Tell me about the IRA and the UDA, Veeky Forums

Catholics in Ballymurphy were treated as second class citizens akin to the treatment of black people in pre-civil rights America.

>the majority of Native Irish strongly opposed the Easter Rising of 1916 as both rash and backstabbing
A common assertion that's never been backed up with any kind of evidence. People make this assumption as most Irish were IPP supporters before the rising and turning to SF supporters after, but it is a huge conclusion to come to from such a tenuous link. Truth is we don't know what most irish people thought. We know there were some Dubliners who were angry at the rebels, but we don't know a whole lot more.

>If the Irish ceded three more counties with large (but not overwhelming majority) Scottish-Protestant populations (ie. Tyrone, Armagh, and Fermanagh), the UK would wipe away a large portion of the debt the Irish Free State owed. The Irish agreed, and that's how a large Irish-Catholic population ended up inside the newly carved "Northern Ireland" province.
This is complete bollocks. Northern Ireland was conceived in it's 6 county form years before and was established by the government of Ireland act in 1920, before the signing of the Anglo-Irish treaty. There was never a 3 county NI, not even as a proposal. It's been suggested that Collins was promised an NI that would be too small to survive, and as per the A-I treaty a boundary commission would be established to deal with the border later, but that never came to much.

>The Provisional IRA formed in order to protect the rights and lives of the Irish minority living in NI
The Provos formed because of a split with the Dublin leadership, though this was a result of their percieved failure to protect catholic civilians at the beginning of the troubles.

>"Protect the Irish minority" by bombing civilians in England. Yeah.
The bombings in England have pretty much nothing to do with the split with the Dublin leadership of the IRA, which occured because the Northern IRA members felt enough wasn't being done to protect Catholic civilians as their neighbourhoods were being attacked and torched by protestant mobs. So yeah, the Provos were set up to protect the Irish minority in NI

siege of derry

UDA and IRA both equal scumbags both two sides of the same coin.

Today that's a pretty valid statement, but in the past it's very clear that the IRA primarily targeted officials that could be classed as "combatants" or "enemies to their cause" while the UDA killed almost exclusively innocents.

This. As the loyalist sayings went 'Yabba dabba doo any fenian will do' and 'all taigs are targets'