kick them out then
"Hit the Poles so hard that they despair of their life; I have full sympathy with their condition...
>Where and when?
>If you're referring to the Prussian settlement commision: the numbers of new settlers was certainly not massive; wiki lists the number as 150,000, which was a drop in the bucket compared to the total population of the Eastern provinces.
They took over massive amounts of land. Pic related.
>that fucking eastern border
So this is how cancer truly looks like
You know that, sadly, most of those Ukrainians in the west had Polish ancestors and are Poles in denial? Those banderite faggots could be expelled with their entire families to the Dnieper tho, just like how the Soviets did with Poles in Kresy.
What's wrong with it? It's just slightly less then what Poland had before WW2.
Oh, didn't know that. But apparently it affected foreigners whose deportation is generally a legal measure, albeit pretty cruel.
>They took over massive amounts of land.
Yes, and the commission payed for it. Most of the land was actually purchased from German landowners.
>You forgot the part in which the Teutons were thoroughly beaten
Nope, the Teutonics failed to defeat Poland, but they weren't decisively beaten.
even though interwar border was shit with that giant schlong in Belarus, it still was going smoothly, looks like it was drawn by a five year old in paint, just look at that lithuania, not too mention the fact of cutting out a part of galicia, which makes southeastern border look like ass. And that chech silesia was not only ahistoriacally looking, but it allso looks terrible
t. map pro
No matter if it was legal or not. You (was it you?) asked why Poles hate Bismarck.
meant to link to instead of
yep it was me
yeah you're right