>putting rangefinders on rangefinders
>on rangefinders
For what purpose?
Nah, it's not bulky enough. Makes me think pagoda more than anything.
>putting rangefinders on rangefinders
>on rangefinders
For what purpose?
Nah, it's not bulky enough. Makes me think pagoda more than anything.
I want off of this fucking shitty ride.
>set two fires with one salvo
>they immediately expire because someone else had set his bow on fire and it was almost out
>immediately set another 2 fires and he repairs them
>Then no fires ever again
>i ran out of premium today
grinding these krautbbs will now, truly take forever
Backup? these turrets were designed in such a way they should work if two guns are knocked out. WG doesn't model it though because russian codes ))))))
Dispersion looks quite big and are you just ment to go forward since trying to WSAD while running away is kinda hard since you have to angle quite hard to shoot back.
What would you consider the quintessential ship for each Nation?
Not nesesairaly the best ship in the tree, but the one that captures the spirit of it more than any other
Nip: Yamato. Big guns, big range, big damage
Clap: Cleveland or Baltimore. High gun arcs, decent HE and AAA stacked on AAA
KM: hard to say because the CAs and the BBs are so different but I would have to say the Hipper with its fantastic AP, which remains on both the CAs and BBs
Bong: Warspite. I don't say that because it's basically the only original ship in the RN, but because I believe that it will be a template for the RN. Great maneuverability and decent, accurate guns
>that pic
>that fucking image
I can't breathe