Do we have any real warrior cultures left? Like in a thousand years from now, will humans view US marines or special forces like we view Spartans today?
Do we have any real warrior cultures left? Like in a thousand years from now...
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Doubtful. Its not a lifestyle choice like being a viking or spartan was. Perhaps if soldiers interacted with our civilians and they set up that lifestyle at a young age and ended old. It needs to be an integral part of general society to be remembered in a warrior way.
>Doubtful. Its not a lifestyle choice
Actually it absolutely is a lifestyle choice (because it is extremely difficult to get into those organisations) but the organisations themselves are not unified, coherent social group in the same sense as Spartans or samurai were. They have a reputation and they have a certain standing within the military but they're not a real social group outside of the military and that's a major thing within real warrior cultures - warriors and warrior groups are social groups that are placed fairly highly in the social stratification.
Spec ops will be seen as in the same vein as Viking Berserkers.
Marines like Spartans.
There's an overwhelming trend, farmboys born and raised mostly away from our societies, hardened by early morns and late nights, working all hours of the day, hunting for sport in their off time, they become enamored by freedom and self sufficiency.
They become the perfect material for an almost superhuman Seal or an unbeatable Marine.
They are literally the ;last bastion of the warrior spirit in modern western culture.
They are like Spartans and Vikings more than anyone.
marines are so overrated
No they aren't.
More on the Vikings, Evangelical Christianity will become like our conception of Paganism.
Imagine someone telling their kids about how their ancestors were fearless Marines who believed their sacrifice for their country was the greatest duty God commanded of them.
Death was just a gateway to the father for them.
>Spec ops will be seen as in the same vein as Viking Berserkers.
Gurkhas (Nepal)
Mongols (Mongolia)
Samoans (?)
Zulu (?)
Maori (?)
>Will humans view US marines or special forces like we view Spartans today?
No, in an irreligious age, an institution so young
and evanescent would only be a blink in the
shallows of time.
>muh farmboys
There's nothing to support the idea of hicks being better fighters.
>muh marines
They're literally army with shittier gear.
americans will be remembered as a joke who couldn't defeat sand people even with a massive technological and economic advantage
if anything the taliban and ISIS will be remembered as the meme warriors
>There's nothing to support the idea of hicks being better fighters.
he didn't say there was
Mongols were absolutely cucked by the Qing. There are accounts of european travellers in teh 17th century being absolutely flabbergasted how such a fearsome people could be reduced to such destitution.
Warrior Cultures tend to be small scale tribalshit organizations.
They've long been wiped out by organized states.
The US Marines already are a meme.
Prior to the modern US Marines, the term "Marine" was just for naval infantrymen tasked to guard ships and fight on coastal landings. Thats it.
With the US Marine reorganization into a separate, mobile combined arms task force branch, US-influenced states followed suit. Hell, non-US influenced states also are following suit (i.e. PRC).
USA literally redefined the Marine as a fighting force. Lets even throw in the countless vidya & movies that stroke marine cock. They're basically THE US "Unique Unit" if we go by vidya-game RTS logic.
>LARPing autists centuries from bow will praise ISIS as "Kewl and Vadazz" like ViKANGZ and Spartans are today
Nor sure how to feel about this lads
>Do we have any real warrior cultures left?
these guys
and also those isolationists off the coast of India that keep killing missionaries
Marines = Vanguard, the tip of the spear.
Army = bulk of armed forces, if Marines are the speartip, the Army is the shaft
Navy = navy, sort of self-evident and needs no explanation
Airforce = Tech specialists, intelligence heavy, as well as the heaviest of our killing power. Doesn't see as much action, but it a great backup to have when shit gets rough.
Prove me wrong.
>US marines
>hard to get into
Top fucking kek, it's literally enough not be legally retarded nor physically deficient on enrollment.
And top kek at lifestyle choice too, most of them are out after the first 4 years contract.
They will be seen as what they are: bait strawmen used to make the insurgents come out of their caves and keep them there with random general direction fire long enough for air support (the real killers) to come and take them out
>Prove me wrong.
The army special units go in before the marines, and as of recent big army moves in no later than the marines either. The modern marines are literally just the underbudgeted and overmotivated little brother of the army.
>warrior culture
>A society where a state of war is the norm and society is always geared toward the training of soldiers and the aspects of war.
>proceed to mention branches of the army
Do you even know what you are talking about.
>They're literally army with shittier gear.
I think even marines would agree with this description.
You just described America
>Like in a thousand years from now, will humans view US marines or special forces like we view Spartans today?
And I very much doubt 'we' view Spartans anything like what you have in mind, which is probably heavily influenced by romantic pop history and that 300 movie.
He didn't say:
>A culture of pathologically obese people who shit themselves at the mall while riding their mobility scooters.
>There's nothing to support the idea of hicks being better fighters.
Almost every single military theorist regard farmers as the best soldiers because they're accustomed to hardship. However they pale in comparison to societies with genuine warrior cultures which is impossible to recreate in modernity.
Kurds are a meme. They can't do shit without the help of others (airstrikes etc.)
>Muh Muhreens
Found the boot
>However they pale in comparison to societies with genuine warrior cultures which is impossible to recreate in modernity.
The United States says hello, faggot. We routinely produce the best soldiers known to mankind through the best training in military history. Our troops are tougher than Waffen-SS and kamikaze pilots combined with the advantage of being a free-thinking citizenry where tactical brilliance shines through in every battle we fight because we are NOT slaves and bow down to no one.
There's a reason America in WWII only lost 400,000 soldiers KIA against BOTH Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany while those countries lost a combined 5,000,000 KIA against our troops. America is just too good at war.
There are several games where the Marine is quite literally the USA's unique unit.
I laugh thank for it.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I have to admit that was one of the cooler things I've read all week. Piqued my interests for that region.
it isn't true, but Israel will definitely be remembered as a warrior culture.
>war of independence
>6 day war
>war of attrition
>yom kippur war
the early Israeli wars, Israel was usually outnumbered, they have conscription for both men and women and because Jews outlast everyone (see Jewish history) they will write Israel as both a technoligical and military state.
I deployed with Marines and let me tell you those fuckers didn't do a single thing the whole time they were there except raid the local shoppe and go to the gym. Never saw a devildog pulling gate guard, tower guard, or even leaving the wire. Pieces of shit sure got butthurt when we didn't salute their officers. Nice """modern day spartans""" you got there, Navy.
This is fucking cool
That's not a fucking warrior culture, fool. All of you guys are just listing countries whose militaries you like versus actual warrior cultures.
You can have a warrior culture and still every war you fight, it's all about lifestyle and societal organization.
Do you even reading comprehension
Israel will be remembered as a warrior culture, for sure. Born of warfare, mandatory conscription, living in a warzone.
But in a different vein, I think the US will be remembered as a warrior culture as well. Around 95% of the years the US has been around, it has been involved in a war. It was created by a bunch of bloodthirsty rebels in a bloody war with their own government with the help of a country that, only a few years ago, was their enemy. After using the help of France for freedom from Britain, the US had a small war with France over trade. And then a war with Britain, which involved the attempted conquest of their northern neighbor. Before this war, however, the US had a small war with the native inhabitants of Florida, culminating in the eviction of the Spanish and the annexation of Florida. The US would continue to have wars with its neighbors and a perpetual war with its natives, eventually choosing to project its power onto the rest of the world.
Patton was right when he said Americans love war. America has not been able to attain lasting peace in the whole time it has existed, and America is so perpetually unsafe that warfare constantly exists on the streets of its cities.
There are families that are called "military families". Even after discharge, veterans still hold a ridiculous amount of loyalty for their specific branch. They teach their kids to carry on this loyalty and eventually enlist or pursue officer's commission. They raise their kids on war movies and teach them how to use weapons. It is commonplace in America to shield a child from sex scenes in movies and not gory violent scenes.
The United States may very well be the most bloodthirsty country to ever exist.
They are the last warrior culture we have
Marines are the dogs of a state, and its the same with any military they are paid, fed, etc like the pets they are, but islam warriors fight for a greater "good" and defend a cause, a lost one.
literally my first line is
it isn't true, but israel will definitely be remember as a warrior culture
>it isn't true
>will be remembered
OP was talking about the US being remembered in the same light as spart and I was responding to the Perception of Israel in regards to that.
>Islam warriors
>12 year old achmed who can only kill and injure coalition forces using IEDs because they get rekt in fire fights
You're joking right?
bullshit, the majority of US don't join the armed forces enlistement ended in vietnam. apart from that nearly all wars since vietnam have been extremely unpopular with the civilian population and the majority of artistic depictions of war made in the US highlight the horrors of war, not glory or masculinity.
But warriors anyways. Im not a muslim btw.
And reading this thread now i think israelis are the other warrior culture we have. And entire culture devoted to the defense of a territory that they believe part of a divine right.
So, radical muslims, israelis, and some irrelevant backward peoples.
The military are just well trained dogs, they cannot make DEUS VULT happens or make things on their own because they must obey like the pets they are.
The military is held back by rules of engagement. They could "DUES VULT" the Middle East if they weren't held back by politicians. Many true warriors aren't sticking around because of it and you get leadership who are more into politics and muh women and minorities than actually being the best.
Found the civvie
>produce the best soldiers known to mankind
>who are the gurkas
>who are the SAS
>who are the spetznas
>tougher than the Waffen-SS
>yet never invaded Russia
>tougher than the kamikaze pilots
>yet couldn't defend against them
>tactical brilliance
>United States military
Top kek, your "tactical brilliance" consists of
>how many under trained and ill equipped third worlders are in that building?
>5? Nah fuck it just call an airstrike
>bow down to no one
>iran and israel say hello
>there's a reason America in WWII lost only 400,000
>entered the war late when Germans were struggling to feed their own troops, lost their seasoned fighters and were using kids as soldiers
>fought against less developed nips who have a population and landmass a mere fraction the size of the US
>America is just too good at war
Then why's your budget so big? If youre that good you wouldn't need 20 aircraft carriers and 70000 nuclear weapons
Berserkers were a thing that existed, it's just the modern popular conception of them is wrong
link to original thread? or further reading, anyone?
"Warrior Culture" is a term invented by bored aristocrats for their masturbation fantasies and does not exist in the real world. The fact is every culture/civilization/society what have you has fighting men to guard it against others and conquer new territories. And as humans are won't to do they like to hype themselves up about how they're so much better than those other guys across the border because of "reasons".
Read up on the Second Congo War.
African WWII really. But most of the discourse is focused on the atrocities. So you really almost never read of the military conflict.
>Implying he's wrong
Biggest motards are always boots ya fucking boot
>who are the gurkas
>who are the SAS
Well memed
Source? Sounds interesting.
Don't you mean Army Rangers?
arabs can't fight for shit. It's the Turks and Iranians who can
Who cares if their ancestor was a marine or spec op operator. What difference does it make if your great grandfather went to some sandpit in the middle-east for a few months to clear IEDs for the people who placed them in the first place.
The mention of Sparta is pointless, their place in history is one which is remember for being good warriors. Athens by comparison is remembered for the cradle of democracy, philosophy and western culture.
>will humans view US marines or special forces like we view Spartans today?
The closest example to a society like ancient Sparta was the American antebellum south. The hallmark of both of these societies were the racial caste system with slaves on the bottom and an institutionalized blueblood militia at the top.
Americans, like every single society in existence, has an armed force of volunteer professionals that is more similar to the Imperial Roman model, which proved far more vigorous and able than any "warrior culture"
Oh god, the cognitive dissonance, it's real - but if I can only harness its power...!
Israel has a martial culture.
I forgot my picture.
>400,000 soldiers KIA against BOTH Imperial Japan and Nazi German
The brits only lost like 20,000 more, which can be explain by the fact they were active in the war longer.
No but there are a bunch of sub cultures is as mentioned the US Marines. The crusader sub culture is coming on up.
>people that stay in the French Foreign Legion
FFL can be debated but no one fucks with Gurkhas
I said there was a trend....
I wholeheartedly concede the point that Green Berets and Navy Seals make better fighters than farmboys.
However the vast majority of Seals and Green Berets come from Farmhand stock.
I didn't say they were better fighters, just that they're more likely to become a Seal, Green Beret or any other Special operations guy.
You say there is nothing, well, there's history and the current stats.
Historically the hardest fighters, not necessarily the best or most successful though the three converge at points, has been the landowning freeman, aka a farmer (the American understanding of farmer).
Lots of freedom (away from society and the like) plenty of land (one becomes attached when to the land when they work them and the land gives them sustenance) self sufficient (they realize they can live their entire lives entirely on their own (not as in alone, but as in they rely on no one).
This seems to produce a very strong and hardy individual, mentally and a lot of the times physically, mostly mentally.
Look at Athens, the Athenians at Marathon were mostly landowning freemen, presumably farmers of a sort (no doubt with farmhands and the like), Even the Spartans remarked the importance of Athenian motivation during the Peloponnesian war.
Look at the Saxons, they definitely fought harder than the Normans or Norwegians, they were beaten, but they weren't outworked.
The enemy beat them because of skill and circumstance.
The Saxons (Majority Farmers making up the Fyrd) covered 200 miles in 5-6 days, twice, back to back.
The Vikings, mostly landowning freeman and farmers, by free in the sense I use it I mean they've got a small world and felt a sense of purpose, ownership and "freedom" as in they weren't ball and chain stuck somewhere.
Freedom in the purest sense as I use it meaning self governance, not in the sense of acting on any desire.
See Ancient Germania as well, fiercely independent landowning freemen (farmers, hunters, hardy)
>>muh marines
>They're literally army with shittier gear.
Which makes their achievements all the greater.....
You're shitposting just to shitpost.....
pay the haters no mind.
>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
sage, reported
>Seals that spend 20 years serving haven't made a lifestyle choice
Also look at a before and after lifestyle of someone who joins any military organization, radically different.
Use your head, you're are acting, really stupid.
Not that its hard to get into, but I promise you if you're crying in bootcamp they aren't going to put first squad to enter the combat zone.
Not tough to get into, but tough to maintain the reputation.
>almost superhuman
Yes, because everyone can take 11 rounds and not die.
You dun goofed
>muh dissonance
Yeah, you're explanation as to why or how is non-existent soooo
>pic related
Comparing current events to historical events doesn't qualify as history?
My theory is that america will have african americans have a HUGE culture change from thug culture be turned into a culture that focuses on honor.
They sign up to be a soliders for the country and they start to mock african americans who don't do service towards their country.
I'm not sure why I feel this way but I think african americans will become soldiers as a way to earn some money at first and they love the admiration they get when they return home.
>Mongols (Mongolia)
Do they Mongols still have a warrior culture? I didn't think many of them were even nomads/herders anymore
nice meme friend
>The closest example to a society like ancient Sparta was the American antebellum south.
You make a good point user, I never really thought of the south that way.
You've even got the poor non-aristocratic whites who take the place of the perioikoi.
Too bad for them that warrior cultures of that model don't hold up well to industrialized warfare.
Shit now that I think about it, the civil war kinda has some parallels to the Peloponnesian war. Except in this case, Athens won.
suck it bitch
>I promise you if you're crying in bootcamp they aren't going to put first squad to enter the combat
But yeah they will... Everyone cries during boot camp. You're almost supposed to. They want to break you. That's the point of the whole thing.
yes, the same way romans are remembered as a joke because they couldn't defeat some pissant barbarians in a forest despite fielding a well trained military
oh wait
>Comparing current events to historical events doesn't qualify as history?
No, since you can make the same argument for any current event.
>"how does the Donald Trump run compare to Roosevelt 1912"
>"how does the current European Migration Crisis compare to the 5th century The Migration Period"
etc. pp.
sage, reported
The Marines a regular branch, like the Army. Getting into the SEALs is hard, getting into the Marines isn't.
no. US marines are not really so exceptional, maybe they will be remembered as example of top early 21th century soldiers with similar status as redcoats or caroleans.
I would argue that you have a lot of warrior cultures that where nomadic.
>Navy = navy, sort of self-evident and needs no explanation
Sort of?
Navy isn't ships shooting at other ships anymore, so I think the role might need a bit of clearing up. Navy is for presence, it lets you launch aircraft, fire missiles, protect shipping and do undersea patrol anywhere in the world.
That is a redpill for me
I wonder how legit it would be to make a company but it actually be mercenaries or something like security here in the states. Fuck, that sounds so cool.
Maybe in ability, not sacrifice. More men of the first infantry died at omaha than 101st airborne died.
The ones in Outer Mongolia still maintain their traditional culture.
I wanted to add in the Cossacks but I don't know much about current Cossack Culture.
>and also those isolationists off the coast of India that keep killing missionaries
based Jarawa people, killing cancerous retards.
>Gurkhas literally unsheathe their knives and argies leave their hill.
>meanwhile burgers need air support every time one of their muhreens trips and skins his knee.
You fucking reckt him
The army routinely enters an area before the marines.
NONE of the fighting elite of any of those societies actually farmed with their own hands. The best men were rich.
>Which makes their achievements all the greater.....
What achievements, user?
Their claim to fame is the pacific theater. Problem is, the army had more troops in that fight than the marines, and the marines were fighting an army that have even worse gear and woefully outdated tactics.
Beyond that, they have nothing. Hence the marines fucking panicking and lobbying congers to have their force size enshrined into law.
They're utterly redundant, and even their leaders know it.
>Not that its hard to get into, but I promise you if you're crying in bootcamp they aren't going to put first squad to enter the combat zone.
Nobody gives a single shit about boot camp. Literally nobody. It's a fucking game. The sergeants know it. The people who've done it know it. The people IN it know it hallway through, after the thousandth fucking joke gets played on them.
On top of that, it's fucking re-socialization. Crying is normal and expected.
What part of your tiny, tiny mind thinks that the platoon is calling a random fucking DI and asking if one of the HUNDREDS of men they're trained ever cried at night?
They aren't. They spend their time doing what they're fucking told, because nobody who decides what unit goes where gives a SHIT about any individual private, never has, and never fucking will.
Nor is this shit even decided on a squad by squad basis, because squads are absolutely fucking irrelevant. Their company is what goes where, and all of the squads are going with their platoons, tears or not.
Unless they're women, in which case they can get pregnant and take the war off.
Modern farmers in first world nations do not typically experience hardship.
>Farm boys
I see you've never been in any branch of the us military
>Not that its hard to get into, but I promise you if you're crying in bootcamp they aren't going to put first squad to enter the combat zone.
He's actually the most ignorant poster i've ever seen on the subject.
but they were manlets so they had an excuse
found the 16 year old high-schooler who knows shit all about military theory
This is bait right? Right?!?