>Coasting in neutral
Coasting in neutral
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But muh MPGs
coasting in neutral in a fuel injected car increases fuel injection
>here, let me waste all the momentum i've gained and let the engine carry itself like it's idling in my garage.
A fuel injected car coasting in gear is virtually not using fuel, any car in neutral ever is using fuel
>not shutting your engine off and coasting down hills
it's like you like wasting gas
>>here, let me waste all the momentum i've gained and let the engine carry itself like it's idling in my garage.
>A fuel injected car coasting in gear is virtually not using fuel, any car in neutral ever is using fuel
A car coasting in gear is suffering far, far more parasitic drag to the point it heavily outweighs any fuel usage of the engine idling in neutral, especially if it's on a downward hill.
You are dumb.
You are really dumb.
>what is engine braking
>he doesn't know about pulsing
>he doesn't research hypermiling technique
Wow get a load of this pleb
is it OK to put it in neutral and turn the car off to coast and save fuel?
Yes, this is a thing, read above
Yeah nigga me coasting in top gear down a hill is so much worse than me coasting in top gear on flat ground.
You know dem downward hills always slowing you down.
And if you had ever driven a car before, you'd know that engine braking at low RPM is essentially nonexistent.
You use more fuel cranking the engine than you do letting it idle. You are also putting more wear on the starter
You don't use the starter, you don't crank it.
You start with the clutch.
>And if you had ever driven a car before, you'd know that engine braking at low RPM is essentially nonexistent.
That depends entirely upon the car you're driving.
>losing your power steering and brakes
>potentially locking your steering column
>having to restart your car a few seconds later
>all to save a few cents in fuel
Are you Jewish by any chance?
>how do I bump start a car
the clutch connections the crankshaft to the drive train
if the wheels are turning and the clutch is engaged, the crank is turning. starters are a luxury
>coasting in neutral in a fuel injected car increases fuel injection
explain. i coast in neutral all the time.
>starters are a luxury.
Get out of your car and push start it then idiot. When you are coasting you are using zero gas. The amount of parasitic drag is irrelevant if you are getting infinite miles to the gallon.
Instead you waste money and wear your car trying to save a few cents. Good job you fucking Slav.
>tfw have to have my brake pedal depressed in order to start the engine or move the gear shifter
> be coasting in gear
> injector pulse almost zero
> tires spinning engine, not other way around
> coast in neutral
> engine is essentially idling, injector pulse is greater than in gear ( you are fucking using more gas)
> transmission may run into lubrication issues
Even going downhill, coasting in neutral doesn't save gas. It wastes it.
> letting gravity keep the engine running
> injecting gas to run the engine
I'll let you retards figure that one out.
I was going to post some long shit that didnt make sense but this guy got it The day I understand it is that the wheels are connected to the engine when in gear and when going downhill the wheels are spinning the engine
You are also not putting your foot on the gas (which is a choke for the air intake, more air coming in uses more fuel, foot not on gas is minimal air)
This car recognizes this and stops sending fuel altogether
Engine rpm is based on wheel speed and the length of the gear and other shit
Cummins fag here, I have a YOB so I don't give a fuck about fuel, I floor it everywhere
If i coast in neutral for longer then 20seconds my check engine light comes on
>dad rides along
>son why do you downshift, putting it in neutral saves gas
at least once a month I give him a ride and have to explain
You're both kind of dumb.
Downshifting wears out your synchronizers in your trans faster and your clutch faster. Also, continuously keeping your engine revving up and down while you're slowing down puts more wear on it too.
So, would you like to replace your engine, clutch, and trans early or burn an extra thimble of gas?
modern cars turn off the fuel injectors when going down hill. putting the car in neutral actually raises consumption. I have a digital mpg display in my car and noticed that on my first roadtrip.
>Downshifting wears out your synchronizers in your trans faster and your clutch faster.
what? have you never heard of rev matching?
whatever the topic you are wrong.
Come on now, no need to go insulting people who don't deserve it
>I rev my engine to save gas
Keep talking you're really convincing me
the amount of gas you save is like 0.01%
the amount of danger you apply to yourself is quadruppled
>not coasting in neutral so the start/stop turns on automatically and saves precious empeegees
>poor cucks having heated debates on how to save maybe a cent on gas
Guessing most of you are Europoors, yes?
engine braking exists
sir how did you allow yourself to get this upset
did you make up a hypothetical situation where someone genuinely claimed that vehicles would be better without starters and then foam up or what
>A fuel injected car coasting in gear is virtually not using fuel
It's also not coasting unless It's automatic
When I let off the gas in any gear it's going to start slowing down unless I'm downhill, then it might maintain a certain speed.
I'm poor yuropoor and I fuking kek every time I read about saving gas techniques.
Solution is simple as fuck:
>Buy a small engined lightweight car
>Drive like grandma
>5l/100km congrats you saved moneyz
>Drive like you stole it
>6l/100km, was it worth it you maniac?
>Actually yes so meh
>coasting in an automatic
I fucking what?
Some autos do let you go into neutral manually while driving. Only benefit I can see from this is that you get no engine braking. I don't coasts to save gas but to time it so that I'm still rolling when I get to a red light and maybe hit green while doing so. Saves me from accelerating from 0. Which does save you gas :)
>people actually do this
>turn to go around corner
>steering lock comes on
Downshifting is pointless unless used for braking. Maybe when coming to a stop from say 60, ill stay in 5th till i reach 30, then do 3rd, but even then it either wears your clutch and tranny unnecessarily, unless you rev match, but then you burn more gas then you saved getting the engine up to rpm.
holy fucking bait, prepare to get called an auto driver by someone on Veeky Forums who thinks you're serious
>start easing on the brakes to slow yourself down a bit
>lose brake pressure
I floor it down hill and start up high slow as fuck...then romp on it about a third of the way up. Slow down at the top, and shit bricks goin down. Ill rev the fuck out of my car, while revving ill switch it into first gear and take off breaking all the traction...fuck your gas sipper cum dipper shit
steering lock only comes on after you fully remove the key. You can turn off the engine and still have all your controls.
you lose power braking but the pedal will still work. you just have to press it harder.
Everybody just read this and shut the fuck up. Coasting in the highest gear not neutral yields the best mileage, not to mention you should always be in gear.
>you should always be in gear
Being in the highest gear at 1000rpm is no safer than being in neutral. The argument is always "what if something miraculous happens and you need to accelerate quickly. you don't want to waste a precious half second putting it in gear." But when you're in high gear at low RPM you can't accelerate quickly anyway, so you would have to waste even more time downshifting.
That's why you're suppose to be in the correct gear. If you coast in neutral in a manual car on your driver's test it's an instant fail. Everybody should know how to drive a manual properly before taking short cuts.
always being in the correct gear makes sense, yes. However that user made the "you should always be in gear" claim in support of his recommendation to always coast in the highest gear. It's stupid.
Coasting in the highest gear for the hyper mileage is factual science that is provided with mathematical indisputable data, if you wish to exercise your autism in the matter go ahead.
it's not science. its just the way the fuel map is set up.
>Mechanical gear ratios are now mapping
Thanks for demonstrating you don't know what you're talking about
i drive manual cars for the fun and engagement fuck the MPGs
>engine braking
Don't do this. Use your brakes which are actually designed for slowing the car down.
does rev matching really save the clutch though? I feel like I'm engaging the clutch twice as much compared to if I just coasted to stops. I always rev match and use engine braking quite a bit, but I feel like it's costing my car's engine and clutch life