Spend days contemplating on human existence and the mysteries of the universe on my way to sagehood

I'm guessing you haven't read the Apology yet

They didn't know that. And why would they just the words of their enemy? For all they know he was lying so he could get his sister.

Is this kino?

I said it. Sagehood
you dont belong here
please dont start it. I just found the "nor nao it enze" funny and immediately dropped the series

comic of this when?

the best kind of kino, asskino

lmao does that get you pussi? I thought not

>be Hispanic
>consider myself "smarter" than my cousins
>they don't read or anything or care about anything other than drinking and drugs
>talking about what I'm going to major in(geology)
>dude you want to study fucking rocks lmao
>explain to them how it's fascinating how the earth was formed bla bla bla
>dude you talk like ur fucking white lmao
Life is suffering

Actually the correct answer was: "they needed a fight scene"

This is the only logical answer for a show that has long since sacrificed things such as plot and character development, in order to focus solely on action, spectacle, and shock value.

I'm right though, "contemplating the mysteries of human existence and the mysteries of the universe" is both navel gazing and not actually worth wasting time on. Pretending that your "on my way to sagehood" is the height of pretentious stupidity.

>>feminists ruining mah videogames
This by contrast is based on a misunderstanding of marketing tactics and corporate strategy but is ultimately a worthwhile concern if you care about having access to entertainment that suits your own particular preferences.