I'll start.
>Germany as a whole was far better off without the influence of the degenerate Romans, and was in many ways (if not all ways) superior.
>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
>The First World war was not anywhere near as bad as people like to portray it as and that myth of it being "hell" was brought on primarily by cuck liberal propaganda in an attempt to attack nationalism.
>The Romans did far more bad than good, and destroyed Europe.
>Napoleon and the French revolution were a mistake all they did was spread degenerate and cuck ideals throughout the civilized world.
>All France has done in it's history is ruin Europe repeatedly - and surrender.
Unpopular Veeky Forums Opinions Thread
Renaming this thread to "Memes & bait" thread
This post convinced me this isn't a meme thread
False alert everybody, real discussion to be had here
I have been here since 2004 or so. Since then I got my degree in history. However you thread reeks of /pol/macros and the superficial study of sources selected by biased authors.
>False alert everybody, real discussion to be had here
That's right, cuck. If you disagree you could start with disproving any point at I stated (pro tip: you can't)
Not an argument.
Jesus lad, why do you want to shit up this board? Please explain to me your reasons
Discussing history requires sources. Historial arguments have to be empirically grounded. Since you didn't even try to to come up with a basis for your memery it's not an argument either. Simply put: Your thread doesn't deserve anyone's time.
>I have been here since 2004 or so.
>degree in history
Where did it all go wrong?
Not so cool pasta
Most users base their understanding of non-Western history off of memes and preconceived biases
It's all right though. I just need to do some music rips for an archive and can't really read anything that needs attention. So I come here to post or play Civ.
Also the "unemployed historian" is inaccurate meme which I was empirically proven by me department. Things might be different in other countries though.
>why do you want to shit up this board
I'm not. I simply want to redpill the sheeple on this liberal-biased website of the truth. I have provided a comprehensive list of debunked claims that cucks/liberals have stated commonly. I fight my way through the lies for the truth.
>despite preaching for source not a single source was cited as an argument
Is this the part where we both pretend we don't know you're a shitposting memester?
I told you before that my response shitposting won't be an argument. But yeah the thing about WW1 is just ludicrous. Go read Sleepwalkers or Münklers The Great War and we will debate again on the basis of actually having read something about WW1, okay champ?
>Germany as a whole was far better off without the influence of the degenerate Romans
inb4 A Brief History of Germany
Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many. WW1 really was not bad at all. The real reason that liberals are so hellbent on having it portrayed as a literal killing field is because it was a war fought purely for nationalism - every man, fighting for the honor and glory of his respective empire. That's why they hate it so much.
All that Rome did for the western world was bring big, filthy cities and democracy. All of which only promote degenerate ideals which people unironically believe were good in any way, shape or form. Germans lived in small connected tribes and fared far better without these great markers of "civilization".
>Most people enjoyed WW1
ah yes, I'd love to die in a fucking trench, buried in mud as well
>Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many. WW1 really was not bad at all. The real reason that liberals are so hellbent on having it portrayed as a literal killing field is because it was a war fought purely for nationalism - every man, fighting for the honor and glory of his respective empire. That's why they hate it so much.
What the fuck has this to do with anything said
most people enjoyed WW1
>Ernst Jünger enjoyed WW1 therfor most people enjoyed WW1
>Ernst Jünger tried LSD and died in the age of 103
>therefore most people tried LSD and died in the age of 103
That's some nice reasoning there buddy. Also I am neither American nor a liberal so you can take your badly disguised US-/pol/-posting and go fuck yourself :-)
>>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
all the other points are pretty bad
but this one is the worst by far
it takes the cake, and the cake if made from feces
Go back to /pol/
Normally you make a bait thread by throwing a bit of bait into otherwise true ideas. It's far too obvious when the entire fucking OP is bait.
>Germans lived in small connected tribes and fared far better without these great markers of "civilization".
>and my proof for this is Tacitus a totally non-biased German writer from the first century
I like Sabaton. Their songs are enjoyable to listen to, and they make people interested in history so they can learn the backstory about what the band is singing about.
I just don't get the hate.
If they could see the face of Europe today, they would be glad to have died a glorious death for their homeland. As a German-American myself, I think I can understand that feeling, and would have be honored to have fought by their side.
German did not want war - (although not that war is a bad thing). Russia and France conveniently created a pact so they could both attack Germany at once. This could be applied to a similar situation in WW2 as well, where France attacked Germany in the Saar Offensive (after Germany didn't even declare war), before being beaten back with their tail between their legs, as typical of the French.
They were very well off for themselves. I would do anything to live in a country free from degeneracy and cuckoldry.
They are Swedes - Swedes are cucks and they sing about degenerate Bolsheviks.
>As a German-American myself, I think I can understand that feeling
Gave me a good chuckle, well done OP
>As a German-American myself, I think I can understand that feeling, and would have be honored to have fought by their side.
>They were very well off for themselves.
Prove it.
>German did not want war
Bullshit. Pretty much every bigger nation wanted the war. I recommend you: perlentaucher.de
>As a German-American myself
Buchstäblich ein Untermensch mit Affengenen, der seine Argumente so präsentiert, wie man es erwarten würde.
For me its the fact they have that whiny my Chemical Romance voice going on.
0/10 apply and/or educate yourself scrub
Why do you even bother to reply, Veeky Forums? It's b8, let it die.
Alt-right /pol/ GroßGermania memes: the thread
/pol/´s obsession with cuckoldry is so telling, one almost feels sorry for them.
>they sing about degenerate Bolsheviks.
>shitty cheap synths
>no riffs anywhere
>kitschy as fuck melodies
This is fucking shit bro.
Please fuck off
Communism is impossible to achieve. It will get stuck in socialism and develops in a dictatorship of the proletarians before "true communism" is achieved. Anarcho-syndicalism is the biggest joke of them all, as they get curb stomped by Stalinists and the like before they can blink their eyes.
I know this is not exactly Veeky Forums but this has developed in a clone of leftypol.
Isn't viewing yourself as the natural subject and your superiors being put there by good the ultimate form of cuckness?
I'm not arguing the quality. I'm arguing the "they sing about degenerate Bolsheviks" part. Or are the 7th Panzer Division, the Kriegsmarine U-Boat arm, and Simo Hayek all Communists now?
>Prove it.
They were free from degeneracy such as cultural marxism, feminism and capitalism.
Nice try Judern, but my blood traces directly back to the Prussians. But as a staunch nationalism that sentence of lies has little to no effect on me.
t. degenerate cucks who let Tyrone fuck their wife after prepping the bull and jerking off while they watch.
Yes, my point still stands
The ultimate form of cucks is being so deadly afraid of getting cucked it seeps into your every post and it's what you think about around the clock
I'm not even mad you're baiting. I'm mad that you're doing it so fucking horribly.
Ganz netter fail Bruder. Derweil sitze ich im tiefsten Preußen und lache über dich und deine Affengene.
Shit nigger how can you bait so bad and still get replies? Is the rest of this board gullible 14 years old? Oh wait...
No, it's just some random /pol/tard.
They shitpost all the time on Veeky Forums because there are so few mods here.
>t. barbaric German
>As a German-American
Thanks, OP. Started my morning off with a hearty laugh.
>as a german-american
The Byzantines weren't Roman.
Oh my god this is some top-tier bait. Well done OP
europe would have been better off if the nazis had won
>All France has done in it's history is ruin Europe repeatedly - and surrender.
you can said that about germany too you know
>fuck up central Europe by creating the unholy abomination that was the HRE
>fuck up the Christian world by starting the Protestant reformation
>fuck up all of Europe by starting the 30 years war
>fuck up the world by creating Karl Marx
>fuck up the world by deliberately funding and starting the Russian Revolution
>fuck up the world by deliberately escalating WW1 from a minor regional dispute into a true world war
>fuck up the world even further by declaring war on everyone after losing the first world war
>fuck up the western world by making nationalism of any kind a forever-taboo
>fuck up europe even further by creating the EU and fighting to keep it afloat despite everyone being against it
> As a German-American myself, I think I can understand that feeling
Oh lawdy that is brilliant, I was did not come on Veeky Forums today expecting to laugh this hard
*I did not
Kek, laughing so hard I can't even spell!
I wish this was red pill but it is just bait.
>What did the Romans ever do for us?
So you're a rabid revisionist deutschaboo. Cool
Most people enjoyed the first World War because most of the fighting was in concentrated areas. If you were anywhere near Belgium or the Balkans it was hell on earth, but if you were stationed along the Maginot Line or most other places you had fuckall to do. Many people referred to it as the Boring War.
This doesn't change the fact that it was utter hell in some places.
>Maginot Line
I don't know your hip internet acronyms, sonny.
Opinion discarded. Fuck off back to your containment board, bonehead.
Not even him, but it's obvious he means "First World War", as a way of dismissing your idiocy since the Maginot line didn't exist back then.
>most people enjoyed WW1
I can think of millions of people who might disagree with that.
>Germany without Roman influence
Such a thing never existed. Germany was created in 1871 and even HRE had the word ROMAN in its name.
We literally have the same bait thread at least once a month and every time you all still fall for the 'As a proud German American' line. It's fucking comical.
Of course there was something called Germany way before that. That's not the point, the point is the absence of influences. I know OP is trolling but the idea that nations or tribes are boxes naturally divided from each other is retarded.
Thinking that a bunch of forest nigger tribals can be equated with countries that exist today is moronism of the highest order
>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
>As a German-American myself
Let me tell you how I am 1/64 German, 1/64 British, 1/64 French and 1/64 Japanese
>Simo Hayek
REEEEEEEEEE it is Simo Häyhä
Reminder that the causes of WW1 can't be summed up in a few direct pre-war events. But whatever, Veeky Forums is unable to discuss anything above meme level
So you are 1/16 human?
Fucking lizzard people
You are idiot.
WWI was caused by Germany and Austria-Hungary literally.
>my blood traces directly back to the Prussians
So you're a slavshit, then.
Why roleplay as a German?
German autism strikes again
Germanized Slavs are literally the master race.
t. not him
I'm not seeing it.
This bait is stale.
This. I even recognize they're not particularly musically complex.
But that one time Alestorm trying making fun of them was the best song Alestorm ever wrote.
These threads lose their edge when you hear the same "unpopular" opinions daily. Other boards suffer from the same problem with unpopular opinions threads.
This, Veeky Forums and /pol/ simplify the causes of world war 1 as "ebil france/russia/perfidious albion/ jews"
and his summs it up as "ebil germans"
what the hell is he going to cite? your shitty ass thread?
Butt hurt nazi detected
Yeah, that damn German Gavrilo Princip who was funded and ordered by those damn Germans in the Balkans who were allied with those damn Austo-Hungarians in Moscow who egged them to not give a single concession for that heir they just murdered.
Nice try with Google Translate Urntermensh scum. but thankfully for me I am well versed with the die deutsche Sprache. I bet you are just a filthy Roach.
Blue pilled cucks detected...
Finally some sense in this liberal infested thread
>What did the Romans ever do for us?
Absolutely nothing but spread degeneracy and decadence, if I were back then I would personally slay any Roman that I would come across. Anyway notice that the only "successful" Roman were in fact actually Germanic, such as Augustus?
I am not a deutschaboo, I am a German-American, as stated previously. I have 1/24th German blood, and I treasure my heritage. Unlike cucks such as yourself.
Ernst Junger, liked war very much and he was at the forefront of it all. A lucky man.
The Holy Roman Empire was essentially Roman if it was successful, great and free of degeneracy - so they were very different.
Manifest Destiny was necesary, the Indians were simply defeated by a better civilization
>Germans have never done anything good for Europe ever and are human scum
>we should have let the British exterminate them all with anthrax and turned central Europe into a dead zone.
I take it you believe the holocaust never happened as well?
Did you honestly expect yourself to try and """"redpill""" everyone with your historical revionsist bullshit?
I bet you believe that the Holohoax happened, cuck.
He's right, you know?
Not an argument, cuck.
It's true though.
Russia had no business backing Serbian terrorists within the vicinity of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and France had no business backing Russia.
Austria-Hungary and Germany were the good guys.
>I believe the holohoax happened
You have to be over 18 to post here, lad
why do we let such horrible threads exist
This is why this board is shit