My ancestors

My great grand parents were born in Hungary. I really don't know much about this country. Can somebody give me a quick rundown about the history of Hungary?

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Yes. Here you go:

All you need to know.

Wow thank you, this is a wonderful website.

>born in Hungary

Were they Hungarians or not?


your ancestors were great in the ways of metal and rock music

Hungarian paprika is pretty great. I especially like it with pork but it goes well with a lot of things.

Sometime before year 1000 the Magyar tribes settled the area west of the Carpathians, they were a pagan tribe and would later venture on money successful raids against their Christian neighbors thanks to their cavalry based strategies. Pretty sure it was something similar to the viking strategy of "Hit them while they are unprepared and run away before more of them arrive" but with horses instead of Boats.

Later on they were defeated by Christian forces lead by Otto I of Germay in the battle of Lechfeld which stopped the Magyar raiding against the west. Otto would later go to create the Holy Roman Empire and be known as Otto the great.

Quite short after that, somewhere around year 1000, a king named Stephen would convert Hungary to Catholic Christianity and form the Hungarian kingdom. This was around the same time as the Nordic peoples converted to Christianity.

After this my knowledge becomes rather brief. They manage to form a union with Poland for some time and when the Ottomans attack they are split up between Austria and the Ottomans.

In 1848 they participate in the wave of Revolutions sweeping through Europe, managing to almost break free from Austria and form a Liberal nationalist government. Any chances of that quickly fades though as the Russians invade from the East and strike down the rebellion.
They do manage to turn the Austrian empire into the Austrian-Hungarian empire, where Austria and Hungary are sort of equals in the same empire.
Some shit happens down in the Balkans and the Slavs who are angry about not getting more representation in the empire ((Think that was Hungary's fault)) start making trouble. This leads on to world war 1, after which Hungary gets split up between their neighbors in the treaty of Trinanon and lose quite a lot of their land, more than Germany did.

>trying to ease ethnic tension by creating smaller nation states
>dispersing a third of hungary's native population
This is just painful

Following world war 2 they have a communist revolution. It do lose popularity as it fails to take back the lands Hungary lost and later gets destroyed when Romania invades and takes Budapest ((Side note, Budapest used to be two separate cities that grew into one))
After that they get a fairly conservative and moderate monarch who really isn't a monarch but who is waiting for the return of the Hasburgs ((Who never returned))
Hungary participates in the dividing of Czechoslovakia and gets large pieces of what that currently is Slovakia. The place had and has a big Hungarian Minority.
Hitler makes sure they gets some land from Romania ((Most of Transylvania I think)) and even something from Yugoslavia. They get a communist regime installed, start reforming as Stalin dies but reform to much and get invaded in 1956 by Soviet tanks. The US did want to place pressure on the Soviets because of their suppression of the Hungarian people, though the French, Anglo and Israeli invasion of Egypt makes the west lose their moral high ground. Hungary takes an important part in the fall of the iron curtain by removing their fence at the Austrian border which allows thousands of Germans to move to west that way.
Rather recently they also built a fence to keep out refuges.

Any real Hungarian may correct or add to this.

This is good. Basically:

nomadic tribes of the east->medieval kingdom->hapsburg kingdom->austria-hungary dual monarchy->trianon

Also Arpad is considered sort of the founding father of Hungary.

In reality St. Stephen was

Can't it be said Stephen was more of the founder of the Hungarian state who brought it from being a tribal princedom to being a feudal kingdom?
Also, I have heard Hungary was never truly feudal. None of the crown's vassals had vassals of their own and answered only to the king.

> None of the crown's vassals had vassals of their own and answered only to the king.

It was feudalism just with the king as the ultimate liege instead of a top down structure. It still had serfdom, feudal duties and all that shit.

>they get a fairly conservative and moderate monarch who really isn't a monarch but who is waiting for the return of the Hasburgs ((Who never returned))

He also had his oldest son die during the war, from which he never recovered. Later his youngest son was taken hostage and almost killed by the Nazis while the Soviets were getting close to the capital, which led to his fall from power.


Hun wannabes

Just saying you ancestors might be from another country and immigrated to Hungary
My father is from Hungary but his great grandparents (on both sides) immigrated from either South Germany or Austria

This, I'm Danish, but my father's family fled hungary 800 years ago.

What did they flee from?

Just remember they BTFO the mongols

Hungarian here, pretty much everyone is like that, most people are aware of their ancestry (for most people it's slavic and or German). Only the biggest idiots boast HURR 100% MAGYAR

they got wrecked hard by the ottomans in mohacs

>huge defeat

One of the biggest memes there is. It was a narrow Ottoman victory, but they suffered big losses too and stopped the Hungarian campaign, they only gained a small amount of territory in the South. They didn't even come back for several years. Also, it was more of a Polish-Hungarian-Czech army as the country was ruled by the Jagellonian dynasty.

What really mattered there is that the king fell in battle and he had no broadly accepted heir (he was only 20). By right his heir was Ferdinand von Habsburg, but he was barely known in Hungary, so a piece of shit local noble John Zápolya decided to name himself the new king and fought a bloody civil war for his bullshit claim for years, and eventually, the Ottomans only had to march into the disunited country and take most of it. At this point John Zápolya swore fielty to the Sultan and opened the gates of his cities and castles for the Turks so they would make him """"king""""". I can't stress enough what a scumbag this guy was.

> It was a narrow Ottoman victory, but they suffered big losses too
what the hell are you smoking? the ottoman lost somewhere around ~ 1,500 to 5000 men while the catholic alliance lost around ~ 14,000 to 20,000+ men, even suleiman himself was surprised at how easy it was. it was a decisive victory.

According to Turkish scources, which are notoriously unreliable about wars. Western observers talk about massive losses on the Ottoman side as well and modern archeology seems to back this up. Also, if it was such a crushing defeat, why didn't the Ottomans take the whole kingdom immediately? Instead, they just sacked undefended cities after the battle and went home.

mercenaries arent included in the deathtoll, and based on ottoman location, their native armies did very little dying themselves, and benefitted off mass tech/global innovation for centuries, controlling the central on-land tradepost area of the world. only reason they eventually got overtook was by the age of naval supremacy..

some guy on this forum said it great before in that they rode the tech boom all the way until it washed up on the shores of asia & africa (britain that is, and other europ powers duch iberia france etc)

this stood likewise until america overtook it with flight/space