What did Jesus actually look like?

What did Jesus actually look like?

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He's an ancient Palestinian Jew, what do you think? Also the Bible says that Jesus is very ordinary looking.

Probably like one of these guys, Samaritans. Unlike Ashkenazi Jews who got enriched by Europeans or muslim Palestinians who got enriched by Arabs, Samaritans remain pretty much the same.

Also Jesus was accused of being a Samaritan by the Pharisees (John 8:48)

Lel no, those guys are crusader descendants who never outbreed

>ancient Palestinian Jew
SOmething like this?

>Crusader descendants

You're American aren't you?

they joined up

It seems absurd to compare what people look like today to people who lived 2000 years in the past. I doubt there's any ethnicity that has remained pure and hasn't breeded with other ethnicities countless times since then.

You're just making shit up, there's nothing identifying Samaritans with the Crusaders, they have no European blood.


I like to believe he was a raptor.

People do move around a lot so there's almost no ethnicities being pure for thousand years, or even exist for that long.

That being said before European colonization in 17th century most of the time there's only small number doing migration compared to original inhabitant so it's safe to assume that today's people of same area represent the look of people of the past.

>very ordinary looking.
This is misleading, the more ordinary you look the more attractive you are

>These data showing that attractive faces are only average are consistent with evolutionary pressures that favor characteristics close to the mean of the population and with cognitive processes that favor prototypical category members.

Basically if you have a small nose or a big nose it's gonna be ugly, if you have an ordinary nose it's actually attractive
If your whole face is ordinary that means you're very handsome


What a fucking retard

>OMG 1000 years ago some crusaders MIGHT have raped some Samartians and then left after a few decades, this means all Samartians are HEAVILY mixed with Crusaders

t. every race, color and ethnicity ever, save the Jews, who will have nothing to do with him

I'm pretty sure they meant "plain" by ordinary. If they meant he was handsome then why not just say so? Since Jesus was meant to appear to be an ordinary human being with human characteristics (he cried when lazarus died) Why are christians so obsessed with the god being a hottie?

Are all christian men gay?

Like this.


like a
Human Shrek


Probably more or less like a modern Mizrahi jew

dumbest fucking post I've ever seen

Forensic experts use ancient Semite skulls to reveal what Christ may have looked like


>daily mail

>a newspaper reporting on a study carried out by not that newspaper

Jesus Christ you are worse than the Daily Mail

Like any other fictional character.

Probably something like this

Look in a mirror

A terrorist

Lol doubt he looked like this

Sure he probably shared some genetic charecteristic with the guy depicted but I have a feeling jesus was a very handsome person and extremely charismatic.
The reason i say that is because guys that rise from the bottom and get a swarm of followers usually have those qualities too them

You all know it's true.

He would be charismatic, but I don't think he'd be very handsome. Maybe some form of above average, but not drop dead gorgeous.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>Daily Fail
>implying you can even guess skin color based on a fucking skull


How is it bait? You literally cannot. Eye and skin color are legitimate guesswork when you recreate a face based on skull, you only get the shape right.

Guys, remember the kiss conundrum: if Jesus was particularly good or odd looking, why would Judas have to personally identify him among the Apostles? He must have been, well, sort of average looking. Otherwise, Judas would have said, "Oh yeah, it's the guy with the blonde hair and blue eyes who looks completely different from any person around here." or "It's that one Aethiopian guy."

>implying all the apostles weren't aryan supermen

>While this enabled Neave to produce a model of what Jesus’s face may have looked like, he and his team had to rely on ancient drawings found at archaeological sites throughout the region in order to estimate the appearance of his hair, eyes, and skin tone.

It's not mysterious what people looked like.

>had to rely on ancient drawings

So you just proved me right, thanks.

You're an idiot.

No, you are an idiot. You literally cannot recreate skin and eye color based on bones, that's the reason we have no idea what color the dinosaurs were.

Spot on as to why Revelations whole "Yeshua was a 10 foot tall glowing aryan superman with hair literally made of burning gold metal) thing is bogus.

Ashkenazi get butthurt that Mizrahi, and thus the Jews of Yeshua's time, are brown.

Good think we don't have to rely on that then, idiot.

I imagine that Jesus looks and acts like James Franco.

Christ was a black man read revelations

>Ashkenazi get butthurt that Mizrahi, and thus the Jews of Yeshua's time, are brown.

Literally never seen any butthurt from Jews about that. It's all white Christians.

Honestly, no memes? Probably not too different from pic related. Remember that modern day Arabia is not representative of the Semitic peoples before Arabization. Greeks, Romans, Phoenicans passed through there, all of which were whites. Of course, Jesus himself was a palestinian Jew, so this really isn't a good argument for that since Jews tended to say away from others. I think people underestimate how white the middle east was before arabization.

So Jesus was a confused homosexual?

Probably, he hung out with 12 dudes and drank wine all the time and preached being cool with everyone.

Whiteboy please. Arabs aren't the only brown people who live in that area, in fact pretty much every other ethnicity that isn't Arab in the Middle East is brown too because of their exposure to the sun.
Also. Phoenicians are white now? Oh Lord.....

>implying God would have a ethnicity, gender, or "chosen race"

>Phoenicians are white now?

Who punched this dude in the eye?

Any amount of foreign injection into the gene pool, no matter how minuscule, would be detectable, its been done with other groups before. There is an aboriginal tribe that had a few stragglers from a shipwreck marry in and genetic traces of this were detected.

Samaritans have absolutely no european blood

>Modern Lebanese are Phoenicians

What's worse is that they're not even white.

>lol lets darken the shade of his skin from the original picture the lab released and show it from the front because it makes his nose look african

The three guys in the front are clearly white.

>Modern Lebanese

Who is the descendant of the Phoenicians then? Did they just disappear without a trace?

>Ashkenazi get butthurt that Mizrahi, and thus the Jews of Yeshua's time, are brown.

Mizrahi aren't neccessarily more representative of the jews of jesus' time, they've mixed with gentile populations too, in many cases populations that bare virtually no resemblance to mediterraneans, like yemeni. And many mizrahi them aren't brown either. There are mizrahi who look just as white as ashkenazi jews. Arabs always described jews as being light skinned and stereotyped them as gingers

they are phonecian, especially the christians. It is common for lebanese and syrian people to be just as white as europeans and ashkenazi jews, syrians are also descended from phonecians

>have a jesus-cut
>religious people mock my hair

I don't understand.

1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him (...)?

Literally what did they mean by this? How does nature teach that long hair is a disgrace?

It's only the bible, lad.

It's not supposed to make sense.

the Bible specifies that he was average looking: "“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.” now you might say that this was from Isaiah, written hundreds of years before Jesus. quite true. but his followers thought that the passage was a prophecy about him, so in their minds he must have been a pretty normal looking guy or else they would not have believed that

What's even more confusing is that Jews were pretty strictly against shaving and you have dudes like Samson. In fact, shaving "holy" men was apparently a sin: "no razor shall come upon his head."
How they went from that to "long hair is naturally shameful", I don't know.

it's just dumb retroactive logic based on the culture of the time. "women have long hair, therefore men shouldn't have long hair!!!"

It's only a disgrace when you wear it as a sign of effeminacy. Church Fathers like Clement of Alexandria said similar.

It also says women shouldn't have braided hair, what's wrong with braids?

Braids are Satan's work.