Serbia.
At least revenge was delivered through Croatia.
For me it's the rise of a German Nation. Whenever I think of it I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the fall of Berlin to cool myself down.
Executive Order 9066
The entire year 1864
Lee not listening to Longstreet's pleas not to attack Cemetery Ridge
Indian Removal Acts
That asshole who moved Claus von Staffenberg's suitcase
Goliad Massacre
Wannsee Conference
Waco, Texas
Jeff Mangum's Anne Frank copypasta
Whenever I think of any of those, I slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of starving Union soldiers at Andersonville and the Federal Building in Oklahoma City to cool myself down.
Daily reminder that Operation Allied Force was completely justified.
>he still thinks it was the muslims
Centuries later, catholic deception is still strong.
>Daily reminder that Operation Allied Force was completely justified.
Nigga, Clinton should've stopped being a fucking bleeding heart liberal faggot, gone all the way and launched a ground invasion of Yugoslavia after Srebrenica. A couple of Marine Expeditionary Units could've Thunder Run their way to Sarajevo from the coast and broken the siege in a week.
We actually used as a scenario for an ArmA III mission a week ago.
for me its the siege of delhi, whenever i think of it, i slam my fist on to my desk and look at pictures of emperor akbar
Rwanda Genocide
The fall of Rome
The reign of terror
To be honest, it's funnier to cuck them from the air where they can't even fight back.
Yeah, you know, maybe if you don't want to get the shit bombed out of you, you don't go chucking stones about.
The opium wars.
I'm anticolonial but not the way leftists are.
the birth of jesus christ
For me it's the German rape of Belgium in 1914. Whenever I think of it I have to slam my fist onto my desk. I have to look at pictures of the German disarmament processes and the construction of the Maginot Line to cool me down. Yeah, this will never happen again...
Every time I think of the mongols I get mad desu
>feeling good about a literal 1:10,000 event
For me it's modern art. Whenever I think about it I slam my brushes into my trouser pocket without even thinking like an idiot. I have to look at Tsar Ivan cradling his son to cool myself down. Those eyes really get me.
This. Not to mention that battleships were still considered to be really important by everyone. Even if you ignore that, one of the American carriers was scheduled to be in there but was held up by bad weather.
Unit 731
Anything involving horrific shit where the perpetrators get off scot-free, really.
if the ERE had lived on it would have no doubt been absorbed by Islam and then the threat would be tenfold.
their demands were that we place their image on our currency and we were forced to comply.
Dresden. I have to look at pictures of the blitz and pearl harbour to get erect.
>if the ERE had lived on it would have no doubt been absorbed by Islam
This one conflicts me. I'm a bit of a mongolboo, so it's interesting to me how absolutely shrekt Bagdad was, but then I remember how many books were lost and I'm infuriated.
>Are there any historical events that send you into a fit of rage?
Battle of Athens (1946)
Katrina confiscations
Ruby Ridge
Waco siege
That time the ATF declared all shoestrings to be machineguns.
>Are there any historical events that send you into a fit of rage?
East Sumatra revolution 3rd March 1946
Why? Many sultanates were overthrown and mass killing of members of the aristocratic families were performed by armed pergerakan groups (Indonesian nationalist).
>Battle of Athens (1946)
Why would this make you mad user? Wasn't it a triumph of justice?
Poland's history timeline
>The fall of Rome